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Everything posted by Swerbs

  1. I would of thought that playing one up front means you have to have creative attacking midfielders behind him and a 4-4-2 would require decent wingers.
  2. Our ball retention is certainly better when he plays.
  3. If we're not going to play direct with wingers then we might as well sell Bent. He has no influence on the game whatsoever with the system Lambert is trying to get us to play.
  4. Oh yeah cause his broken wrist had nothing to do with it at all...
  5. Swerbs

    General Chat

    Fell 24 miles and landed on his feet.
  6. Swerbs


    They'll be wearing t-shirts with Chang's face on them.
  7. What exactly is his role in the team?
  8. Swerbs


    We might go down but we wont go down.
  9. As good as he is at what he does, shut up or leave.
  10. - We missed Ireland a lot. - We missed Weimann's movement and work rate which would free up space for the other striker. - Bannan is our only good corner taker. - KEA didn't do too well in the role he plays, I would play Herd next game. - Bent needs to start. - Holman's work rate is exceptional, his technical ability is getting better too. - I don't think we can play with just one winger, either no wingers or 2.
  11. Swerbs

    Team Photo

    Yeah Herd looks more like Beckham than Weimann
  12. Swerbs

    Team Photo

    Why is Vlaar sitting at the front?
  13. I'd say it will be Benteke & Gabby rotating and Bent & Weimann rotating.
  14. I'm just worried he might burn out halfway through the season
  15. won't rotating them make them feel a bit dizzy and sick? They look like they're having a whale of a time tbh
  16. Funny how no one mentions he might be sad because it was the anniversary of his father's death.
  17. Good player, gave me a heart attack when he did the 360 Maradona spin on Ba/Cisse!
  18. Telegraph journo saying we've asked Liverpool about Henderson and they are open to a deal.
  19. Hey let's sign Heskey, heard that chap has a lot of Premier League experience. Titus Bramble would also add a lot of experience to our team as well but let's not stop there, we should convince Stephen Carr to join us as well. But to make sure we are challenging for the title we should sign Andy Johnson who would really bring experience to the team.
  20. Liverpool and Spurs have bid for Dempsey, rules us out then.
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