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Everything posted by Adman

  1. Benefit of the doubt still at the moment. Looks poo tho
  2. Adman

    Jhon Durán

    Looks a bit mental. Might get more bookings and sending offs than goals. Hope there's a player in there
  3. I'd rather get mcginn more central and stick diaby and bailey out wide and spring some diagonals at them
  4. Agreed. And the higher the collective quality of the academy, the higher the probability that the cream that rises to the top will have first team potential
  5. Ill be honest...he looks like a naturally gifted footballer - a real class act. But...out of luiz, mcginn, Ramsey and Kamara, I'm selling him first. I'm hoping I've not seen the best of him yet
  6. My daughter shit so hard it went in her hair. She was clothed too
  7. Newcastle were excellent all over the pitch and have shown the league how to shut down our passing movements, bypass the midfield and exploit our defence in the first game of the season...two of our best players out for the season....brill The inverse relationship between the hope I have and the impending doom of our results and performances is quite remarkable. Back to fearing the worst
  8. Exactly. It takes much more time for a reeserve keeper to get into any kind of form or confidence due to the lack of game time and opportunity. There's no reason a replacement wouldn't come in and be "shit". He should be good enough in the early rounds of cups and against weaker opposition imo
  9. We are blessed that our "shit" players are full internationals
  10. Doesn't it also cause a lot of pressure and infighting in the dressing room if you're sitting on the bench not getting a chance to earn?
  11. I think he could be our player of the season.
  12. Release Claus incoming imo. Him signing a new deal when his contract was running down, when he was open to leaving us for arsenal made no sense at the time - unless we've persuaded him with whatever we could. Big salary and an exit option seems likely to me. Hope not obviously
  13. Man city have set the precident that you can repeatedly cheat and lie your way to success. They will bog the charges down for years in the legal system until everyone involved has moved on or died and noone will remember what they did in the first place. They will have won 10 league titles by then. it should now be considered mismanagement of Newcastle and other petrostate owned clubs not to do the same.
  14. I can't imagine I'll ever give a singular s**t about Saudi football regardless of who plays there. However, I'm an old school fan that supports a club as opposed to the youngsters who support "Ronaldo" or whatever so maybe over time someone might give a sh*t
  15. Adman

    Romelu Lukaku

    Baffles me how you can play at the highest level, practice every day and still have the touch of a rhino
  16. I think I've seen a Muslim in Birmingham he could buddy up with too tho
  17. I think we might be waiting on our top target to make up their mind - it would make.sense if it was Felix. If the chatter is correct I'd imagine we could get the diaby and Johnson deals done quickly if we wanted to. Felix is waiting for a better offer
  18. I think Kamara is a very tidy footballer. I have to say Declan rice is a player who reads the game so well and is one of those players who is central to a great team without being the standout player, but without them they are not such a great team. I think he'll do extremely well at arsenal and justify the fee.
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