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Everything posted by DiegoD

  1. Strange team selection lets hope it pays off. Bench looks incredibly weak in defence, if anyone gets injured during the match i'd be very worried.
  2. Thought he was good in the first half but anonymous in the second, as a result we didn't test Blackpool in the second half at all. His tackling was poor and the red card tackle was just plain stupid. I hope he doesn't walk back into the team after the suspension unless he works very hard on his defending.
  3. Well not the worst first half. Impressed with Gabby's finish showed a surprising amount of composure. Once again we conceded on a set piece, this is by far the worst part of GH's reign, we will continue to struggle this season until we spend the time sorting this out. We really should have scored at least 2 and I hope our lack of effectiveness doesn't cost us.
  4. DiegoD


    Just went recently, even though you aren't keen on it you have to at least walk through the red light district. Don't waste any time with a sex show, biggest waste of money ever, so boring.
  5. Football has gone mad. 35million plus add ons for Carrol is ridiculous. Liverpool has well and truly lost the plot.
  6. Please get Gabby up top and play a more aggressive formation.
  7. Walker and Albrighton are effective together. Downing needs to play on the left and help Clark against Bently. Gabby up top and Carew off for either Bannan or Fonz
  8. Lets hope Carew can be bothered today, if so 3-0 our way.
  9. Haha that doesn't even have his comments about him saying he was better than Rooney and Fabregas, then adding he is only a bit behind Messi. The tool really belongs at City.
  10. I'd cry if it was, meant to be arriving in London for the first time on the 26th morning and am hoping to have enough time to get to Villa park for my first live game. Also team i'd go with: Friedel Lichaj - Cuellar - Collins - Young NRC - Hogg Albrighton - Young - Downing Heskey Gabby can come on around 65-70 minutes and hopefully make a big impact. Went with Hogg and NRC as I think those two will give the front 4 more freedom to attack.
  11. Yes. No. The first 2 seasons were good, but the show drags and struggles to keep itself entertaining. Season 5 was really bad. But after saying that I still watch the show every week when it comes out, so I guess its worth checking out.
  12. DiegoD

    Snow Watch!

    Is it expected to get worse over 2 weeks? I'm making my first trip to england next week and would hate to see the country at a standstill because of terrible snow... or worse the airport closed and not being able to get in.
  13. Small time club attitude trying to postpone games. Hope they get relegated.
  14. I wouldnt be surprised if Houllier moved Bannan up to where Ashley has been playing and the bring NRC into the midfield. Though now with Young out I would want to see Gabby and Heskey up front and then NRC with either Hogg or Bannan in the midfield.
  15. Friedel Lichaj - Cuellar - Collins -Warnock --------Hogg ---- NRC------- Albrighton --- Ashley --- Downing -------------Heskey -------------- Gabby hasn't really got going this season so it would be difficult one of the front 4 who have been good this season. Think NRC and Hogg would be better for this game as given its an away game they will be attacking us more and that will make us more solid. Also with Dunne playing in reserves seems likely cuellar will retain his place.
  16. While i agree that he needs to play, I also think that after a major injury its important we dont put too much pressure on him and let him regain some confidence before he starts playing for the main team. Anything we get from him this season will be treated as a bonus by me, and then next season i am hoping he can become an ever present in the team.
  17. DiegoD

    Smoking Ban

    As a social smoker I have no problem having to go outdoors to smoke. That being said the weather here is almost always great, even in the middle of winter its not really that bad. I guess its also an age thing, as a 20yr old never experienced indoor smoking so i just accept that if you want to smoke you have to do it in an allocated outdoor area.
  18. Dear City please give me a 5 year contract worth way more than i deserve
  19. If you know anything about marking at corners, he did the right thing coming of the post slightly. When the ball goes past him to other side of field he is supposed to drift slightly to his left to cover behind Friedel. He did that but Sharner got a free head and it was a cracking header into the far corner. If he had been beat on his left and stayed on the post people would be saying why didn't move off the post. He can't win either way with some of you guys but let's forget about the defender who gave him a free header. I do know something about marking at corners, do you? You are meant to drift, but not that much. The point of being on the post is that you cover everything between yourself and the post, then back the keeper to keep out the rest. If it had beaten him on his otherside no one would have said anything because he did his job on the post and the keeper and defenders got beaten.
  20. well first a dishonorable mention to NRC, when you are on the post at a corner you stay on the post, you do not do your famous impression of a headless chicken. Heskey was outstanding, looks so confident and he scored! Downing and Young were excellent both worked hard and always wanted the ball. Albrighton went missing a bit at times but put in 2 amazing crosses, so can't complain. A very important 3 points
  21. We are defending much better as a team and really started to grow in confidence as the half went on. Hopefully NRC can come on for bannan at some point to give us a bit more in defence
  22. Well i'd have dropped Collins for Cuellar but otherwise cant complain about that team and bench. Thank God CC is playing and i'm been wanting to see Lichaj get a start for a while. good to see A.Young as captain as well, hopefully he doesn't moan as much and sets a good example.
  23. Well I've been wanting Lichaj to get a chance he sounds like he has really improved in recent months. I don't understand how Collins and Dunne are still getting picked, they are having their own individual competition to see who can **** up more in a game where only Villa loses.
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