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Everything posted by WooJung

  1. 2 tackles and the ball bounces right back, perfectly for him...
  2. By signing so many forward players Smith had to play McGinn as a 6 to accommodate that. Which was a failure to get the best out of both the forward players and McGinn himself. Gerrard comes with a fresh slate and the license to change everything he deems to be ineffective, and that's one of the first thing he addressed.
  3. Depending on the game Luiz can be brilliant at both. He's been sublime playing as a 6 during project restart and at the beginning of last season, but he's shown what he can offer as an 8 tonight and against Everton. I'm happy with him playing in either role, depending on the opposition
  4. The last outfield player of around that age we've had was Robert Pires if I remember correctly. What a stark difference and what a shrewd signing. As if yet it doesn't sadly seem to be the case for our other summer signings, hopefully this will change very soon
  5. Very promising but should've scored there. Imagine if he had won us a point against Man city, how big that would've been for him and for us.
  6. That's how you want your striker to play against Man City. Great performance, possibly his first this season and hopefully one of many more to come
  7. As good as Ramsey has been Luiz starts ahead of him for me. What a performance
  8. To think that with better decision making we could've gone 1-0 up on a couple of occasions. Maybe we should implement IQ tests in our scouting analysis
  9. Young might not have the pace but at least he's got the brains
  10. He's had a poor run of games but it must be said, across the two games under Gerrard he's arguably been our best player. Colossal against Brighton and created good chances, solid today and a goal on top of that! Good lad
  11. It definitely helps him playing as an right rather than as a 6. That was actually one of Deano's biggest flaws, he failed to realise that our midfield isn't equipped to play with two 6s (I suppose Nakamba and Luiz would work, but then you'd have to drop both Ramsey and McGinn and we'd have no real ball carriers).
  12. The most impressive thing about his goal is that El Ghazi actually passed it
  13. Impressed with Nakamba, never seen him so composed on the ball
  14. Passing it would've been the right thing to do there Hindsight is wonderful and we're all delighted he didn't, but there have been a few occasions this season in which there was a pass on and he shot instead. Overall I've been underwhelmed by Ollie this season, his decision making has been poor, his finishing has generally been poor (Saturday's goal aside) ans his touch and control have been way off. Hopefully this goal boosts his confidence and he can improve
  15. He's right up there with McGinn and Mings for my man of the match, had Lamptey in his pocket. Looked like the player he was last season and long may it continue
  16. Indeed, it is a massive downgrade when we are in possession. I tense up every time Nakamba receives the ball and there's an opposition player around him, and it looks very much like he does as well
  17. Cash has been good, but the way he got caught flat footed in the passage of play leading to Emi's save could have been very costly. Very poor and unintelligent defending.
  18. He also got us the Scottish Cafu though, and we'd never have had THAT goal against the scum. That alone was worth a season of dross under MacLeish!!!
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