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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. Heard somewhere he's on £100,000 per week. So not likely.
  2. The fact Sherwood dropped him would tend to indicate the demise in form had already started.
  3. The banking crisis in Greece was caused by a global banking crisis surely ?. Not really attributable to the EU .Likewise, quantitative easing has been a worldwide solution, not just the EU. Economically, my own view is that the EU is far better placed to take on the might of the USA and China, than we would alone.
  4. If we buy too many players for the Championship, we just might end up staying there. Teams generally get promoted by being too good for the Championship. That means looking at players who are Premiership quality .At the moment,given the more recent positive vibes coming from VP, we may still be able to attract some of them.Lets not lower our ambitions too much.
  5. I don't think Corbyn would have voted out at all. He's stated his position that many years ago he was anti EU because , like so many, he felt at the time the EU was orientated towards benefits for commercial interests, but that over many decades, the social aspects of workers rights and consumer rights, had led to many benefits for ordinary people. That's my opinion too, and over 40 years my view of the EU has changed. There are things that could be better, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
  6. I will raise a glass when this waste of space leaves our club.
  7. We're all hurting mate, and we really do have just as much pride in our club as you. I'm old enough to have seen us relegated to the Third tier of football, so trust me, it has been worse. Things are pretty grim at the moment, but the very fact we are so big, means we will get back. The timescale is questionable, but it will happen. Lets hope it's sooner rather than later. Keep the faith. Up the Villa
  8. Carson Yeung springs to mind
  9. He was good enough. O'neill just couldn't see it. Most of the fans could.
  10. Man City showed how easy it is to circumvent FFP rules. Simply channel large funds from a secondary company as "sponsorship". The Etihad was sponsored for £300,000,000.
  11. I think it was more O'neill not being able to see a bloody good player in front of him. He used the money to buy Zat Knight for Christs sake. All in all, an appalling piece of business by Villa. We've had a few more since then.
  12. I thought she was very good. Put over her case very well, and didn't look smug while she did it.
  13. I don't care what Burnley think or do. They're not my team. If they want to build a team for the Premiership by buying failures from the Premiership, then that's their mistake to make. He's the first we might actually be able to move out. Hopefully he wont be the last. But it would be a start.
  14. Let him go. Hopefully, it will be the start of a massive clear out. Plenty more can follow him out the door.
  15. If we want to go from being a very very poor team, to being a simply mediocre team, then keep him. If we want to progress to be a good team, then get rid of him, along with quite a few others. 69 games since his previous goal. He just aint good enough for where we want and need to be.
  16. Good point about the youngsters at the club. Gabbys attitude and lifestyle would be pretty poisonous if any of them came under his influence. If we can't sack him, I would simply come to a deal, pay him off. Expensive maybe, but worth it I think.
  17. I've never rated Gabby ever. I'll be glad when he's gone. But we're not like the unwashed...are we ? You're proposal is I think a tad over the top.The kind of thing they sing at the Sty, is not what I'd like to hear at VP.
  18. With all the shady dealings behind the scenes during his tenure, it could have been Ron the Don ....I'll get me coat.
  19. The last time we had one of those.....Don Bendall.....we won the European Cup
  20. I've no time for Neo Liberalism. But it is Capitalism, just a very rancid form of it.
  21. Stans a Villa fan, who like us is hurting over what's happened at our club. If he vents that anger through the media he has my undying gratitude. Give em hell Stan.
  22. Bakers shit. There's a reason he was farmed out.
  23. He's a mediocrity. one of a few at our club. Needs to be shifted out.
  24. Statement from Cameron today that he will not be benefiting from his Fathers tax avoidance "in the future". Rather confirms his profit in the past methinks.
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