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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. especially with Baker in front of him
  2. Do you know what?..... I absolutely agree with you on something :-) If Delph was willing to come to us, we should absolutely accept.
  3. Well, you will probably score more goals :-) I'll even come along and cheer you on
  4. ^^^^ This, this this, 1000x this. Then he might have regained a modicum of respect and dignity (Ha!) But instead he bought an exercise bike and posted a picture of it on Instagram. That's enough, surely. #Legend
  5. Fixed that for you..... Passing Accuracy Won Tackles per game Interceptions per game Touches per game Times pushed off ball like a little girl Shots Assists Goals Appearances Ashley Westwood 79% 1.05 1.05 37.68 4,326 2 0 0 22 Henri Lansbury 75% 1.41 1.35 61.65 0 14 3 6 17
  6. Sounds like he deserves a new 4 year contract then. Wouldn't want to lose an talent like that.
  7. He was not as bad last night as people are making out, yes he made a few mistakes, bad ones, but he didn't give up and recovered pretty much every one of them immediately and was visibly angry with himself each time. Apart from those mistakes he defended well. Most of his mistakes seemed to come from attempting to shield the ball out of play - he is not big enough or strong enough to do that as his default option. He does need to learn where row Z is and put the ball there when there is danger, unless he is being instructed to do the shielding rather than lose possession. Going forward he was OK as well, but only OK. There was not enough movement around him for the most part and was closed down quickly by their right sided players - Their RB and RW were playing as one. Amavi had Ayew, and whilst Ayew did get back a number of times, he was not providing the same level of support. Even at £25m I would not be looking to sell at the moment. Much bigger issues with our squad and new players to integrate into the team. Lets not create another problem to fix.
  8. Or his predecessor, or his predecessor, or his predecessor
  9. Pretty fair summary there mate. A big part of our issue is the mindset of our players - still reeling from last season's debacle and the poor start to this season. There does not seem to be enough trust between them (although it is getting better slowly) and hence the players who (think they) are better try to do things themselves, and generally fail, or are trying to cover other players weaknesses. We need three things: 1. A midfield ;-) 2. Confidence (although versus where we were, that is coming) 3. A team that plays to each other's strengths - to achieve this we need players with some actual strengths and a stable first team. We have been chopping and changing every game. I hope this is because Bruce has been assessing his options before wading into the transfer market. Hopefully post Jan we will see a more stable team and start to see better, more flowing football.
  10. ^ That is awesome! fantastic attendance
  11. Apparently he is off to West Brom in Jan..... https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/2438255/rudy-gestede-set-to-join-west-brom-from-aston-villa-in-7m-deal-in-january/ " REUTERS 4 Rudy Gestede is on his way to West Brom Gestede, 28, has scored only four times for Villa this season but has been constantly watched by Pulis. The Benin forward has also been attracting interest from Crystal Palace and Middlesbrough. Gestede is understood to have attended Boro’s 3-0 home defeat to Liverpool last week. New Villa boss Steve Bruce has identified in-form Bees striker Hogan as Gestede’s replacement. French Ligue 1 -21st December 2016, 19:50 Bastia v Marseille Match Result Bastia 11/5 Draw 21/10 Marseille 11/8 Correct Score Bastia 1-0 7/1 Marseille 1-0 11/2 Bastia 2-0 12/1 Marseille 2-0 9/1 Bastia 2-1 11/1 Marseille 2-1 9/1 View All Bets After dropping into non-League football with Woodley Sports in the Northern Premier League, Hogan, 24, is enjoying an impressive rise through the ranks. He has already scored 13 times this season and although he is also wanted by Reading and Bristol City, would move to Villa. REUTERS 4 Gestede has only scored four times for Villa this season but will leave for £7m ACTION IMAGES 4 Villa want Brentford’s Scott Hogan to replace Gestede PA:PRESS ASSOCIATION 4 Brentford could also lose Alan Judge to Newcastle Hogan – who missed nearly two years of football with anterior cruciate ligament damage – recently revealed he has ambitions of playing in the Premier League. He said: “I don’t want to be in the Championship long – I want to play in the Premier League”. Villa boss Bruce is also keen to push through a deal to bring in Arsenal’s Carl Jenkinson on loan to help his side’s promotion push Brentford could also lose midfielder Alan Judge to Newcastle next month for £600,000. The Bees are currently 14th in the Championship table. They sit nine points off the play-off spots."
  12. I dare you to say that in the Westwood thread ;-)
  13. And also listen to foxy_megan slagging Westwood off during a Radio WM commentary
  14. Hmmmm, if you think the performances he has been putting in have been OK, then you have very low standards, and frankly if that's the level of performance we are judging as OK we are in for a very long stay in the Championship. I want better players playing for Villa, I want a decent replacement WHO CAN SCORE GOALS (not someone who scored a fair few several years ago and "might" score one or two now). Just do not get the love for this guy. Play RHM, play Gestede both are better options. It sickens me that he has suckered in another manager
  15. Oh come on, it is a pretty close fight who gets most abuse, Westwood or Gabby. :-) And Westwood is probably the better footballer.
  16. Yep £70K/week and he makes space. Pay me half that and I will run at people all afternoon. And probably be better on the ball if I ever got hold of it. On a positive note, I did see him manage to make a pass to one of our own players against QPR, so definite improvement.
  17. It was, and we played decent in the first half, but we did not outplay them, after Gabby went off, we did step it up and really did outplay them. Funny that.
  18. Yawn, well I had forgotten you. Have better things to do with my time than argue with people on the internet. Not really interested in your views frankly. it was interesting for a while, now its just boring. Im done on this subject. Please feel free to continue though. Just don't expect a reply.
  19. This for me is critical. GA is the past. I dont believe his Cameos are enough to get us promoted and therefore would rather see game time given to someone who *might* come good.
  20. Sorry, said I wouldn't post any more on this, but will respond to this particular video because it is part of the same comment. Hadn't seen this, and yes, I agree - that was out of order in the extreme. As a president he should be more "presidential" However, Presumably all of the career comedians who mock people in a similar way, and those who make fun of Trump's appearance will be similarly chastised and hated? including the "very funny" comedian mentioned a few posts ago? No, oh thought not. Will go and sharpen my pitchfork immediately. Bad Donald!
  21. I wasn't. I was actually criticising it.
  22. WTF are you on about????? Most of that you are AGREEING with me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right - how simple can I make this for you. 2. He has made comments, in private, to someone he was obviously trying to impress, over 10 years ago that were deplorable (but no worse than most blokes say to each other) and this has - rightly been publicised. But, those attacking him conveniently don't balance this against the way he actually acts towards the women who work for him. FOR CLARITY - This does not mean that I think grabbing women by the p***y is acceptable. Is that clear enough for you?????? 5. The comments about the wall were in relation to stopping illegal immigration. How on earth are the two not related? 6. I have criticised the comments he made about muslims. Not sure what else you want??? As for the picture, I am not sure what that was about - I have not seen it, nor the context, so am not in a position to comment on it. But you have said it was deplorable so it must be. Booo Donald!
  23. *sigh* Get off your high horse - I used the phrase as that is how the episode has been described in the media. Perhaps I should have put it in quotes.
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