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Everything posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. watched no direction home for the billionth time last night. Unfortunately sony have taken off all the dylan on youtube. Bastards. When the ship comes in, It's alright Ma, and Black Diamond Bay.
  2. Hi General. I was wondering, Is Randy planning on buying Blackpool FC and sacking that big-mouthed idiot Ian Holloway? I think it would be a fine investment. I also echo the above, as you alluded to the importance of atmosphere at VP, our 'Project Anthem' is in its beginnings. How would something like that go down with club officials? Is it realistically something that we could achieve? Are you a Johnny Cash fan ? And finally, the past 10 months, ever since Wembley, have been very difficult for us Villa fans. This transfer window has given everyone a morale boost and seems to have lifted a bit of the general gloom surrounding AVFC. Let's hope this translates into results, and with our new aquisitions, we climb up the table soon. Thanks for returning, we understand why you had to leave.
  3. Good shout. Though there are so many of that ilk to choose from... such as: Pink Floyd - In the Flesh - Cinematic Orchestra - But now I'm just being indulgent.
  4. I'd go for Ghost Riders. It's haunting, atmospheric, intimidating, and complete with an anthemic chorus. And to whoever suggested Goo Goo Dolls and Coldplay... each to his own I guess.
  5. Just booked. Availability is still 'good'.
  6. This is what I'd do. With Gabby dropping a bit deep to collect the ball. Nice looking team that. Reason being - City's weak point has to be their defence. They will almost definitely score against us, so we just have to outscore them. I think the guy with money on 3-2's in for a shout
  7. A lot of blozzers I know consider Dugarry one of their greatest ever players. He was there for a total of... 8 months was it? Before **** off to his vineyard.
  8. Lets begin to compile a list of candidates, then make a poll.
  9. Come on now, we want something that every Villa fan will love and be proud of. A few people have expressed doubt, and thats totally fair enough.
  10. Don't start the cats argument again. I'm having enough trouble defending liking Miranda. Both of those mentioned are amongst my most hated things.
  11. Ha, any team can change their name. Hell, we could change ours to England FC tomorrow. It doesn't mean everyone in England has to support us. Silly Small Heathers :bonk:
  12. I can't believe how candidly they talk about signing Gabby, forgetting the years of abuse he has had to endure at their place. Morons. That is... until one SHA fan astutely points out that: 'Gabby would rather slit his wrists than come here'. They also suggest the Fonz is a nose.
  13. ^ haha. I think all our players would quit. Though I hear it's Randy's favourite song...?
  14. PS, just listened to it many times over, we can definitely do this.
  15. The tempo's perfect for a good old clap-along as well. If the entire stadium was clapping in rhythm, and with enough singing along, it could be great.
  16. What does blowing bubbles have to do with west ham? Delilah with stoke? Irene with Brsitol Rovers? Not exactly sure what YNWA has to do with Liverpool? My point is that it seems all those clubs have anthems which have "jack all" to do with their clubs to my knowledge yet they still sing them? Good point. But I do share concerns about the speed and melody of the lyrics. But then again I've only listened to the actual song a handful of times, maybe we're not giving the Holte enough credit for its musical capability..?
  17. Wholeheartedly support this. Need to get Villa Officials to get it blasting through the PA before matches/at half time/post-match. It would be a nice symbol of the changing tides at AVFC.
  18. Sounds good, lets wait til the 'morrow and see what the lads reckon on the lyrics. Then lets get the wheels in motion!
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