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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. I'd say we both have the same chance, NONE Downing said he wants to play in the Champions League. He didnt say he wanted to play for a team that MIGHT get in it one day Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City are going to take some shifting from the top 4. And Liverpool have shown nothing to suggest they have "it" anymore than we do in my humble opinion. Suarez looks good in fits and starts (crap against us), but you know he'll be poached by one of the bigger teams if he keeps improving. No different to our best players will be. But convince me if you can.
  2. my theory one person started this Ancelotti is in Birmingham rumour for a joke. that then got picked up by other Villa forums, people then texted their mates saying he's on Brum, they passed onto someone else and so on and before you know it, everyones mate knows Ancelotti's in some Midlands hotel. but nobody actually knows anyone that does know it all seems a bit vague and hopeful to me
  3. That's a bit mysterious. I vaguely remember just before Houllier was appointed, the odds on him were not too high and I can't remember him being favourite odds. So, do bookies odds mean anything or give an indication who could be appointed ?? isn't it the same every night ???
  4. I've had 25-1 on drawing at half time and England winning at 90 mins. With Milner and Walcott starting maybe i'm in with a shout after all
  5. Agree, and disagree. It's the boards job to appoint a man they believe fits in whatever plan they have for the future of Aston Villa. It's not their job to win a popularity contest. When we appointed Grgeory nobody was expecting it, but he did a pretty decent job didn't he ?. In fact considering his lack of managerial experience he did a pretty amazing job. The problem now is some people care more about what the media or other people think of the manager than they do about how well he can do the job. I've sort of warmed to the idea of Martinez. He seems to have a good football philosophy and seems the kind of man manager players like too
  6. You do realise the players (that aren't on international duty) are all on holiday like everyone elses i assume ? They don't report back for another month. Calm down dear
  7. You would think all bookies would know that then ... but they obviously don't File under bullshit.
  8. Lets be serious. Look at the sides and resources he won them with! Do people think he's going to do the same with our squad and budget ? I also worry about what interest he'd have in the youth side of things. Thats the only way our club will ever become big again. By nuturing our own
  9. Isn't that just because everyone is getting carried away and lumping on him ? I'd take a 33/1 flutter on Deschamps
  10. Look who i've just bumped into at the Holte Pub He looked VERY happy
  11. why do these people that keep harping on about offering 5 year contracts, assume any player would want to sign a 5 year contract ?
  12. As much as a 'sexy' name that Ancelotti is (or Der Gaal for that matter) i'm really not sure it's a good idea. Both are used to working at successful/huge clubs. And with that comes great players and funds to keep them there. That's their domain. It's what they're used to. With the best will in the world, that isn't us. And it's never going to be. We can't afford world class players. If either of them came in as Villa manager I could just see them doing what O'Neill did and establish us as top 6 - because we don't have the financial clout to break that ceiling, and neither of them would be loyal enough to do it the old fashioned way by grooming a squad over 5 years or so. They'd just get bored and look to jump ship as soon as a more glamourous job appeared on the horizon i'm almost certain. We need a manager that is going to grow with the team. It's the only way we'll ever break the stranglehold. Trust in our youth development, with a few added gems from the Randy transfer pot and work at the long term solution. For me Moyes is that man. He knows how to work within constraints
  13. Can you honestly not just wait for an announcement ???
  14. You can say that again! My blood is already at boiling point with the tosser. So much so i don't know how i'd react if he pulls on the Villa shirt again. Would it be worth getting banned just to punch him square in the face ? It'd save me a about a grand a year I guess
  15. I think Plop are stupid enuff too Sadly for Stewart, they aren't in the Europa Cup nevermind his desired Champions League. So he wouldn't be interested obviously
  16. Downing has probably burnt his bridges with me after that disrespectful outburst. To think, this is the same player that was happy as larry and happt at Aston Villa just over two weeks ago. Just tells you all you need to know about the modern footballer. Not all of them, just scumbags like Downing. The best bit is, he says he wants champions elague football. so that leaves the door open for bids from Chelsea (unlikely), Man Utd (unlikely) and Man City (can't see it myself). Oh and Arsenal should they qualify That's taking a big risk that one of that small band will come in and rescue Stewart from his apparent Villa hell, for the required 20-25m I'd LOVE it if we said to him. 'Ok Stewart, you've shown you true colours. And providing one of those 4 come in with the required 20m you'll be sold. But if they don't you'll be starting the season on the bench at best and watching your newly ressurgent England career go down the pan' Tough love, for a rocket polisher of the highest order. I'm sure a season sitting on his arse being forgotten will be the slap in the face he so richly deserves. **** bellend.
  17. Possibly your greatest reply ever General. And one no doubt the vast majority here enjoyed as much as myself this morning. I knew some folks and their inane nonsense and constant griping would tip you over the edge. You have to learn who to read posts by and who to ignore for your own sanity. Keep up the good work, and keep that spirit in your heart. LOVE IT! Ulver PS : I was in the club shop last weekend and noticed one of the male staff had an awful pair of trainers on his feet. Should this be allowed at a grand old club like Aston Villa ?, Surely we've learnt this season that shoddy footwear is not welcome at this club if we want to be top 4 and attracting the best players managers. I bet it wouldn't happen at Man Utd, Arsenal, Chel ... waffle wafffle waffle
  18. I heard absolutely NOTHING in his interview today to set any alarm bells ringing
  19. That was Si - a pre-adolescent boy, who thinks Hiddink will come the Villa and Hughes will go Chelsea He/she is absolutely **** mental. On after every game spouting nonsense about Downing and creaming over Gabby. I don't think He/she even goes to the games, just talks drivel like that old bloke Dennis
  20. I'd be devastated if ANY manager came in and gave ireland or warnock another 'chance' Neither deserve to even be on the payroll still.
  21. Moyes. I'd rather have Nerys than Mark Hughes
  22. Hello General Have the club ever considered offering an early bird season ticket incentive like other clubs do ? Eg: If you renew by a certain specified date you get it at a cheaper rate than those folks who order after ? I've always felt a renewing season ticket holder should get some sort of loyalty reward, and not just pay the same price as a newbie
  23. Why would ANYONE want to give this clown another chance ?. Or Warnock for that matter They've both raped the club and deserve to rot
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