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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. One of the objections to this is that it will "disadvantage less able pupils". Isn't that the whole point of exams? Make them harder, I say. Get back to university only being for clever kids (on a full grant, not a loan), instead of something to keep the unemployment figures down.
  2. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    I'm avoiding the film like the plague, I hate Luhrmann's style. Read "Tender is the Night" next. The short stories are good, too (although some of them are reputedly written by his missus).
  3. Ro......................................................ry.
  4. It's quite a good incentive that. It's a far cry from McLeish's beaten before we even turn up stance against the likes of Utd. I wonder is it a named top six (as in the top six from last season) or is it the top six on the day of any particular game? It'll be against a top 5 team, because we will be top 6 Good point. If we're top 6, does he get a bonus for own goals?
  5. Ice the shit out of it And hug! Listen to her, she knows all about injuries! I think I have a similar problem. After all those months with the plantar fasciitis in the left heel, that's now fine. But the big toe (and the area immediately below it) on my right foot is painful. OK to walk, or even run on, but in bed at night it aches like hell. Feels a bit like when I did my metatarsal playing football years ago, although not as bad. I feel I should stop running for a while in case I make it worse, but damnit I'm just getting back into it !
  6. Fifty-five pounds and five hundred and six pence ? £60.06 ?
  7. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    I'm a big fan of "The Bridge". For the "M" (SF) books, start with "Consider Phlebas".
  8. I know we've been over it a million times, but I will NEVER think that a **** advert on a football shirt (especially the sacred Villa shirt) could ever look good in any way.
  9. If they really were strict they wouldn't want to come to England as all money here has technically come from something haraam. UKIP just got its new campaigning tool!
  10. I am dissapoint(ed), too. Don't like gambling. Oh well.
  11. "Crazy" is not the word I would have used Maybe more "devout" Mmmm (thinks)... nope, crazy is right.
  12. By that token, shouldn't "Anthony" always be shortened to "Thony"? And I'd be "Mic" or "Mich".
  13. And who did they have debating that? Footballing / broadcasting giants such as Micky Quinn, Ray Parlour, Jason Cundy, Darren Gough, or Ronni Irani? Darren Gough and Adrian Durham.
  14. Being an old fogey, I agree. Certainly, my education was far more "academic" than anything my kids did. In English, I was surprised how little reading they were expected to do - e.g. usually only part of a novel or play. As part of my English Lit. A-Level, we did Graham Greene's "The Power and the Glory". We had to read it at least twice - once straight through, and again chapter by chapter as we studied it. But that wasn't all. We had to "read around" it, with as many other GG novels as we could fit in (I remember reading A Burnt Out Case, The End of the Affair, The Heart of the Matter and several others). And that was just part of the course - there were also two Shakespeare plays (Hamlet and Measure for Measure), Webster's "The White Devil", Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (only two of those, TBF) and an anthology of poetry of the 1930s (my favourite bit, along with Hamlet).
  15. What's that hanging out of her skirt?
  16. TalkShite topic last night: "Is Andi Weimann too good for Aston Villa?"
  17. Don't know where to begin with that article, but the phrase that boiled my piss was: 'And it accuses politicians on all sides of a "feeble" response'. Politicians?
  18. As of last weekend, Les Revenants (by Mogwai, apparently).
  19. Baths are great. You can't read and drink scotch in the shower.
  20. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    Looks like we got ourselves a reader. Good lad.
  21. and probably dafter ! Steady now.
  22. Somebody should a Games of Thrones/Mad men crossover.
  23. The libertarian theory is that you must leave it to the goodwill and common sense of the employer, never legislate. Unfortunately, not all employers are as benificent as Tony. If they were we would never have needed trades unions in the first place.
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