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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. I really like Assombalonga, Think he could cut it in the top flite if given the chance.
  2. For the record I don't love Westwood I do hope we sign at least one midfielder in January and I hope Westwood continues to compete for a spot. If he isnt good enough then that's fine by me. I DO FIND BOOING A PLAYER IN A VILLA SHIRT WHILE WE ARE TRYING TO WIN A FOOTBALL MATCH IN HOPE WE GET PROMOTED BACK TO THE PREMIER LEAGUE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY STUPID, COUNTER PRODUCTIVE AND EMBARASSING. I hope this clears up any confusion that I might be defending Ashley Westwood because I love him.
  3. But he can't and wont leave until January...... at the earliest....... Therefore....... just enjoy the victory.......
  4. Breaks up play and helps the back four, Dont get in his face or he'll take you to the floor, He is big and strong and has a beard, When he is on the field he is to be feared, Jedi.... Jedinak (dont come back) I have the musical ability of a large boulder.... dont be too harsh
  5. Yes this exactly. Its why stats alone mean nothing and our obsession with them in general leads some people to write off players/teams without watching them enough.
  6. Really?? That would mean we have no fit RB's so..........
  7. Said from the beginning he wouldn't let us down.... Aussie, Aussie, Aussie Oi, Oi, Oi
  8. Nah the obvious thing would be for the 'fans' (if you can even call them that) to shutup and support their team. Its like some people would prefer we didn't get promoted so they can go, 'Its all Ashleys fault' Ps if people continually boo their own player(s) then I don't class them as a fans..... id use choice words that I refrain from writing in a public forum.
  9. Why dont you enjoy the victory today and take this up in January....
  10. Well done Steve, you at the very least have made me look forward to matches again (even if I can't follow the game). For this, I thankyou.
  11. Hearing that so called 'fans' booed him today when we were 2-1 up makes me glad that I live thousands of miles away and cant go to games, because i would no doubt get in much trouble. I would love a booer to fess up on VT and explain their actions but I'm sure they only do when they can in a cowardly way.
  12. Thanks Limpid, all sorted I'm happily a donor now. And apologies for not posting in appropriate thread.
  13. I just tried to become a donor as i am happy to pay to get rid of ads. However when i go to the page it says there is a problem and there is no shop button.....
  14. Villan_of_oz

    New theme

    I dont know if this is relevant but for a few days every VT page would take forever too load (nothing wrong with my internet, i checked). Last few days everything has been sweet.... no problems at all. Just a query.... how do you ddefine 'intrusive ad'?
  15. Doesn't seem to bother Leicester too much. Here's somthing for sky to anaylize..... If we only average 35% of possesion for the rest of the season but average 2pts per game. I will not give a flying f$#k
  16. I think its worth noting when i agree with you..... this has been duly noted
  17. Doesnt he automatically qualify for the standard 5 year 'AVFC' contract then?
  18. As an overseas fan, if i could watch the replay the next day I would enjoy just watching my team play. Unless I win the lottery im never going to be a season ticket holder or go to any games.
  19. Yep true I just read an article that said Dean told Jedi to go into the other half. For all the crap we give refs this fella deserves credit.... not just cos he did it for us, but it was just the right thing to do. Good game management. Bloody scum find new depths to sink to.
  20. Great idea..... I for will appreciate these updates.
  21. Nope he has been told to train with the reserves and must adhere to other conditions that are undisclosed. Basically he is being kept fit, for the good of both parties he can be flogged off in January. Barton will not play for Rangers senior team again....
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