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Everything posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. you should watch all of theb ghibli films, spirited away was huge everywhere im sure it won best animated film at the oscars and disney snapped up the distribution rights, their next film had the likes of billy bob thornton in it princess mononoke is probably the best IMO got it loaded up and ready to go. thanks for the advice. il let you know what i think
  2. Old on, tha latest odds are comin' ap on yor screen nah 'West Ham to win 3/1' faaaaackin' get in there my shhaaaaaannnn
  3. Bet Free Six Fiiive..... Bet In Playyyy NAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
  4. Not a song as such, but for anyone who has an interest in music, contemporary/old, this vid (2 mins) is a highly entertaining watch.
  5. attempting to delicately trim facial hair to an acceptable length, but right at the end taking a huge chunk out from one area.
  6. Watched 'Spirited Away' last night, admittedly was a little baked, but enjoyed it immensely. Apologies if it's been mentioned, but its a Japanese anime film, indeed, the highest ever grossing film in Japan. I watched an English version, link here: - http://stagevu.com/video/kmcjhyipyksk Themes of industrialisation, social elites, etc make this far more than a pleasant kiddy film. In fact there were some parts that were terrifying. Recommend it for everyone.
  7. that made for some highly enjoyable reading. Highlights: ''They really are scumbags, i have never seen a more vile bunch of people ever. They were spitting at fans in my opinion thats the f**king lowest of the low'' ''Typical of the third rate support of a third rate club, really.'' ''To give an idea on how fair weathered they are, they're struggling so much to shift tickets for this weekends 2nd city derby tickets are being given away at the club shop for anyone who spends £35 or more.'' And my personal fav... ''The stupid brummie, that punched and headbutted a copper on his helmet, outside Ercans after the game got chewed on by a police dog for about 5 minutes.''
  8. Well for the entirety of the 1st half, they were laughably bad. Commentators and pundits were having a right old laugh about 'em. 2nd half they played fairly well against 10 men. Gardner is not a good player. Last night alleviated some of my nerves about sunday
  9. Unfortunately Big Emile's been giving him goalscoring tips, might halt his progress somewhat. http://www.birminghammail.net/birmingham-sport/aston-villa-fc/aston-villa-news/2011/01/12/aston-villa-andreas-weimann-thanks-emile-heskey-for-97319-27971955/
  10. Jesus, that first 45 mins was absolutely atrocious. Nice to see agent Ridgewell at it again, shame about him scoring. His laughable celebration made up for the misery it temporarily brought tho.
  11. From the back of Red Issue, the Man Utd fanzine. (I live with an OT season ticket holder, unfortunately) Found it pretty funny.
  12. Of course, granting a pardon to those who are hungover/stoned. :nod:
  13. Part of me hopes they get there, the prospect of a half-empty wembley is deeply amusing
  14. I am in favour of a European wage-cap, but remember: If you're a professional footballer, you have almost definitely sacked-off education at a young age. Not uncommon. However, whilst footballers are earning immense amounts for the best part of a decade, their prospects, once their playing career is over, are pretty much limited to media and coaching. A 35-40 Year old bloke, with no job experience, and no education, is virtually unemployable. Only a select few can get into media, and coaching, well... there are loads of jobs out there I guess, but it's not on the whole particularly lucrative and you have to be good at it. So a footballer's earning years are very small indeed. Then consider the risk of injury. A career ending injury suffered at e.g 26 could financially devastate that player and his family. Of course, there are exceptions - Megastars on huge salaries, with huge sponsorship deals, set for life after shooting one dumb pepsi advert. But these exceptions occur in most professions: bankers, musicians, businessmen, actors.... I dunno. Football is a cruel business, and I don't have a problem with top players being paid top salaries, as a form of insurance if not anything else. But some form of wage-capping should occur because: a) It reintroduces fairness to the competition amongst rich/poor clubs, and goes some way to counter-act the growing trend of ''my teams owner is richer than yours so we win'' No single person needs 200k a week. No-one.
  15. Oh god, GH has been chatting about Liverpool again. This time about how Dalglish will struggle, because 'management has changed'. CBA to post the article, its not interesting.
  16. I feel, if we win this, we will stay up. Not so sure otherwise. Stupid as that is..
  17. i assume thats a joke? I'm sure he meant: invite him to trial at Bodymoor, then have our entire squad laugh at him, to boost morale.
  18. It's like Gossip Girl but for blokes - fast cars, fit girls, good times on the reg. Quite uplifting but pretty vacuuous. Good for a nice bit of escapism.
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