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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. Go **** yourself Downing. 'If' he goes he'll feel my wrath like no other upon his return
  2. Just...Unbelievable Just best to ignore the insane ramblings and then they might stop
  3. Top quality, as always I'd have given it 7/10 The first set dragged for me, too much filler when they could've been knocking out some really classic stuff instead. The second set ruled as you'd expect
  4. Really excited by Makoun from just the few games i've seen already. Him, Delph and a hard, strong ball winner will rule the middle for years to come
  5. Points of view. Or alternatively don't be so precious
  6. and when has N'zogbia looked world class ? his attitude is questionable to say the least.
  7. I'm sure Fergie will be after him seeing as he's better than Ash (apparently) and half the price
  8. Hughes would be a downgrade on what we have now. And thats saying something
  9. I think it's because he can finish in good positions with a shoestring budget. Just imagine if he had a fair budget? I think that's what some of us are excited about. I want Moyes, but all this talk about him having no money to spend during his Everton reign is utter nonsense. Up until we paid 18m for Bent they'd even broke our transfer record!
  10. I still find it hard to believe anyone can become a professional footballer with one leg Even at the age of 6, I've drilled into my nephew that you must always use your weak foot to make it stronger. Since doing so his left foot has come on a treat. It just baffles me how anyone can really be that one footed.
  11. I've always considered the lap of honour is a chance for the players to thank the supporters as much as anything else
  12. Thats not hard when you're at teams considered amongst the bets in their respective leagues is it ? Its when you do it at team that isnt expected to do well that it makes you special
  13. How would that be an advantage exactly?, he was playing awful long before Houllier turned up Sorry Ulver looking back it does look incoherent. What I meant was imagine 2 situations 1) GH stays - Warnock gets sold or 2) GH goes, New manager wants to give Warnock another chance. The advantage therefore of GH staying is that Warnock wouldn't get that chance with us. So whats the advantage to Aston Villa ?
  14. How would that be an advantage exactly?, he was playing awful long before Houllier turned up I assume he means that if GH stays then Warnock will not play for us, but if he does the door might be open again I know, my question was how would Warnock playing again be of any help ? He's been shit since the second half of last season.
  15. How would that be an advantage exactly?, he was playing awful long before Houllier turned up
  16. and apart from an unproven Albrighton, who would we play on the wings ? its always better to have players than cash in the bank
  17. It's that crazy time of year. We'll be arguing the toss over ITK rumours for the next 3/4 months. I heard today that Moyes is a shoe in for the managers job for example. If Downing asks to leave, after we signed him injured and on the back of one great season. He'll feel my wrath like no other. I don't believe he will mind, and he seems a level headed bloke. I'd love Milner back, BUT he's a Judas, another who was here 5 minutes and decided he was too good for us. Which has been shown to be complete bollocks of course. I have more of a cob on with Milner than I ever could with Barry for example. At least Barry gave us some proper years of service before buggering off. I like to see him doing well whereas I just love seeing Milner sitting on his arse getting splinters
  18. Out of morbid curiosity. What would you be happy with ? 6th/7th ? Were you content with that under O'Neill or did you want/expect more ? I doubt we'll EVER finish in the top 4 again. So i've just accepted that and realised I don't actually care. As long as we 'try' to aim high i'm ok with falling short I've never thought of the top 4 as some great triumph anyway. Winning something yes, finishing 4/3/2 = Not really that bothered
  19. I'm sure some people said the same about Hitler had he not shot himself. Ireland has burned ALL of his alloted bridges with Villa for me. His complete lack of effort and non willingness to break sweat was all the evidence i needed to see with my own eyes to know he's a shytster, The comments about Birmingham were merely just the sprinkles on top of his well baked shit cake.
  20. Dear General After a quick Q&A, contrary to Alec's views it seems a lot of us COULDN'T care less what colour the socks are Thanks Ulver
  21. another reason to avoid Hughes then. Ireland should be shot before ever being let near the first team again
  22. Agreed, he's on a par with Curbishley and Sven for me File under totally underwhelmed
  23. who exactly do you expect to be queuing up for the Villa job ?
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