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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. I think only City, Liverpool and Spurs will not be dominated by a high press. Chelsea , Man U and Arsenal can be high pressed by us and the rest of the Prem it depends on how we play on the day. Chelsea are the only unknown to me because I’m not sure how Lampard will set them up. If it’s anything like Derby we’ll Crush them. If Sarri was still there id be confident - put Mcginn on Jorghino and it all falls apart for them.
  2. Possibly what the estimated value price in millions of each player possibly. I think
  3. There is the commonwealth games and I know a-lot of land has been purchased for the ‘village’ it isn't too far from the outlined area.
  4. حديث ودي يجمع عضو مجلس ادارة الاتحاد الكويتي لكرة القدم ورئيس وفد منتخب الكويت الوطني في لندن د. أحمد عجب ومدير المنتخب فهد عوض مع مساعد مدرب فريق استون فيلا الانكليزي النجم السابق جون تيري، وذلك بعد نهاية المباراة الودية التي جمعت الازرق والفريق الانكليزي اليوم. loosley translated- there was a friendly discussion between former football star john terry who is a coach of aston villa and Ahmed Ajab and team manager Fahad Awad in London. This conversation took place after the game between the Blues and the English team. No mention of the game itself or anything else.
  5. We can easily have the double pivot with Nakamba and Luiz holding and Grealish or Jota in the free role. The FB’s then have to join in alot more. More players = more options.
  6. I genuinely don’t care if we get any more players in now, having Nakamba and especially Luiz on board is what gives me confidence we won’t be in a do or die relegation struggle. I don’t think we will finish top half but we wont struggle.
  7. Can someone deliver some tissues and moisturiser please. I’M now comfortable for the coming season.
  8. I suppose if he does leave this season then I suspect it will be for a pretty penny.
  9. I hope this isn’t in place of Douglas Luiz . That’s the one signing I have got excited about for a long time.
  10. There’s always a possibility that someone will leave. However I don’t believe anyone of our leading lights will leave this season as the teams that can afford them probably want to see how they perform in the Prem. Obviously if 60-70 million offers start coming in next season then we will inevitably have a look.
  11. If he wins a world cup i think there’s a small possibility that the pubs ,clubs ,supermarkets and off-licenses might run dry.
  12. To reach the level of Iniesta he has to win 8 PL titles, 4 Champions Leagues ...... id say he has the potential to be 1/4 of Iniesta which is still a very good player. Iniesta is a once in a lifetime player. Unbelievably gifted and has the mentality to succeed too.
  13. This looks like the starting back line come Tottingham.
  14. I would like to see us have tougher pre-seasons in future. Depending on if we stay up. I agree Green is awful. Inexperience is one thing. Not controlling the ball is another.
  15. His passing is definitely better than Benteke’s. obviously we can judge better when he plays against better teams.
  16. I like the way he ‘coaches’ a teammate when they mis-place a ball.
  17. I think if we can get the area outlined then we can expand our great club. It could be like a fan park vibe before the game. Villa Park would be fantastic. The ground itself can then undergo a proper and correct expansion. Hotels , conferencing can be a part of the long term project. Obviously it would be extremely difficult and expensive.
  18. Reading the history of our club it was once rumoured that Villa Park was going to be a 130000 capacity stadium but the owners settled for 2/3’s of that figure. It all depends on how much we progress over the next few years. If we are successful demand will rise if not then there will be plenty of seats available. 80,000 attendees is a realistic goal within the next 10 seasons.
  19. Bjarnason is a very hard working player who would benefit teams in the Prem and Championship. However he would only benefit them if they DONT play possession football as he lacks imo the ability to keep the ball. Therefore in a Dean Smith team he is very ineffective and inefficient in possession. For Bruce types he is the perfect player because he runs around alot. you can make a good footballer in to an athlete but you can’t make a good athlete in to a good footballer.
  20. I prefer our away kits to be black as it is one of the original colours we wore when we were formed.
  21. Very disappointed with how this has turned out. I saw a decent player in his performances for us initially but there is something not right with him either in terms of attitude or mentally he may lack the strength to succeed. A shame.
  22. I find it funny when people talk about back up this and back up that. Any player we sign should be coming here with the sole intention of wanting to start. If a player starts it means he is the one in form and good enough to start. Even if it’s at the expense of Jack Grealish etc.
  23. 3-4-3 is a good shout as it means any wingers can play in the front 3. In a 3-5-2 we limit Trezeguet and El-Ghazi.
  24. reading through the 2014 article it seems like Douglas would pass most of the criteria.
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