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Everything posted by sne

  1. Lyon paid almost £25m for him 2 years ago, doubt they'd let him go for cheap
  2. Only Andy Robertson gets into that England squad, but I'm sue they are gonna try really hard
  3. Just looked up his stats. Scored 15 goals and 8 assist in the league despite only featuring in 19 games after missing 15 games due to a metatarsal fracture. That's pretty great for a 18 y.o.
  4. Interesting to get to see Adam Hložek, really talented young player apparently.
  5. Was really never any way back after he ate Dean Smith's goldfish.
  6. Well referee Jonas Eriksson in the Swedish studio was adamant it was a penalty and I fully agree with him. Sucks for Lovren and Croatia, still the correct call.
  7. It's accidental but it still hits him in the face and prevents him from having an opportunity to head the ball. Clear penalty for me. If it's intentional then it's a red.
  8. Should be a pen. He has a free header unless Lovren elbows him if the face.
  9. Well we seem to be signing that 16 y.o CB Josh Feeney from Fleetwood. Might be a bit too young thou.
  10. sne


    I imagine a lot of stars will not be going to Tokyo. Think they'd rather stay at home.
  11. Funny story, in hindsight. My cousin managed to skewer his foot right through on one of those metal pipes that the water shoots through in a fountain when celebrating the bronze medal back in 94.
  12. Now where is the closes fountain? Going to celebrate like it's 1994.
  13. Gustav Svensson, hope he doesn't manage to get himself sent off.
  14. On his way to Lazio according to the rags. Augustinsson that is...
  15. Would have been a OJ level scandal if that wasn't given, he was absolutely clattered.
  16. Slightly less pathetic by Sweden now. Hopefully the subs won't ruin the momentum.
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