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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. Was going to support the walkout. But....Garde has asked fans to stick with the team. Can't kick this guy while he's doing his best in very difficult circumstances. It breaks my heart what's happening to our club. But until all hope is lost, I will stay to support them. I was a child of the revolution in 68. Have to say, even then, we had more reason for optimism than now. End of the season is a different story, I'll be there on the barricades with everyone else.
  2. The pound is suffering terribly at the moment. This will only get worse as the referendum approaches. All this to try and quell a civil war in the Tory Party over Europe. Makes me sick.
  3. Correct. It isn't about money. More to do with beliefs. Every child born here should be able to aspire to be our Head of State. The role shouldn't be reserved for the first born of one somewhat dysfunctional family, regardless of their abilities. We do somewhat digress from the topic though.
  4. Plenty of people who voted no in 75 have revised their views on membership of the EU. It's a very different animal to the one we had then. Corbyn has stated that although he believes certain aspects of the EU are not perfect, he considers that overall, membership is in the countrys best interests and to leave now could be very damaging. The fact is we are only having this referendum because of the interminable split in the Tory party over our membership. Cameron sought to prick UKIPS bubble during the election, probably thinking it would never happen, as he expected to be in another coalition with the Lib Dems, who would have scuppered it. I think Corbyn is very much, as I am, a Republican by nature, believing in a meritocracy rather than an aristocracy. This however does not prevent him from showing good manners and courtesy to the present, and I hope last incumbent of that role
  5. Tarifs would probably reappear. And because of this . foreign companies based here could relocate to the EU. This is a possibility.
  6. It's not scaremongering. The people camped at Sangat are not EU citizens. They have no right to anything here through the EU. We provide help to them on humanitarian grounds. Leave the EU though, and we are likely to see far more of them, as the French simply wont regard stopping them at Calais as a necessity.
  7. Actually, things on that issue could get much worse if we exit. At the moment the Calais refugee camp is there, specifically because we have an agreement with the French to site British passport control on their soil. If we Brexit, you can be pretty sure the French will pull out of that agreement. Meaning we will be back to the previous set up, where passport control is in Dover. That should be fun.The asylum seekers aren't even European, so being in or out isn't going to stop them. Brexit will, unless we literally drive them into the sea, actually make the situation worse.
  8. I think the idea is to have players better than that level. That way you get your team promoted. He actually isn't tearing up any trees there.
  9. Baker always gives 100%. Unfortunately, this alone can never make up for a lack of ability. He really isn't good enough.
  10. Signed from Crewe.Wonder if they'd like him back. Awful player. We've a few of those.
  11. What a very silly comment. True fans, which I believe everyone posting on this site is, feel anguish when their team struggle. It goes with the territory. Doing what you suggest, actually calls into question their commitment to the club, and really isn't a worthy suggestion.
  12. And your proof of this rather bizarre theory is ?
  13. Yep. That just about sums up my feelings. It isn't just that they seem to have given up. They wouldn't be good enough for this division even if they were trying. Poor, poor team.
  14. He was shit today. But then so were the rest of them
  15. This is all a load of cobblers. All Villas players, including Gabby, have had a very easy ride. Considering the position we are in , the fans have been pretty subdued. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. There will always be a few who go over the top. In Gabbys case the vast majority of complaints have been completely justified, this is simply not a problem.
  16. Considering his contribution to the team over the last 4 or 5 years I think he has had a really easy ride from Villa fans. Never really heard much abuse in the ground, As for online stuff, don't read it myself. If it's there it's out of order, but for crying out loud, he is a grown man, and he can just not read it. Stan Collymore gets real abuse, he just mans up and gives it back. The simple truth is, if Gabby does what he's paid a very handsome salary to do, he won't be criticized , over the top or not. Plenty of other players have had more abuse than Gabby, it's always been that way. Bit of a red herring really.
  17. Those "Good players" are probably about to get us relegated. That indicates to me we really could do with spending 50 million. However , I don't think Lerner will spend that much, so it's academic really.
  18. What's his point? He's been truly awful. Any criticism has been well merited. It's been so long since his last goal he's probably forgotten how to celebrate.Hope he gets more goals, we need them. But I wont hold my breath.
  19. If we go down it would be harder to reduce prices as we would be losing huge revenue from the Sky deal, and ticket money would make up a larger percentage of our vastly reduced income.The Premiership clubs are well able to reduce prices for fans, but simply choose not to, preferring to milk us to the maximum like any other source of revenue.Have to say English football is obscenely expensive. Watched the New York Yankees in Yankee Stadium a few years ago for $28. Believe Bundesliga matches are much cheaper, as are many other top nations games. If they are not careful the worm will turn, and the richest league in the world will be playing to half empty stadiums.Wont that look good on TV.
  20. Prefer to base our decisions on Trident renewal on the real world, not some latter day Dr Strangelove fantasy.
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