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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. i can't believe anyone is arguing with that. Chelsea were hardly Brazil 82 under him either
  2. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Someone **** with his sat nav or something
  3. the prospect of Mark Hughes managing us gives me as much fear as Ireland ever waering the Villa shirt again a MASSIVE HUGE BIG GINORMOUS NO to both the useless ****
  4. then the answer is to stop worrying about reaching the CL and to just enjoy the football
  5. not sure the point of comparing two totally different types of player
  6. I'd have happily shot them both. No worries
  7. Hands up the 3 people who said too severe ...
  8. Go **** yourself Stephen
  9. any chance you could dream about Cheryl Cole coming round to my gaff tonight please ?
  10. Obsevations from the armchair in front of the PC 1. Our defence are all over the place, they can't hold a line to save their lives 2. Perfectly good goal from Bent that was ruled out 3. Walker bombs up too much without thinking about what happens if we lose the ball 4. Great goal 5. Neither of our central midfielders have the brains to attack the box. Thats a big downfall and emans that any knock downs in the box will go unrewarded
  11. It's not no, but stick with it as it is still a good show in it's own right. The first season is very similar , story wise to the UK but after that they kind of go their own way and make it their own . agree totally. try and seperate the two in your mind and you'll grow to love it. its a lot more comedy based than the UK one, and gets dafter with each series. i love it though just started watching Rubicon. undecided about it so far
  12. It was a massive let down for me
  13. On a scale of 1-10, with Blose being 10. I'd rate a game with Coventry at about -1 Walsall would be about 2
  14. Not to mention the fact he simply couldn't be arsed when he got on the pitch in a Villa shirt.
  15. Made perfect sense to me at the time. We needed to keep the ball and his experience was what we needed over some pace like Albrighton for example The problem is, for me Pires needs 30 minutes to get his joints warmed up so it didnt really offer anything We still won so no point dwelling on it
  16. just listening to talksport phone in. if anyone knows the Villa supporter Vernon who always rings in. please shoot him
  17. Weirdly i've heard from the one man who knows best, Downing himself last week saying he's VERY happy here and is staying
  18. I think Makoun has done just fine so far
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