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Everything posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. I agree, but a little time on the bench may do him some good, it most definitely give some good for chambers and Villa It’s refreshing to see Villa actually having competition for the starting 11
  2. I’d be happy for Dougie to sign a new contract. He’s been looking real good as an 8 in preseason. I’ve felt “the new 8” we’ve been asking for has rested on Doug and is contract situation. if he stays, he’s our new number 8
  3. He’s not afraid to speak out for causes he cares about. BLM, Mental Health, helping children. He’s a real footballing ambassador. As a footballer, he’s exceptionally good and more so when he got in to football via the non league route. He’s now one of the best LCBs in the country. These make him a great candidate to be captain. However, he has openly stated he struggles with his mental health and I do believe it impacts on his game. Because the only weakness Tyrone has to his game is that he suffers from a serious case of “brain flatulence”.. all the “mistakes” people criticise him on is due to him having some serious brain farts. Put him under a bit of pressure, where he has to think quick, he’ll eventually make that “mistake”. It also probably doesn’t help him when people point out his mistakes, which adds extra complications to his decision making when he’s under pressure. Such as questioning his instincts, when he doesn’t need to. This would lead to more mistakes so, if not being captain helps him clear his on field thoughts, the better. If he can get over his brain flatulence, he will be a player that most teams would love to have in their starting 11
  4. Southgate’s nose is getting real hard with all them fullbacks
  5. I could totally read too much in to this. but, it’s pretty evident that Freddie and Carney are…
  6. Not good enough? What are you on about? he’s a Defiant captain, tactical leader in the heart of DS9’s system, “Emissary to the Prophets”. “The destroyer of the dominion” this is a character we need running things at Villa Park
  7. Have we sold any of the bomb squad yet? Come on Leeds, come Everton, you know you want AEG, Hause, Ings, Mings and Guilbert. we do you deal for the lot… £300m.
  8. He will this season, The Villa squad is massive
  9. In all fairness, should it be one or the other only? Some game Watkins and some games Ings, or even one being a super sub, anything but both together
  10. Unfortunately none of our outfielders are captain martial for different reasons, so martinez is the obvious candidate
  11. Meh, both Tyrone and John are/should be close to being dropped from the starting 11. For that reason, nether should be captain.
  12. Seeing as no one has said it would
  13. Why are you hoping this? how has he not been professional?
  14. Is it even possible to sign a free agent on loan?
  15. I think Kirby is the midfielder Villa are after
  16. that’s how you Meg the goalkeeper. From now on, that’s how you Meg all goalkeepers
  17. last season was a mess in how we play our attacking football. trying to play 2 up top has been a disaster for both Watkins and Ings. how we try to play Coutinho and Beundia with our strikers, was a bit of a mess too. all those rejigs to the formation wasn’t going to help anyone. Particularly Watkins and Ings Stevie and Neily need to work out how to get the best out our attack and stick with it. Be it, someone’s on the bench..
  18. The lack of speculation tweets does much harm to the VTer mind
  19. I’m assuming the whole needing a new midfielder rests on Dougie… If he goes, we getting a new CM if he stays, we wait if he signs a new contact, then all eyes on McGinn
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