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Everything posted by YouUnastanFren

  1. It isn't true. I went earlier to check and Christian Purslow greeted me at the door with a freshly signed Grealish contract and a crate of official PL heat press vinyl letter Es. Then everyone clapped.
  2. I've heard Wezbid can get you 1,000-5,000 dollars per day but you'll have to do an audition on that sofa first.
  3. Assuming we're talking mid 90s when they were both at their peaks and Yorke was still at Villa then Baggio would've strengthened the side significantly more imo. We could've won the league with a spine of Bosnich McGrath Townsend Baggio Yorke
  4. Whose head has been turned... We hope because some of our writers have pinned their, and by extension our, reputation on it.
  5. Except instead of practicing one kick 10,000 times like uncle Bruce, Sammy has just tweeted one bit of bullshit 10,000 times instead.
  6. You've missed the cue to wet your pants. Now you just look silly. Dry pants Mazrim they call him
  7. What has caused this latest bout of mass hysteria? Is it just contagious?
  8. No no, of course Manchester City would willingly delay their business and hamper their own pre season preparation all to just generate a few more clicks for crappy junk news sites
  9. Ah damn it. I hoped that Grealish signing his new contract would seriously damage Spam Lee's "journalistic" credibility. Turns out he doesn't have any and is already a laughing stock so no damage will be done. Journalism really is on its arse these days.
  10. On top of giving vague statements with loads of weasel room (because he's a weasel) he word removed is wearing a **** turtleneck in his profile picture. Absolute clearing in the woods. ITK? I think it's clear he Ks FA
  11. Terry was inevitably going to leave so he'll have just had an article about it saved in drafts for when the news broke. He knows **** all
  12. Bogarde too if we're counting players who could conceivably get minutes this season.
  13. It's like people don't understand that timing pays any part in a prediction being correct. If what they predict will happen every window does eventually happen in 5 years they'll claim they were right all along when in fact they were wrong 10 times and right once. Similar to when people predict a manager has been "found out", or "reached his level", or "can't take us any further". Then when they're wrong and he progresses to the next level they predict the same thing again and it happens again ad nauseum. In almost all cases eventually the manager will leave and they will think they were "right all along" when in fact they were wrong all along until right at the end.
  14. I was about to say they still have a sell on clause but iirc they sold it for cash flow
  15. You must be thinking of a different window. Jim White and his yellow tie assure me this window SLAMS SHUT
  16. The numbers are always made up. Iirc several players have called out absolute bollocks like this in the past
  17. Luckily Benitez's positive effect will be tempered by half the fans trying to hound him out from the first game they lose. I get the impression they've got money to spend though sadly and they've also got an unnamed 31 year old sized space just freed up in their wage bill too. Hopefully we can get this done quickly.
  18. Goal probability is just another name for xG. It's just presented as a percentage rather than a decimal
  19. 2-0 down in the finals, Giannis injured bending his knee the wrong way, looking on the ropes and they win 4 straight to take their first title in 50 years. He really seems to know what he's doing this lad.
  20. I'm not sure I understand this deal from Atalanta's perspective. Loan deal with only an option to buy for a mediocre fee for their first choice keeper? Same from Gollini's perspective. Going from first choice at a Champions League team to 2nd choice at a Conference League team, and as it's a loan presumably on the same wages. Spurs are improving their backup keeper situation though. They seem to be the only winners.
  21. Newspapers that hadn't yet been printed. Jim White and the Newspaper Time Machine. How fancy
  22. Penalty almost seemed on the harsh side if anything to me. Looked like a textbook racing incident. Neither completely blameless or completely at fault. I think both of them expected the other to pull out of it, VER especially has had success playing chicken with HAM in those situations previously and just assumed he would've backed out. I actually think the crash ended up being worse than it otherwise would've been because VER cut so hard across what he assumed would be HAM's line in order to hurt his downforce and build a gap quickly. Absolutely fantastic racing from both until that point though. Exactly what we all tune in for.
  23. Maybe if it's a front 2 of Watkins and his clone that do the pressing and work of 3 men. Abraham didn't have anywhere near that work rate iirc.
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