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Everything posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. Lol no, we ain’t going to agree, but here’s my stance for the record I agree Doug is our best 8, but his contract is running out, so if he’s not signing, cash in on him and replace I disagree about Ings, he’s barely the player he was when we signed him and this preseason he’s barely the player he was last season. It’s not entirely his fault, we don’t play to his strengths and him and Watkins are nowhere near in sync. I’d say cash in before it gets to a situation where no one is interested.. he still has enough stock to attract buyers. I’m not sure where you getting your Mings/Carlos opinion from, Mings is having an awful preseason, chambers is showing more so far. But preseason aside, if Mings has another poor season, we will replace him and his value will drop to F all.. so save the risk and cash in and replace. Sanson isn’t looking likely to be the player we need, but as thing stands he isn’t worth much, so it wouldn’t be too harmful to keep him about, particularly if Carney is going. If Doug commits, that’s cool, if Mings has a good season, that’s cool, if Ings gets his form back, that’s cool. If Sanson finds any form, that’s cool. But as of right now, these things don’t seem likely. However, I hope to be wrong
  2. Why? If we keep those players we ain’t going to get better in… their sacrifice would be rewarded with cash to spend. It’s harsh, but they are either ain’t good enough, contracts running out, a poor fit or their usefulness is coming to an end. So cash in I’d say, get more suitable players in.
  3. Players that need to be sold: Freddy, Nakamba, AEG, Hause, Steer, Carney, Wesley, berty Players we need to sell to get new improved players in, Sanson, Douglas Luiz, Ings, Mings
  4. I have no doubt he’ll be “fine”. i’m just stating the obvious
  5. As things stand right now, I’m dropping Tyrone… so I’d give Martinez the Armband, he’s the tight kind of captain and he most definitely has the respect of the squad. McGinn is too much of the “funny guy” to be taken seriously.
  6. I’ve been a little underwhelmed by Phill this preseason… Villa really need the best out of him this season.. especially if we have any European ambitions
  7. I’m not sure if it was the white balance, but did the away shirt look slightly pale violet in todays match?
  8. After watching todays match, It’s safe to say, Douglas Luiz is 100% an 8. He’s a different kind to a McGinn and JJ, but probably more suiting to what we need right now.. someone who can drop back and defend when needed, but has the ability to get the ball forward. if we don’t sign anyone else for CM, I’d be content to give Doug a new deal
  9. Na it’s no one’s fault, but the person who green lighted the move… Danny is a good Egg and a professional personality… it’s just meh, his form dropped off massively. Also meh he can’t work with Watkins and another meh, he’s not mobile enough to be a lone striker. He’s completely the wrong fit for us. Worst yet, I can’t see anyone coming in for him. Maybe Brighton if we lucky… I’m seeing this as a running out his contract here. what’s frustrating for Villa and probably Watkins too
  10. Exactly, I’d say trying to fit him to our squad and match day team, was a major catalyst to some of our poor preferences last season… 2 up top just couldn’t work, he was hampered and so was Watkins. And so was the rest of the team
  11. Ings last season was a pale shadow of his former self, and this preseason he’s a pale shadow of that. what a stupid panic buy he was. if any offer comes in for him, we should snatch at it
  12. So far this how I’m rating preseason >>> a clear step better. >> better. > just about better GK. Martinez>>>Olsen. RB. Cash>>KKH>Fred. RCB. Carlos>>Chambers>Konza. LCB. Carlos>>Chambers>Mings. LB. Digne>>Ludwig>Young>>>Chrisene DCM. Boubs>>>Doug>Tim>Marv RCM.Doug>John>Morgan. LCM. John>JJ. RAM/W. Bailey>Beundia>>>Berty CAM. Beundia>>Coutinho. LAM/W. Coutinho>>Bailey. CF. Watkins>Archer>Ings
  13. I have a list of things I have problems with our set up, but here’s 3 things that really need to change f**k playing narrow f**k playing 2 up top press more
  14. I think it’s safe to say, KKH is staying at the club this season as Matty cash’s understudy
  15. I’m liking the the look of boubs at 6 and Doug and John at the two 8s and beundia as our 10… But I would like to see JJ playing instead of John in the next preseason game.
  16. As things stand, I’ll have chambers starting over Mings.
  17. I think KKH is our backup right back, sorry Fred
  18. I agree, I think out midfield is more flexible and robust when it’s boubs, Doug, John and Emi
  19. Great run from morgz, shame he didn’t have the vision for the final pass
  20. Dare I say, I’m liking the look of the boubs, Doug, John and Emi midfield. it’s has everything we need. Add phil and Leon to the wings and Watkins up top, we may just alright
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