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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. Can you imagine it. The media would crucify McGrath (see what I did there!) today. Same with Gazza or Besty. Social media and clearings in the woods with smartphones would be posting every gory detail of their vices (they did a number on Gazza back then - imagine now). That's before we start to add in how much less socially acceptable it is nowadays. Although on a serious note, it is sad to see Gazza now. He looks terrible. He has bought it on himself though - but what a waste. Jack - take heed.
  2. I agree something needs doing with the surrounding area - it is a complete dump, also - doesn't the club own large areas of it? Some form of hotel and facilities would be useful near the ground, when I come up for games I tend to stay overnight somewhere like the Premier Inn near the Dartmouth Circus and then walk to VP along the canal. Somewhere nice to stay really close to the ground would be good - maybe even two - one higher class hotel for corporate hospitality and a more "budget" premier inn style hotel for "normal" fans. Now is the time to redevelop the North stand - re-open the trinity top deck and close it off, get it built whist we are not having big crowds. Internally, some escalators up to the upper tiers would be good :-) Difficult to achieve I know, but much nicer than walking up lots of steps. Im sure that Tony and his design crew will have some good ideas.
  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Optimisim at its best. Love it! I really really hope this happens :-)
  4. Christ, your Waitrose is very different to the one round here.
  5. Absolutely agree BUT That does not excuse his behaviour, or how poor a footballer he is
  6. so his only decent return (for a £60K/week striker) was 6 years ago, and people still think he should be played?????
  7. Probably, we seem to break most players that come our way, although we have also had a nasty tendency to buy players pre-broken. I guess it saved time.
  8. Whats even worse is I agree with both of you!
  9. Yeah, and you still haven't answered me!
  10. Christ we get through back-room staff :-) Welcome Gary.
  11. We would switch to that when defending. Normal operations would be 6 up front.
  12. I think you have confused him with Ayew
  13. I still cannot understand how our players cannot be at least as fit as other championship teams. How can this be allowed to happen? What the hell do they do at Bodymore Heath? Sit around and play call of duty?
  14. No, I agree with you entirely. It is totally out of order to wish harm on anyone. Especially someone just out doing their job, especially when it could have been a career ending injury. Even if they do play for "them".
  15. This. I want to like him (and to some degree I do), I want him to do well, he really tries, but you just know he has one or more almighty **** -ups per game in him (epitomized on Sunday - although respect for not giving it up). I like his attitude and work rate, but he is not good enough and I would like to see him replaced in Jan.
  16. Ah, so you admit its all just a wind-up then???
  17. It was a terrible piece of play to nearly gift Blues a goal, but he did make a good recovery (with a LOT of help from Gollini). Whilst I don't dislike him, he is a weak link, and we need someone who doesn't make as many errors per game. In fairness to him, I don't think DeLaet was much better, but had only had a couple of games so it was difficult to tell. We do need a new first choice RB in Jan. I would hate to see Chester moved to RB as he and Baker are partnering up really well at the moment.
  18. This for me is massive. Why give Gabby the chances rather than develop one of the youngsters? Now it is possible (some may argue) that Gabby would have more of an immediate impact on games, but I don't see that. Yes he ran around a lot yesterday, but didn't really have much of an impact, other than the mind games part of it. I would think that someone like RHM given game time would have more of an impact longer term and is the future, Gabby is the past. The fine line here is that we cannot afford sentiment or give players time to come good, we need to be gaining points 3 at a time NOW. Now, sadly I don't believe either the likes of RHM or Gabby will contribute to that immediately. I would rather we went and loaned someone in Jan. Someone who can hit the ground running. That has to be plan A. Plan B should be to hide Kodjia's passport. Some people have said that we should focus on RB and CM in the window rather than strikers, but I say do all three. Funding should not be an issue and there is space in the squad.
  19. Fair play - I didn't read the match thread as I was working all day, so recorded the game to watch when I got in and had to avoid all things Villa all day. The wankfest comment was an attempt to continue that joke into here, apologies if it didn't come across as intended.
  20. Yeah, I couldn't see what he got booked for, it looked like the blues player slid into him and took his legs out - not sure if he reacted and earned a card that way, but it surprised me that he got booked for that incident. That was a terrible "tackle". I thought that a high foot like that was classed as dangerous play. Should have been sent off. Although when it happened, I said to my wife "it will serve the bastard right if we score from this free kick" and we did :-) that made the goal doubly sweet.
  21. He didn't have a great game today, but he was kicked all round the pitch, some dirty dirty fouls (like the knee in his back). He did look in quite a lot of pain, which will have affected his game, but yes, with hindsight he should have come off early in the second half if only to protect him.
  22. That gave me a good laugh, thanks for cheering me up on a foggy cold morning!
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