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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. Yes, and after that he went and bought himself an exercise bike. He even posted pictures to Instragram with his shirt off. What more do you want from him????? Leave the poor lamb alone. There is no reason why a mealy mouthed 3 line apology should not make up for the piss he has been taking for a long time now, not just last season. Why can't you understand that you bully. You are just mean for not welcoming him back into the fold. he is a hero and a legend. After all, he scored against the blues a few times many years ago, and he used to be able to run quite fast in a straight line. Gabby Please note, I do not agree with anything I have posted here.
  2. She looked like she needed a hug
  3. There are international laws against "cruel and unusual punishment"
  4. Which he completely failed to demonstrate in his time here.
  5. Maybe, but the problems were there and buried / ignored by the previous administrations (including Obama). At least now they will be highlighted and perhaps once (if) the righteous indignation dies down then the conversations can start to be had. Trump will not be allowed/able to do half the stuff he has "promised" I would rather be optimistic and look for solutions than moan about what a terrible country it is, and how humanity has died. I do really feel for the people who are being racially abused at the moment, and the people doing it - on BOTH sides should be locked up. But more of the same was clearly not working. Make no mistake, these divides have been there for a long long time.
  6. Riiiiiggghhhttt... all Trumps fault. Not one of these innocent, lovely law-abiding people held views like this last week. Disagree with someone's policies, fine, dislike someone as a person, fine. Protest your dislike, fine, vote against them, fine. This. No. when this has been the other way round, it has been rightly condemned and people arrested and jailed. And for this people have sympathy???? Holy crap! You don't suddenly go out and riot and say things like this without an underlying hatred of white people. what about white people who voted for Hillary? Should they die too? America has big problems. Maybe Trump's election is the catalyst for the ruling class to start doing something meaningful about it.
  7. I agree with this, the current system means that if you are not on the "winning" side you have no representation - even if the winning side is 50% + 1 vote. never understood the winner takes all nature of that vote
  8. Buddhism. The Tian Tan Buddah in Hong Kong has a number of swastikas on it, it is a symbol of buddhism (albeit the symbol is reversed from the Nazi version).
  9. True enough. They are not going to get very far with their frapacchinos and hemp slippers when the other side have assault, sorry hunting rifles
  10. Yep, anyone can sit in the stands in one of them.
  11. I thought we were voting for one of the Kardashians next time?
  12. Hmm, not sure how that happened. Sorry bud!
  13. And I simply answered it. I have no burden of proving it, it is all on here for you (or others) to read at your convenience. I haven't been aggressive either, so maybe you too could, well, you know.
  14. That's not the point though is it. If they (the "Right wing Anti PC brigade") were coming out and saying things lumping all manner of people together in a stereotype, they would be/are (rightly) berated for it, but when it is in the other direction, it is open season. "Your white and middle class, everything is your fault and you are a racist" is basically the theme of that article, and therefore you are wrong and aren't entitled to a say. Just like the left wing liberals all love democracy until the vote goes against them. If it was Trump supporters rioting in the streets, the condemnation would be absolute, but because it is left wing students and Hillary supporters, its being covered like they are the champions of humanity. For what it is worth, I am not in support of Trump. What I am in support of is democracy - WHATEVER the result (even if I don't like it). I am also for people being treated equally regardless of their skin colour (including people whose skin is white). The whole thing is just a **** up from start to finish. Neither Trump nor Hillary should have been anywhere near this contest. The two worst possible candidates. It was like neither side wanted to win!
  15. There you go folks, if you don't agree with the liberal elite, you are a Racist. No doubt some of the Trump voters are, but again, broad brush, no concern for the issues that caused Trump to get in (Why on earth field Hillary over Bernie?). Everyone is wrong, its terrible, the country is full of racists and it is the white mans fault, the Democrats and their supporters are ignoring the issues and picking the easy targets again, until they wake up and deal with the issues that got Trump elected, things will not improve. And most of the problems identified in that patronising drivel above have worsened under Obama (or at the very least become more public). As a side note, "Nice" to see that the enlightened liberals who do not support Trump are burning flags, smashing up cars and buildings and generally causing "mischief" on the streets!
  16. Interesting. I have read the treaty of Rome (and the Maastricht treaty) and I don't recall seeing that in there (it was part of a college thesis 20+ years ago).
  17. NATO says Hello. I hate this argument. The EU has existed since the Maastricht treaty in 1993. 33 years ago. And for the first 10-15 years was in its infancy. The EU has NOT prevented war in Europe for longer than ever before, it was NATO and the UN and a collective fear of the USSR that kept Europeans from fighting each other since the end of World War 2 (48 years until the fledgling EU was born). Prior to this, the EEC (created in 1957 by the treaty of Rome) was a trading block, not a peacekeeping force, not a political union, and was very very different from the EU of today. It had no role in preventing wars. What it did do was bring the belligerent countries of the past closer through trade. That may have had a place in making them more amenable to each other, but it was NATO, the UN and the cold war that really kept Europe together. Apologies for going off topic.
  18. Just to lighten the mood..... Can we blame Gabby for Trump's election victory yet?
  19. At what point did i say I supported voting for Trump because a company I used to work for was up its own arse about upsetting people who might take offense to Christmas? I was responding to the point about only idiots believing that political correctness exists. back to the topic: People voted for Trump for a number of reasons. Dismissing them all as idiots is a retarded way of responding to the will of the people. The correct response would be to understand WHY it happened and look at the causes and fix them (if their are real, fix them, if they are perceived, fix the perception). Sitting around wringing hands and wailing about what a stupid decision it is and deriding people as idiots and crying about how nasty your country has become on national TV is not going to stop it happening. And it certainly wont stop it happening again. (not aimed at you, just a summary of FB, forums and TV this morning) Anyway, have to go out, so enjoy your debate guys (be nice!), will be back later
  20. Thats not the point, the point was that overblown political correctness does exist in people's lives and most wont differentiate if it is the government, the company the work for or the stray cat down the street.
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