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Everything posted by KentVillan

  1. Good analysis. Not sure if Philogene was definitely the answer (maybe better to keep him out of the firing line in a very tough away fixture at this stage in his career) but think you’re right the injuries had a ripple effect on several performances.
  2. Didn’t have much influence on the game, but actually played fine when he did get the ball. Not too worried about him, just a tough game for him, and Emery has asked him to be less involved deep or wide, so no issues with him following those instructions. Just needs more service.
  3. I don’t remember Bailey doing *anything* useful in possession or defensively, apart from stretching the play with his runs, but that really isn’t enough. He doesn’t know what he wants to do with the ball when he gets it. There’s no intent, it’s head down, and often technically sloppy. Contrast with Diaby / Luiz / Kamara / Buendia / Ramsey / McGinn who are clearly thinking about what’s happening around them, even if they don’t always get it right. And this is his thread, so obviously he gets singled out in it. Not blaming or scapegoating him for the defeat, but he was poor today and he just isn’t showing any signs of improvement. I think he always was and always will be a highlights reel player. Do I mind having him in the squad? Not necessarily, we all know he has a good goal or a mazy run in his locker. But in games where we need to be defensively solid (eg away at Newcastle) I think he’s a liability, and shouldn’t be starting. I don’t think he *would* have started if Ramsey or Buendia were fit.
  4. I don’t like shitting on individual players, especially when it becomes fashionable to single out a particular player as the root of the problem with what is a team performance. But whereas most players showed moments of excellence, and have some credit in the bank from last season, I just don’t think Bailey looks like ever being a key player for us. He’s so poor defensively, looks unfit, and the moments of attacking brilliance are few and far between. How many decent performances has he had in a Villa shirt? Probably 2 or 3? It’s not looking good for him.
  5. Think Bailey needs to be sold on that showing. Looks unfit, hasn’t learnt anything defensively, it’s been too long now. Diaby class, great signing. I trust Unai to work out what to do here, but a lot of things need sorting. His system relies on midfielders who are disciplined, work hard and defend well. So losing Buendia and Ramsey really hasn’t helped on that front. It feels like we might actually be a man short in that area and need to bring someone else in. Newcastle were very good.
  6. I think legalisation of addictive substances / hobbies (gambling) is probably the only way forward, and will happen eventually. It makes it easier to seek help for addictions and turn it into a medical instead of criminal problem, and it massively reduces deaths from contamination, unusually pure doses, etc. The issue is that because addiction is lucrative, when we legalise addictive things, a lot of marketing and lobbying dollars get pumped in, creating toxic cultures and slack regulations. Being a non-drinker is hard in the UK because we've all convinced ourselves that alcohol is an essential part of socialising, dating, celebrating, winding down in the evening, beach holidays, ski holidays, city breaks, hiking trips, barbecues ... and that's not by accident. A lot of the things we associate with alcohol are the result of decades of clever marketing. https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2023/01/five-times-hollywood-films-have-influenced-beer-sales/ Look how quickly the gambling industry managed to make putting on an "acca" every weekend an essential part of youth football culture. Things are changing. I think being a non-drinker now is easier than it was in the 90s for instance. But one of the things you have to learn to get through an addiction is that you're going to have to be different and swim against the tide from time to time, even when all the voices around you are telling you it'll be fun / it'll be fine / don't worry we'll go easy, not a big one.
  7. A couple of those penalties were unsaveable by anyone. Lucky, but we held our nerve well in the shootout
  8. When someone is really asking for it (eg the example given earlier of Piers Morgan being cut down by Clive Anderson) I think it can be quite beautiful.
  9. HAHAHHAHA, I’d never seen that Big Brother clip before. The way she casually leads with fat word removed is incredible
  10. One thing to remember is a lot of prisoners had rough lives and were abused as children themselves. I think there’s a real difference in how paedophiles specifically are viewed … Philpott is an evil man but I guess he’s not quite in the same category, although I agree the distinction is a little hard to fathom in his case. But prisoners get attacked all the time, not just paedophiles. I guess it’s just when it’s a high profile nonce, it’s more likely to make the news because it’s a feel good story.
  11. If you watch Yammy’s YouTube channel about life in Cat A prisons, he explains the hierarchy of prison life a fair bit, and why these attacks happen. My sense is that most people like to have someone to look down on to make themselves feel more respectable and more reasonable, and prisoners are no different. The career bank robber or tax fraudster regards himself as a cut above a rapist, and certainly a long way above a paedophile. So there’s a certain kudos in dishing out prison justice from time to time, and keeping the nonces on their toes. Plus, a lot of these attacks involve prison officers turning a blind eye or setting someone up, and that’s only going to happen in certain cases.
  12. Not sure if there is a thread for this already… but what are the greatest insults and comebacks of all time?
  13. I hope he gets a decent amount of game time this season, looks like he’s ready, and he suits Unai’s style. Be interesting to see whether he’s just a solid 30 mins off the bench type of player or if he can be a match winner.
  14. The hotly contested award for first VTer to correctly identify a player as crap. Amazing what people will sacrifice for that prize (logic, eyesight, dignity)
  15. Only 5 pens actually. But I think to @sne’s point if you’re building your whole team around one player and sliding down the table, it’s not working? Generally these days any team that is heavily reliant on one player is probably better off cashing in on that player and building a more balanced squad. It was painful for us initially losing Grealish, but we look a far better side now with many more different ways of scoring goals. Kane belongs in a side where he isn’t actually touching the ball all over the pitch and at the heart of every single move.
  16. But they finished 8th. I’m not sure anyone is benefiting from this being dragged out any longer (except for us being able to laugh at Spurs)
  17. Levy should have just let Kane go to City last year. As with Grealish, these things are painful, but if a player wants out and there’s a lot of money on the table, you rarely do yourselves any favours in the long term by trying to fight it
  18. Judging players on pre season warmup games and labelling a regular starter in a top 2 form side a “4.5 / 10 player”. Just unhinged nonsense. Emery likes Buendia. His defensive work rate is superb, and he still does a good job for the team even when the attacking play is a bit hit and miss. Be amazed if he becomes a benchwarmer next season.
  19. That last quote about Konsa playing right back, but “thinking as a centre back, not as a right back” is interesting.
  20. I think it’s also why you’re seeing our CBs marauding forwards in pre season. We were doing it already last season, but it seems more obvious now that Emery wants CBs who can drive forwards into space on the transition, and then with the extra CB in defence they tuck in to plug the gap. Should be fun to watch. I think all our CBs look useful carrying the ball and can cause problems in attack.
  21. I think the cameos are just to help the player get comfortable with the setup and the experience, and test their ability to work hard and stick to a game plan. The opportunities will come now in cup games and if we have an injury crisis. No need to throw him in at the deep end yet. And I disagree a bit on JJ - he was getting significant game time on merit. I don’t think Deano was playing him just for the learning experience. He’s always been a much better player than he got credit for.
  22. How many more signings do you think we’ll make? 0 / 1 / 2 / 3?
  23. Great series, great advert for test cricket. Woakes and Crawley our standout performers, but Stokes, Wood, Root, Brook, and Bairstow all had their moments too, and Moeen turned out to be the right pick in the circumstances. Still think we should have won it with a little more composure at key moments, and I’ll never understand the thinking behind that declaration in the first test. But a fair result in the end
  24. It’s a rule all the players know and it was completely avoidable
  25. Nah, correct decision. Lots of precedents for this. Never understand why players are so obsessed with lobbing the ball up immediately after a catch.
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