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Everything posted by andyjsg

  1. I disagree with this as the like of Louie and Chuck could do with a season or so smashing it in the championship so they are ready for prem league football, rather than getting the odd minute here or there. Im no fan of the Josh King signing but seems for a year he fills a gap, especially as Wes could also do with a half season loan to get match fitness.
  2. The last two games when he was in with Nakamba, I thought he was excellent.
  3. I am going to join the waiting list as never had one before (I live 100+ miles away). If I get the opportunity I may go either family or 1 adult/1 child. How does it work with who comes, can I use the same child ticket and essentially share it with both kids (alternate) and also with the family ticket my wife will probably be able to only come to half the games so can I take anyone else?
  4. Yep me last Thursday, felt rubbish Friday and Saturday and even on Sunday I was fine to walk around but bailed on an attempt to run after half a mile.
  5. andyjsg


    Careful on the track, start small as can give you calf problems quite quickly. Strides are the one, not so much about all out speed as just getting yourself striding out.
  6. andyjsg


    General rule is to run faster to get faster, so to improve 5k you would do 4or800 reps with a couple of mins recovery so you can run as fast as you can. 8 months out and I’m back running again and nearly 2 years since I was in decent shape. Going to take time to build up again but nice to be able to run a bit. Decided to check my weight and I’m 50lbs heavier (weird as I don’t look it).
  7. The headache seems manageable with ibuprofen but my head is swimming a bit and the ibuprofen has made me nauseous. I have my one year old daughter until lunchtime then hopefully the wife will come and take over so I can have a snooze (and maybe do some work).
  8. I had my AZ shot yesterday, was absolutely fine until about 10pm last night and since then my head has been banging and I ended up watching tv from 2am.
  9. People develop differently, just because one player can smash it at 16, others take longer to develop. I was lightweight and 5' 8" at 17 and 6' 2" and 13 1/2 stone at 22. These academy staff we have will know when players are ready and Im sure Dean does too, we will see them when they are ready to play.
  10. I was just thinking this, take Ings out of Saints and they dont have a replacement for example. Its only really Man City who can live without say a Foden or KDB, I mean Man Utd are very reliant on Fernandes. We also have lost Trez who was finally hitting some form and Sanson who also gave us another option.
  11. That’s on cash, we were starting to take some control for what is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen a footballer do. Man City very much on it today and when they are they are the best team in the world. Smith made the right subs I think but this was taken away from him by stupid play.
  12. Waaaay too long (I did it in 3 sittings, partly due to having to do other stuff) but I quite enjoyed the Snyder Cut. Nowhere near the levels of Marvel but was interesting and some of the battles were good fun.
  13. Thought I would jump into this one as I'm very much into games but never have time to play them (apart from the 80 hours I dropped into FFVII Remake last year). Anyway wife has been working evenings so I have had the kids so we have been banging through a few games including SackBoy, Crash 4 (which took me 500+ attempts to complete the last crash point on the 2nd to last level) and as of two nights ago Miles Morales (I've had it since xmas but not got round to playing) which is incredible on the PS5 - what a game. Need to crack on through COD as its taking up 1/4 of my storage and will need space when a few more games come out in the spring.
  14. Frustrating that!! Should of won at a canter, had tons of chances but couldn’t put it away, just like the First Burnley game.
  15. I actually thought he was great last night, just badly let down by the other two, he was everywhere and doing his best to stop the rot. Dropped back into the defence really well too, his best game for a while I think.
  16. Work is a weird one as I have worked from home for ten years. The thing that is different is everyone else is at home all the time so work time doesn’t seem to really stop, I seem to have team messages or emails at anytime day or night. the other annoying thing is I hurt my back in September and for someone who has been running or cycling most days to basically barely leaving the house it is certainly not a positive change in lifestyle, so my 3 hour podcast escapes have disappeared and it’s weird as it was easier to justify running for training but not to just go walk on my own. At least Villa are on tv all the time and I built a full size arcade for the kids (yeah right)
  17. My wife just reminded me of last year and that was good and some really good ones historically. anyway, still only two scores this isn’t done yet
  18. That’s the only one I liked and I hate Coldplay but liked the Beyoncé/Bruno Mars bit
  19. I have a hammer friend and he is the same, basically keeps going on about him diving and actually in the last game he did a blatant dive which doesn’t help my argument
  20. Its a shame Parler shutdown, seemed like a good alternative place for Leeds United Twitter users
  21. Yeah the sky lot must be blind, the ball changes direction, I don’t get how they can’t see it. Anyway worse we have played this season I think or partly Southampton have been good with the ball in midfield which probably makes it looks worse than it it. Bertrand and Luiz look tired, give em 10-15 and get Trez and Sanson on.
  22. I wonder if he was one with Covid as not quite on his game since. Not awful just not as good as he has been
  23. Yeah I saw your comment above, the current hit rate is amazing, I think I’m more reacting to the usual Pundit claim we made bad signings last season and we didn’t, most just took time to bed in.
  24. Trez, Luiz and Nakamba all looking like good signings I think, who knows on Wes, probably won’t really know until next season.
  25. 2 came out last week and a new one today.
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