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Everything posted by Ulver

  1. Before people explode with rage ... Mcleish is NOT a Birmingham fan, he's just a bloke managing them. How people can say 'if he comes in i'll never go again' yet they would welcome Dann, Johnson, Foster etc is utterly pathetic. I don't want him because I don't rate him. Couldn't care less what club he's come from. That means **** all. Hopefully he'll do great at Everton.
  2. The shitstorm that would rise from appointing (or even talking to) McLeish would make the McClaren-gate meltdown seem friendly. The mans a failure in England full stop. The fact they call him their most succesful manager 'ever' despite relegating them twice says it all.
  3. I'd defy anyone to pick fault with what the general has said.
  4. Please tell me you didnt fall for that ? Fall for what? :shock: I'd have thought that was obvious Ranks up there with believing those folks on Twatter are ITK
  5. Please tell me you didnt fall for that ?
  6. I would have sounded out van Gaal just in case though wouldn't you? No. It'd be as ridiculous as sounding out Mourinho if he was out of work. You've got to understand our level, and also the level they operate at (and the wages they command for doing so). It's not a defeatest attitude, it's just common sense. We wouldn't be trying to sign Ronaldo if he was up for sale would we ?. Because we KNOW we're not in that bracket. It's exactly the same scenario. This is why some Villa supporters make us all look deluded prtas when they call in phone in shows and talk bloody nonsense
  7. There was a **** idiot on the Talksport phone in yesterday saying Villa should appoint Van Basten! Probably the same idiots who think we could attract Van Gaal. Get a **** grip.
  8. Well his track record is good ... oh wait
  9. I'd tell him to go and bollocks.
  10. Nothing suggest we're even looking at anyone other than Martinez to me
  11. Not sure what relevance that holds. Two Jocks who've probably known each other for years playing golf.
  12. Surely every manager has to start somewhere ? If by your logic teams should only ever appoint someone who's been a success in the Premier League where would we be then ?
  13. Owen Coyle would be about as inspiring as McClaren, but without even his success The only way i'd have him is if he could bring Cahill back with him Otherwise a big NO THANKS
  14. So why take a reduced settlement to have the "no managing for 12months" clause taken out? It makes no sense at all. Im not going to get my hopes up but thats a good point. maybe he thinks something may rear its head that he can't refuse somewhere down the line. who says he has this clause anyway ? would a bookie offer odds of 25/1 with all their contacts if there was even a vague chance of this still happening ?
  15. Then why did CA issue that statement saying he was taking a year off ? Would seem a bit odd to go to all that trouble for nothing He didn't "issue a statement" he was interviewed by the press. Bit of a difference there. Also, if he's taking a year off why go through the trouble of negotiating a 12month restriction on managing another club out of his settlement with Chelsea? If you look at all the reports in the press they don't add up, some of them have to be wrong. when someone says they're taking a year off and don't need to jump straight into a job ... i tend to believe them. otherwise he could have said absolutely nothing at all.
  16. Then why did CA issue that statement saying he was taking a year off ? Would seem a bit odd to go to all that trouble for nothing
  17. wasnt his buy out clause 30m euros or something insane ?
  18. Only 99% have faith Mantis, our Chairman is not a idiot. Not a chance McClaren will be appointed IMO. I had/have faith, but when you consider his last comittee drew up a list of candidates that were Houllier, Sven and Curbishley you don't start to have doubts about his appointing prowess I'd love to know how much those 'headhunters' got paid to draw up that shortlist I'd have done it for a 4 pack of Bonks'.
  19. That's one way of looking at it. Others would be ... 1. We haven't approached him 2. We have approached him but he wasn't enthused with what we had to say 3. He really wants a year off I'd say all 3 are more plausible than he's 'bottled it'
  20. IF true then it casts a gloomy shadow on our club. A pathetic shortlist That said, i'd rather bite the bullet and go for Martinez out of that lot. The other two haven't pulled up any trees and I like Martinez's style. But, any of those 3 would see a decline in attendances and no chance of any of our wantawayee's changing their minds. The board seem to have huge problems with regards enticing the right quality management to the club thats certain Is it what we offer, or is it to do with the way we conduct business with them ?
  21. The depression that will set in if we appoint that **** clown McClaren will be poisonous for the club. The fan/board relationsip is already on a knife edge following the last seasons debacle. It wont take much to push folks over the edge thats for certain. And for me, that knobhead would do the trick. If that's the level we're aiming it, and the budget we're working to, then I might as well save my hard earned too. The mere thought of him being our manager makes me feel queezy. I hope to god Randy isn't using the same 'panel' that he did last time. The ones that came up with such an amazing shortlist of talent ... DOH!
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