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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. As a person, i think Trump is not the right person to be president. I think his judgement is questionable and I think he has a number of views that need to be consigned to the history books. Specifically (and in no particular order): 1. Views on Climate Change 2. Views on women as playthings. However I do think that a lot more has been made of the locker room talk than should have been when that is weighed up against the number of women in senior positions in his companies, and the parity of salaries paid to them (although no doubt you will say that they are there as eye candy and decoration) - Note: a number of people on here have said many many things about women that could be onsidered as just as bad. 3. Attitude towards education 4. Attitude towards healthcare 5. Stupid comments about building a wall. However wanting to control immigration and deport illegal immigrants is an acceptable policy in my opinion 6. Comments about Muslims What I am not going to do is join in the bile and hatred that is being poured against him. The abject refusal to accept him as president of another country (who's population have elected him according to their laws) is just stupid. Like it or loath it, we need to work with him and his administration for the good of the UK and the wider world. When he starts to look like he will be doing some of the outrageous things he has said (like muslim registries) - rather than just the Media saying he will, then I will start to get worried/upset/angry about it. What I have been trying to say is that the establishment, and the public, rather than bleat and rage about his election need to understand the reasons why people voted for him and work to address them, rather than dismiss them and call them rasicst, bigots and mysoginists. All that will do is further the divide. I'm sure that some of the people who voted for him are probably racist, but 50% (approx) of the voting public sure as hell aren't.
  2. You made your views abundantly clear. As for having a pop at you, I wasn't, I was asking you to explain your views. You did, and they were pretty disgraceful.
  3. The difference between being put on the spot on a question of what *might* happen versus actively campaigning on the basis of wanting to ignore the result. Anyway - Whatever. You have your opinion, I have mine. You think I'm a hypocrite, that's your choice. Really doesn't bother me. Based on your posts, your view is only to be expected and I'm done with you.. Wasn't having a pop at Seat - was asking him to explain his opinion - I'm not going to comment further on the results of that.
  4. I am not excusing Farage of the same thing, as I stated I don't believe it applies, that is not the same as excusing him. Feel free to disagree. You disagreeing does not make me a hypocrite. You said you were amazed that I didn't agree. Hence me saying that not everyone believes he is the anti-Christ - that's not a rant, its pointing out that people can have differing views. Also, about this rant about the left I have gone on in response to your question - been back and looked - can't find it.
  5. Because I cant be bothered. But since you insist..... I don't agree that the same could be said. You know, difference of opinion and all that. Well, fairs fair - the remainers didn't accept the vote, so no reason why the leavers should have done had it been the other way I guess. happy? Shall we get back on topic now?
  6. Agreed, yes, he should be doing it behind the scenes if he should be doing it at all, it doesn't hurt having someone on-side who can at least advise, but yes, this is a step to far, and I do agree he is letting himself down here, looks like he has let himself get carried away. Maybe, just maybe it will spur our officials on though :-)
  7. Done that, found it. Agreed on that point, assuming that it is true and not just the normal media shit storm - he should not be interfering publically like that, although I doubt the media are helping either.
  8. Fairly blinkered view. Most of what you say there is wrong. Talking about immigration is not racist, talking about the fisheries policy in particular is not racist Talking about wanting out of Europe is not xenophobic Considering UKIP to be all the things you have just said is particularly offensive. You have no idea what you are talking about frankly. And if that is your opinion then it is not really worth talking to you about it. I accept that UKIP has attracted some less than desirable characters in the past, but the party has worked to remove them, and to make the sweeping statements that you have just made is just as bigoted and blinkered as you are accusing them of being. Frankly, your attitude here disgusts me. I am not going to continue this conversation as it is pretty clear where your thoughts are, and I don't want to see this thread closed.
  9. OK, I was not aware of that/have not seen it. If that is the case, I agree he should not be doing that and does need to wind his neck in. Just had a quick Google and cannot see anything, any chance of a link?
  10. OK, so having had you totally miss the point, let's try again. Awol responded that he was a slimy little toad because "By attempting to insert himself as some kind of gate keeper between the new US Administration & the U.K. Government he is now actively harming the national interest and needs to wind his neck in immediately." The point I was making is other people who may have done the same in the circumstances would not get the same level of abuse or hatred sent their way. Lets try something different then...... See the bit in bold - elaborate please. What is it that makes him a slimy little toad in your opinion (or that unicorn of yours)?
  11. You are amazed that some people may not see Farage as the anti-Christ? Anyway, not sure when UKIP became a disgraced party like the Lib Dems (other than people who never liked them in the first place - disliking or disagreeing with someone's views does not make them a disgrace) - whereas publishing manifesto objectives and then completely ignoring them does. (we will see if this happens to Trump) I'm not saying that everything Farage does is great, far from it, but it is fashionable to have a pop at him, deserved or not - frankly the hating is a bit embarrassing
  12. Yes. Someone who's stated objective is to ignore the referendum result and do what he wants, in the hope of clawing power back for his disgraced party. A man with no morals or qualms about doing anything necessary to get into some position of power. So yes, slimy little toad. As for Farage, I get people don't like him, but a lot of the criticism he receives is either totally unjustified or much harsher than it would be if it were someone else doing the same thing. Imagine if Corbyn was the one meeting with Trump because he had a prior relationship with him? Forget the "no, he wouldn't do that" response and imagine that he did - would he get the same treatment?
  13. Who says he has been doing that? He himself has distanced himself from any such role. He was part of Trumps campaign and he is being thanked for that by Trump. Actually, it is a good thing that there is someone in UK politics that he gets on with. That puts us one step above most countries, even if it is just Trump having a soft spot for the UK. The phrase Slimy little toad I would reserve for characters like Tim Farron.
  14. Absolutely spot on. Nails it for me as well.
  15. It does when the term is used in the context of an insult, which it usually is, and to call someone ignorant is normally taken as such. To call someone ill-informed/uninformed/misinformed on a subject is fine (or even plain wrong), but to call them ignorant is often inflammatory. Especially when combined with other words such as stupid, dumb etc (not saying you personally have done this but others have). Even though calling someone ignorant may be factually correct in the dictionary definition of the word - it is likely to be the part that is picked up on rather than the point you are trying to make, so yes, it weakens the argument. I have never heard the term "Generation Snowflake" used before. Where has that come from? Who is doing that? To follow on from your point - I do agree that a large element of the problem is due to people who are ignorant of the subject matter expressing an opinion as fact on both sides of the argument. That guy is clearly an idiot - but there are clearly idiots on both sides. The internet is a terrible thing in that regard in that it does provide a platform! I do look forward to Friday when we can start talking about football again.
  16. Its like groundhog day again on here. I cant be bothered repeating myself again and again. Cannot understand why some fans are so obsessed with forgiving Agbonlahors behaviour. It makes not sense whatsoever. Go back and read old posts, they summarise very well why Gabby should not be in a Villa shirt or anywhere near Villa Park ever again. I am very disappointed by Bruce giving him another chance, but have to trust that he has a plan. I hope that plan involves using Gabby ans he has used us, and that at the end of the season we throw him away like he deserves. I have little doubt that if Gabby manages to weasel his way back into the team as a first choice, he will revert to type and let himself, Bruce and the fans down YET again. Unfortunately that will be bad for Villa, which is why I dont want it to happen.
  17. Why? because I am sick of people who have a view they wish to view being called ignorant or stupid, it is pretty irritating and frankly weakens the argument. The "experts" have been doing a really terrible job recently. Not sure that any result they create would be any better. and lets face it, all of our elected representatives have had a completely different view to the population in general (as evidenced by the referendum result). Fr too many vested interests and party politics, when the public dont have a voice because their elected representatives have their own agendas, which are all pretty similar regardless of party.
  18. The quote was "the people need to be protected from themselves" That is very dangerous ground. As for the candidates that have been produced - The ones to date have not been much better.
  19. Wow! Spoken like a true dictator. Protecting the people from themselves. Go listen to yourself. Wow. I get that there are lots of sore remainers on here, but again, spectacularly missing the point of why you lost with comments like that. Who the hell has the right to decide someone else's opinion is less valuable or more wrong than theirs?
  20. I'm not. I think giving a voice to the people is the basis of democracy.
  21. And I bet the grid girl liked the jacket he gave her.
  22. You missed the bit where he previously spoke during Trump campaign rallies and is friends with Trump??? why would he not go and help celebrate something he was actually part of. People really do make up some shit for hating Farage.
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