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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. Prefer to base our decisions on Trident renewal on the real world, not some latter day Dr Strangelove fantasy.
  2. I don't think it would achieve very much to make these things personal. Anyone who has read this thread can see there are those who don't rate Gabby, and those who defend him.
  3. And I'm sure if he doesn't score again for 3 months, there will be those who still wont criticize him.
  4. You do wonder just how bad this guy has to be before the blinkers come off some peoples eyes. He's been shit for YEARS. Nobody else wants him, there's a reason for that. An absolute waste of space Overrated, overpaid and now overweight. Hopefully the club can find some way to shift him out at the end of the season.
  5. He's probably the most straight talking honest politician in the country.He doesn't bend with the wind like Cameron. Some of the things he believes in are politically difficult to espouse, particularly with the , by and large, right wing reactionary press we have in this country. But he has the courage of his convictions, and argues his casewith some eloquence, and without resorting to personal abuse. A man like that is very rare. I like him.
  6. Like I said, I'm not saying I would want either of them. but being a bit of a prat doesn't necessarily mean someone can't get results. Didn't Crystal Palace use Warnock to get promotion and then sack him.
  7. Both of whom have managed to get teams promoted to the Premiership. Not saying I would want either of them, but they do have a track record of successful promotion campaigns i n the Championship, even if they are both a bit abrasive.
  8. Laurel and Hardy would be a better analogy.
  9. Or hitting the corner flag with his shot. Why are we even talking about this useless lump.
  10. Spending money does not in itself guarantee success. Not spending it however, does guarantee failure. When was the last club with a low net spend , crowned Champions. I do hope we don't just have another bean counter as Chairman. This great club deserves better than that.
  11. Workers rights are being eroded, the Welfare State is under attack,public assets are being flogged off cheap to Tory sympathizing hedge funds,affordable rented accomodation is fast disappearing as private landlords take more and more housing stock,the greatest institution of all, the NHS is covertly being readied for handing over to Tory supporting medical insurance companies,planning rules are being eased ,schools are being removed from accountability to local elected people,all of this is retrogade in its concept.Now we have a return to the rotten boroughs, where constituencies do nottruly reflect their populations, only their registered voters, guess which party that favours. Ordinary people are all around us, and yes they include teachers and nurses, factory workers, shop workers and a multitude of other professions, they also include the unemployed, sick and disabled. The Tories don;t give a damn about any of them.
  12. We are rapidly going backwards under the Tories. They really don't give a toss about ordinary people. Sad.
  13. We need to get off this petty 50 appearance rubbish. He isn't the worst , and I've seen plenty over the last 50 odd years. But he also isn't nearly good enough for this club or the Premiership.
  14. I must have been watching a different game. Veretout and Gana orchestrated just about everything decent we did in the game. Westwood was, well, Westwood, nothing terrible but nothing very good either. Luxury is not a word I would associate with him.Ordinary would I think fit him better. He is the one that needs replacing in the middle.
  15. I think his best position is just behind Gabby, carrying both their bags out the door.
  16. I deny that. Thought Veretout and Gana looked pretty good. Westwood was pretty anonymous, as usual. Guess we all see it differently.
  17. I thought he was a real weak link, Veretout and Gana outshone him completely. If we strengthen midfield he should be the one replaced.Simply not Premiership quality.
  18. Evil Bastards. Sorry for the expletive, but the cap most definitely fits. Scum of the highest order. This is just one of the reasons I joined the Corbyn led Labour Party. Never has the NHS been in greater danger.
  19. When they started to charge for prescriptions, I think it was about 20p. What are they now, around £8 I think. Thin end of the wedge.Once the principle is abandoned , the price becomes negotiable. And it's always up.
  20. Actually, the old board in 1968, didn't really care that much. Like so many Directors, it was about them rather than the club. The fans always have more passion. Little people though, can make a difference. They just need to believe they can.
  21. Weren't there in 1968 then. Mass protests, both inside and outside the ground, culminating in a meeting at Digbeth Civic Hall, Changed the course of our clubs history. Doing nothing, simply encourages those responsible for our current drift to mediocrity, to hang around.
  22. Don't forget, all those assets, especially the great utilities sold off by Thatcher, were vastly undervalued, Interesting that many of those assets are now once again state owned, ie Water and railways, it just happens to be foreign states that own them.The Tories, ripping off the British people is what they live for.
  23. I've never based my opinion of a player on one game. Over a prolonged period, basically his entire time at the club, he has shown nothing to indicate he is good enough at this level.
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