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Everything posted by KentVillan

  1. This is a weird mix of horrific and hilarious, not sure how to process
  2. Well dams aren’t usually in the middle of cities
  3. Where is the best place to find genuinely non-aligned / neutral coverage on Russia / Ukraine? Like is there a country that really hasn’t picked a side, or is it just impossible at this point? I’m very much of the view that Russia needs to be driven out of Ukraine militarily, but it does seem like there is an awful lot of pro-Ukraine propaganda and disinfo in the western media, and it can be hard to take a step back sometimes and look at things rationally. What’s really hard to get a handle on is which actions get endorsed by whom. Some stuff seems to be obviously coordinated at the NATO level, some is Ukrainian govt solo, and some is just random groups acting autonomously or with just tacit approval. And given both sides are fragmented anyway, you’d imagine different factions within the Ukrainian and Russian militaries have opposing strategic and tactical views. The thing I’m reminded of is how the Irish War of Independence very quickly turned into the Irish Civil War. Easy to see something similar happening in Ukraine, with more conciliatory groups being seen as betraying the hardline nationalists. Just feel the longer this goes on, the more unintended consequences arise and prolonged wars like this are hugely traumatising events which echo for generations. (Not really sure what point I’m making… clearly no obvious solution to this, as long as Russia continues down this path. Just some random thoughts for a Thursday lunchtime.)
  4. Moeen probably best option if he's up for it. He'll still be targeted by their batters, but hopefully can find some rhythm, and Root will help out too.
  5. The issue is Root has never bowled the volume of overs that a specialist spinner will be expected to bowl (even in English conditions). I think you do need a specialist spinner in a side for most tests, or at least two part-time spinners, so maybe we're looking at Moeen or Livingstone, to avoid running Root into the ground.
  6. I think next season will be tougher than this one. Man City will likely walk it again. I see Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd and Newcastle all improving. Arsenal being decent again, especially if they can keep Saliba fit. Even 6th would be a good achievement, and will depend on who we can sign this summer, and whether we keep all our current best players.
  7. I saw Charlie Brooker a few years ago in a pub in London. Said to him I used to read your cartoons in PC Zone when I was a kid. I think he was pleasantly surprised that someone wasn't accosting him about Black Mirror. Bought me a pint for the nostalgia. Nice man.
  8. The way I see retirement planning in your 30s / 40s is... instead of fixating on the actual retirement age, think about the amount of panic starting now saves you when you're in your 50s and 60s. I also think the more you accept the loss of cash now, the more it just becomes a normal part of your life. I know it's not achievable for everybody, but if you're lucky enough to be able to tuck some cash away, it's worth it. Initially it's painful, but over time it gives you some peace of mind. The best place for good advice on how to save and invest sensible, minimising taxes and fees (all IMO of course... not financial advice) is Bogleheads... https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started_for_non-US_investors
  9. Part of the problem is characters like Mourinho bring drama and entertainment around the game itself, and football isn’t as far removed from WWE as we like to think. I always thought Fergie’s “mind games” were pathetic and not very clever, but he was lauded for them. Mourinho took it to another level, and has only got worse in recent years as he gets outcoached and outthought in other areas of the game. The broadcasters and the leagues don’t want to clamp down too hard on this stuff when it involves the big personalities who help them sell TV subscriptions and tickets and merchandise. And a lot of fans don’t care because they’re petty, tribal, and basically not very decent people, who mistake being a delusional **** word removed for passion. So the refs are on a hiding to nothing if they get caught up in one of these situations. Anthony Taylor had an impossible task last night. Constant fouls, feigning serious injury every 2 mins, both benches interfering and encroaching. Fans throwing missiles at players. Abuse and dissent. Cheating. And he still basically got the big decisions right, yet the narrative is that somehow he ruined the game and cost a distinctly average Roma team a trophy. Was glad to see that last Sevilla penalty go in tbh, although they played like pricks too.
  10. I think what helps most in American sports is that far fewer games come down to a single goal, and the play-off series format also helps even out bad decisions. But I agree there is something odd about the way football, as a super rich sport at the top level, gets one not-particularly-well-paid middle-aged man to run around a pitch by himself, for 90 mins, with minimal protection from abuse, having learned the ropes in Sunday League... requiring decent fitness and 20/20 vision... and a good understanding of the game... and a good personality for handling players. You only have to look at our own VT matchday reviews, though, to see that a single tiny mistake by an otherwise decent ref leads to a "Very Poor" vote from quite a lot of fans. I think it's a failure in football culture to just grow the **** up and see people as human beings sometimes. Some refs are irritating, arrogant and ruin games (Jeff Winter, Graham Poll, Mike Deane), but more often than not they're fine. I don't massively rate Anthony Taylor, but he's not one of those where your heart sinks if you see he's reffing a game.
  11. Unclear what the officials could have actually done about that tbh, has been going on the whole match. Send them all off!?
  12. Everything he says is bizarre, he ruins BT Sport’s coverage of big European nights
  13. Been a truly awful game apart from first half hour or so
  14. What's the driver's version of events?
  15. I mean, politics aside, that’s a fairly unpleasant way to talk to random strangers! I know it’s just a taxi ride and wouldn’t bother me what the driver said to me if I got to where I wanted, but can kind of see quite a lot of people being uncomfortable with that situation, even if sharing the general political sentiment.
  16. That's fair. Also fair. Guess I'm just a bit disappointed this hasn't turned out a little more the way most of us thought... which would be another season of him being a squad leader and occasional backup to the younger players, before retiring with Villa qualifying for the Champions League. We'll get over it as soon as a few big signings have been announced. Anyway, thanks Ashley for what you did last season.
  17. Right, but when they move somewhere else to be even more handsomely paid we accuse them of being greedy and disloyal. I just feel like if we want players to care about the club and show "passion" we kind of have to from time to time treat someone like Young a little more fairly. It's not even the lack of contract, it's the way he's just clearly been binned a few days after saying he'd like to be here next season, and not having a proper send off from the fans. That's the kind of ruthlessness that seems pointlessly, carelessly ruthless to me.
  18. I agree. People saying there's no room for sentiment... come on, what do you think someone like Mings or McGinn feels watching this play out? This is a club that will spit me out at the end without a second's thought? Why should I show them any loyalty?
  19. A little surprised by this one. I genuinely think he still had a lot to offer as a squad player, and he seemed to be a very good influence on the younger lads. Feels like one season too soon to me, but In Unai We Trust. Edit: and also, alluding to what @Nigel says... wouldn't this have been announced earlier if it had already been agreed, so he could indeed get a proper send off? Seems like something has broken down in negotiations or he has surprised the club with his plans for next season? Or maybe he just didn't want to be a distraction in the run in. Would love to know the details.
  20. For those who follow Madrid more closely, I can see he scored more goals post-ACL, but everyone seemed to be more excited about him as a prospect pre-ACL. Did he change his game? Has he lost some of that explosive pace and dribbling and become more of a goalscorer? Or is the ACL thing overblown and he’s just a victim of being stuck in a stacked squad with players like Vinicius ahead of him?
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