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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. Now is your chance to put to bed all the Stevo rumours.. What colour dress/outfit are you wearing?
  2. Just got into the Europa League in 1st season with Villa despite coming 11th, through the fair play league. I've been labelled the mastermind behind the qualification and the name on everyone's lips
  3. Just read on FB that MGS V will be 1080p 60FPS on PS4, and 720p 60FPS on the XBO What the hell were MS thinking with the XBO? They've made the console underpowered to be able to add in stuff like Kinect, TV and Snap that most people don't care about and probably won't use, and the result is every multiplatform game will run a lot worse/look worse than its competitor. I think they've seriously **** up and underestimated what people want from a games console. Removing Kinect and making it the same price as the PS4 won't fix it because the console is still so underpowered. I can see them bringing out a new console in 3/4 years as I think the XBO is doomed already.
  4. I'd imagine you would be able to, but only using the account it was bought on, I presume somebody will want to use the other one too?
  5. Tom Hanks for best actor, ANYONE but Sandra Bullock for best actress.
  6. http://www.villatalk.com/index.php/topic/10887-the-boring-thread/
  7. If you were 12 then this might be forgiveable, but 16?! Gheyyyyy!
  8. The girls on there just sum up this country 'I want someone fun, loving and spontaneous'.. off pop half the lights I think I'm turning into Carew's Eyebrow Designer
  9. Keith lemon, noel fielding and Russell brand? I'll give you Keith Lemon, but the other 2 I never have to sit through. Don't tell me you like Paddy
  10. Is there a more unfunny twunt than Paddy McGuinness? I've never once laughed at his shitty puns and he is actually worse than the people he has on his show. DIE ITV!
  11. All 3 subs used, the dream is over
  12. Looks like she's holding a massive cock
  13. 0-2, FM tactics would be to bring on a youngster...
  14. He's on the bench at SHA, they better bring him on! 30 mins to go
  15. Counter Strike is by far the best (IMO) but despite having the game for 10 years, I am still shit at it, like - really really shit. I cheer everytime I get a kill I'm that bad.
  16. We've also had her mum come into the room whilst the missus is performing an act on me under the covers, all the missus could do was blurt out 'I'm sucking his dong!' I wish married life was as fun.
  17. When I was 17 my girlfriend's (now wife) little brother caught her on top of me stark naked, in the middle of a holiday hotel bathroom. From where he was standing the only thing he would have seen was a cock going up his sister The little shit told their mum, luckily she's one of the good ones and found the whole episode hilarious.
  18. I liked the guy, he was honest and doesn't seem to have had much luck as a manager so far. He probably won't get a job as manager in this country again now
  19. I've learnt from school & jobs that 90% of Asian people are glory supporters, Man United or Liverpool mostly.
  20. RDR is Rockstar's greatest game IMO, it's one of the best games of all time too But GTA V shits all over IV, every mission was huge fun and is easily in my top 10 games
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