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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. The new North stand absolutely could have them. There's plenty of space to make the stand as deep as we'd like. The trinity road could also accommodate expansive concourses if it was designed better. It needs knocking down anyway to rid us of the monstrosity that's there now and rebuilt more in line with our old stand . So moving would only help us really improve half the stadium. And for the lack of space in the city to really move anywhere better, I don't see it happening.
  2. Positioning between the badges and team name is different where they have managed to get the font and size the same too. How can they be so bad. Presumably outsourced to the cheapest bidder and have a very good sales team.
  3. That's a subjective call, not an objective one. But I get the concern that it could be used to overturn objective decisions. Even more though, this wasn't a decision being overturned though, it was the original decision being correctly interpreted. But the media seem to have swept it under the carpet now so that's the end of that
  4. Absolutely... just go back on the line to the ref and tell him he's misinterpreted the call. Put the var check back on the big screens "checking goal - possible offside". Then repeat the process with the right outcome. It's not in the rulebook, but neither was ruling out a goal for no reason in the first place.
  5. He's not the brightest spark, and his brain won't have been helped by his drinking days, but his outrage comes from the right place. It was an undeniable balls up of process and then human judgement. Dean trying to protect the PGMOL and refs involved should indeed be shot down. Just a shame merse doesn't have the brain to do it. As much of a joke that it was, it still shouldn't be replayed after the fact though, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving manager.
  6. There obsession with having no link to us for their success is utterly bizarre. I couldn't give two shits who a player or manager was affiliated with before they joined us. If they're good, and help Villa be better than they would be without them, that's all that matters. I assume that isn't why they've sacked Eustace, but it is utterly hilarious they've got fans trying to justify it via that means. Stadium falling apart, ownership that doesn't have a clue, sacking the manager that's got you overperforming... in response to the topic, still not yet.
  7. The problem is he looks like a villain. If there was never any intent that Villan was a misspelling of the word villain, why does he look like one? I wasn't fussed about him appearing on some merch, but don't think it would be agood to bring him back to the match day, either via tifo or as a mascot
  8. He unlocked 10 men behind the ball in the week. Why not give him the chance to do so again? Strange one from Emery that. But if Watkins doesn't hit the post in the last minute then we wouldn't be thinking about it. Fine margins.
  9. One of those games where he only gets a couple of sniffs, and doesn't quite do enough with them. In a tight game like this, Duran should be given an opportunity when it's clear Watkins is having an off day with his finishing. Also needs to be smarter with VAR gifting penalties if the striker goes down and there's any contact on him. But one of those weeks. He'll score two from half chances next game when he shouldn't score any.
  10. Wasteful today by Watkins. But I'd have taken a draw at the start of the day.
  11. The same Traore that broke down 10 men behind the ball in the mid week. Give him a go Unai
  12. The three sky match pundits all thought it was a penalty. Guess the refs that gave never played the game know more.
  13. At least the other two games are drawing as well
  14. He does. But the "law" also says that was a goal, and it wasn't given, so once it's already been broken kinda makes sense that it could be broken again. Might have been a better way to make his point.
  15. What's going on? It's like some bizarre twilight zone where noone can speak any truth about villa.
  16. That's Fanatics for you. As bad as Castore.
  17. Just going to encourage people to call us villains would be my thinking. But I'd not be against us putting it on some of our merch and as mentioned having him on the screens when we score.
  18. Ahhh, fair enough. Comparing the number of hosts in each area though, make it pretty clear what's going on here.
  19. Would this be the only time ever that the world cup has returned to the same confederation 12 years after its last trip?
  20. Tottenham also losing a few key players during the AFCON I belive. As said, we keep 2 ppg up and its largely irrelevant what everyone else does.
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