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Everything posted by Adman

  1. Exactly. He's very much engaged and wants to continue with us, that's for sure. BUT Emile has earned the right to look at that VILLA situation because of the performances that he has produced."
  2. Southgate said something about needing to keep the ball higher up the pitch or something against Italy or something after the denmark game. Or did he? Don't know. But it might mean that grealish is staring.
  3. He hasn't signed yet. Still.
  4. So the verbally agreed contract will be signed in the next 48 hrs now he's back in training. Or....
  5. My concern with the Italy game is that if we leave it till 70 minutes to start trying to win the game, if they score first in this period- they are more than capable of holding onto the lead for 20 mins.
  6. You'd think that a system where the striker drops deep, 2 x CDMs, the CAM is a workhorse that the players on the wings could play with freedom going forward, but it is what it is. I'm not knocking Southgate, as we have desperately needed winning football above all else
  7. Grealish is going to have to improve his defensive effectiveness if he wants to be a starter in this England team. He puts the work in, but he's going to have to show Southgate he can track a player and win it back more regularly
  8. Exactly. When you earn good money, get carried away with a posh house, new car, credit card Holidays and expensive clothes, at some point you run out of cash. This is when you sell your nans engagement ring on eBay to pay for some shoes you bought 5 years ago on a store card
  9. To be fair, I was saying this in 1996
  10. Arsenal must be desperate for cash, signing up to get reemed in the ESL every week by superior teams smacked of desperation. Assume after more covid whilst failing on the pitch, they remain even more desperate for liquid funds. They are highly geared and a big £35mill up front cash injection will help them buy more overpriced garbage on huge salaries, and allow us to take one of their best players. Sweet
  11. He probably wants to be played and paid more and we can probably offer that to him
  12. My view is that Smith rowe must be interested in talking to us, and that we might believe arsenal need an up-front cash injection to get their summer transfer plans rolling. Anything else doesn't make a great deal of sense.
  13. Adman

    Hi all

    Hi all, Been lurking for a while, so thought I'd join up and contribute. 42 years old, male, villa fan, no discernable special talents or super powers yet but haven't given up hope yet. Based in Kidderminster, originally from Sutton Coldfield. UTV
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