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Everything posted by sne

  1. Well both Kulusevski and Svanberg have been out with Covid going in to this game. Kulusevski is on the bench so might get a run in. But I can't wait for the old guard to finally retire.
  2. The average age of Sweden and Slovakia's starting elves is 30 years and 125 days, according to the statistics service Gracenote Live - which is the second highest ever in a European Championship match.
  3. He's usually pretty tidy and tricky with the ball and and can create space for himself and others but he looks woefully out of form. Ekdal has been injured for 10 years so he's never fully fit or in form.
  4. Isak really struggling with his first touch today. And again I do not like this CM pairing of Olsson and Ekdal. Offers very little at either end or in the middle.
  5. Paywall article but kinda sums up how silly this tournament and UEFA are. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uefa-threat-euro-2020-final-quaranting-hungary-budapest-0f3jhc99v
  6. sne

    Douglas Luiz

    And then there is Casimeiro, Fabinho, Bruno, Arthur and so on also competing for a spot at CM. Luiz actually in contention despite most of these guys are available. Wes was brought in for a exhibition game and got 5 mins. Luiz is actually part of the real Brazil set up, him not being a shoe in at 22-23 really isn't a stick to beat him with. And the Brazil squad isn't really that weak.
  7. I'd be OK with Bastoni as a long term replacement to Mings
  8. Isn't Nessie already at Arsenal, or is that a relative?
  9. It's head to head and then GD when deciding who goes through.
  10. sne


    The amount of injuries (and Covid absentees) is ruining the play offs and season. This season was a scheduling mistake, way too many games and not enough recovery time for the players.
  11. Unchanged 11 for Sweden (unless Ekdal break down during warm up) as expected so it appears they have recovered since the Monday mauling. No new news from Slovakia regarding Covid but the Russian authorities have closed the fan zone in Moscow due to a massive Delta-Covid outbreak in the city. Such a good idea to play this tournament, especially with fans travelling all across Europe.
  12. sne

    Soft drinks

    Never drink soft drinks, not since I was a kid and not much even then. But I love drinking non-alcoholic Radler's in the summer which is pretty much a soft drink I guess.
  13. Yeah hope they don't get Favré, I like him. Go with Lambert instead, PL experience and all that.
  14. Very! Bit amusing that Hasse Backe initially didn't think it was a pen even thou he saw the replay but instantly changed his mind when he realized that VAR was going to say it was.
  15. VAR used in the correct way to reach the correct decision.
  16. Never noticed before just how similar these 2 are And with that in mind where are our next signings?
  17. Because they are both Canadian?
  18. He was my favorite player from that era, was brilliant to watch. There are other players like Mellberg, Laursen and so on who I also love but Young was THE one. Nice to have him back while obviously in a totally different role and situation. Also sure it was a player Grealish looked up to at the time.
  19. https://www.avfc.co.uk/news/2021/june/Villa-announce-Ashley-Young-signing/
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