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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. Couldn't give a shit if it crossed the line or not Some of us will remember Fernando Nelson's 'GOAL' at Everton that never was. Not too disimiliar at all **** off scousers!
  2. and surely as a Villa fan you wouldn't be claiming you'd rather have had 0 points than 1 idiot
  3. Spoken like a true bluenose. Get back up the road
  4. As much as i'd have wanted a win, a draw up there considering their form (and ours!) has to be taken as a positive. Good match, end to end, Brad in fine form but as you'd expect, we looked a bit nervy at both ends. That's going to be how it is until we're safe. No point dwelling on it. The stream I watched made it hard to be absolutely postive if Beckford's shot went over the line, but i thought it looked likely. But i got a clear view of Makoun's foul and there wasn't one. He'd pulling his leg back in and Jagileka used his nouse to clip his foot and fall over Definitely not a penalty IMHO but i think that balanced the decisons out. Lets just be happy with the effort and point and take it into next Sunday and build on it.
  5. Morning General Just a quick note to say a BIG thanks to the club for this £1 a kid (for members of JV Life) initiative for the Wigan game. Just the kind of thing I love this club for. My nephews now going and becaus eof the offer two extra adults too. All helps i'm sure Ulver
  6. Can't wait, as always with any Villa match
  7. See, I knew not all our supporters were negative hate mongers. Some smart **** has decided to do something POSITIVE to back the team we're all supposed to love. See over at H&V for more details. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_199433363412189&ap=1 If that doesn't work just type in bring flag/scarf to newcastle game Now someone tell me how that stupid protest idea was ever going to spread a positive vibe to the players and everyone like this will ? Yowzer!
  8. General I see that the club have cancelled the first of the planned live music nights in the Holte Pub. Good idea but you just knew it wouldn't get any interest sadly. Try booking some bands that appeal to people that go to live gigs, get some young bands on etc. Get the students in Turn it over to some music promoter on certain days. Middle aged folks don't go out to these things anymore. Not when they can listen to cabaret style stuff down their local club.
  9. Taking Reo Coker off was bizarre, I much prefer Makoun as a footballer but he was absolutely woeful yesterday (can't believe he polled any MOTM votes) and nobody around us could believe it was Coker he took off and not Makoun. I'd have took Makoun off, stuck Downing in middle alongside Coker. Switched Ash to left wing and put Gabby on up top with Bent in a straight 4-4-2 formation Bent was bloody woeful too. He seems in a daze at the moment. I'd already accepted last week that we're on course to go down, and yesterday just confirmed my suspicions. Too many players playing well below their powers and not giving it their all
  10. I am absolutely bricking it. On a personal level the Dogheads are the team I loathe most. Being from the Black Country and surroudned by doghead loving mates since birth thats just the way it is. On top of that its my birthday this weekend and a defeat willc ast a horrible shadow over my mood for the entire weekend/week/month ahead All I pray is that every single player goes out their and does their best. I'm not asking for miracles, just a 100% from each of them to try and get the 3 points The Dogheads wont be a pushover. They'll be more than up for it and sniffing out the bad vibes in our camp as they try and win. And I firmly believe they will come to try and win Stand tall Villa boys. And **** em off
  11. Does anyone else remember Reddington's as complete **** rip off ? The amount of times I went in there in my teens egaer to spend only to laugh at their prices and leave empty handed was legendary. No wonder they went bust
  12. Stay. Get through this nightmare of a season. Give him the chance to ship out those who aren't up to the new style of play in the summer Bring in a few new faces and off we go, good as new
  13. Absolutely LOVING this poll result so far. Its exactly what we need, the faithful need to get behind the manager and club The rest can do one.
  14. If you've watched football for any length of time you'll know thats not always the case. May I refer you to Rotterdam 82 for example That was good football, we won. It wasn't what some would call good football. We defended like trojans, barely had a shot while they battered our goal If that exact same performance was played out yesterday i'm sure you wouldnt be calling it great
  15. Under O'Neill, some folks actually said they didnt care about the result they just wanted excitement and some good football It seems to me people actually don't know what they want. Except they always want what they haven't got at any particular time!
  16. If you've watched football for any length of time you'll know thats not always the case. May I refer you to Rotterdam 82 for example
  17. General Many of us can see the BIG PICTURE and even if it means going one step down before coming back so be it. The change in football style already is a VAST improvement and it's easy to see where we'll be once the manager's been given free reign to assemble his own team. Days like yesterday happen to all the best sides, it happened to Bayern Munich in 1982 to our benefit for one. We couldn't have played much better, and we will (and have) played much much worse and won in the past. The phrase that sums that kind of result up perfectly is "shit happens". Ulver
  18. Are you SERIOUSLY trying to claim they aren't a better side than us ? He deserves flak for the team selection no doubt. But to pick on that absolute truth he said is a bit mental to be frank
  19. I've come to the conclusion already that Boardwalk Empire is massively hyped up. It's 'alright'
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