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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. how does 5ft 2 Sterling get on a towering header in the centre of our box. This stuff is comical.
  2. McGinn my lord, that was disgusting, seriously disgustingly terrible play. He shouldnt be in the first 11.
  3. at least they were kind enough not to give me false hope.
  4. Ings, Bailey & Watkins up front, if all else fails revert to type. McGinn & Ramsey in the midfield 3 again. Buendia dropped again, although he didnt play amazing in the last game, he was still the most creative player for us in that match. Someone make it stop....please.
  5. Aren't there a few stories that he was injured, came back but might need an operation to fix the problem?
  6. Just scored a nice composed goal for Watford versus Norwich.
  7. i want some of what he's smoking....
  8. wonder if we will actually play him now.
  9. i thought similar, how can you preach "i believe in Aston Villa" when you dont/wont even sign a new contract. Granted he may not be wanting to stay because the current manager doesnt play him much, but we really dont know the reason he isnt signing, and you cant put him front and centre saying "Mr Villa type things" when he is currently on course to leave in Jan or next summer. Seriously small brain thinking by the club to put him forward like that.
  10. just kick it.... that just looks like a belly flop header, something you might see in the over 55's Sunday league. Its just comical, its so bad im not even mad, its just so inept its funny. My Captain......
  11. going well...... Get him out of there.
  12. Coutinho may not be the player he was in his prime, but he is still a quality player. the fact is, Gerrard is making this whole squad look sh**.
  13. Quite literally the worst start (over 9 games) of any of our years since promotion. Chelsea up next, then Fulham, either way, its likely it will be the worst start to a season since promotion after 11 games also, either that, or basically in the same ball park as our previous worst starts. You wouldnt have thought we have already played most of the teams around us, it wasnt even that hard a start on paper. What a joke.
  14. ye you are right i think. The worst case scenario now imo, is Red Bull get a slap on the wrist/fine only, then the rules are tightened and any future breaches by anyone is come down on hard. Thats terrible imo, as then Red Bull will have had all the benefits of breaking the rules, with limited/if any come back, where as all others in the future wont be allowed to do the same. It would be completely unfair. I think maybe, and im just spit balling, if Red Bull "only" get a fine/slap on the wrist, all other teams next season should be given the same monetary value that Red Bull have overspent by, to add to their development budget so they can do development over and above the norm, it still wont be fair as Red Bull still have the early development from overspend, but its better than nothing. If Red Bull get away with this, it will call the sports fairness in to question imo. I have a feeling Red Bull will get away with it though, and if they do the cry of "F1 is corrupt" will be a fair comment. The only thing that i think might lead to something, is that Ferrari are on the good side of the fence with this one (after some dodgy stuff over recent years), and Ferrari are probably the most powerful team politically (in terms of participation value to F1 as a business model), so if they cry foul, maybe...maybe, something could happen.
  15. the problem is, 5% of your points doesnt reflect that up to 5% overspend, 5% can effectively be a similar cost to an entire years research & development budget, Martin Brundle said it would be enough for a team to effectively develop a B spec car alongside their main car. this kind of overspend would effectively give a team a huge head start for a given season in terms of car development, but then this headstart would carry over to multiple years as all the other teams are now far, far behind in car development, ie: even if you stopped Red Bulls development entirely for a year, some teams might still not have caught up after 12 months in terms of car development. Im not saying this is what happened, but a team could say, we will take a fine for a 5% overspend, becuase we know that development headstart will help us for multiple years, its worth taking the fine. Its a huge, massive red flag and has effectively put Red Bulls car development on an entirely different level to the other teams. its corrupt.
  16. Gerrards tactics.... "wait for individual moments of brilliance". Yeah. great idea, not like its a good idea to actually have a team work tactically to create chances. the guy is a proper fraud.
  17. we dont deserve to win this, it would be a miscarriage of justice if we lucked a win now.
  18. 3 actual out and out strikers on the pitch. is this the level of tactical excellence we have come to?
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