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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. So your top 2 is Liverpool and Spurs? Thats funny Id answer with exact same 2
  2. I will gladly do that alas I am not that computer savvy. How would I attempt this?
  3. Exactly this Stevo....... I have been labelled a Westwood lover, who knows I may be his biggest fan. However all I continually state is he is a decent squad player and its not his fault we don't have better midfielders, so he keeps getting picked. If I have lost objectivity or my comments are overstating the situation Im happy to be set straight.
  4. I have just replayed the game for the third time. Each time I alter my tactics and I dominate possession. I have lost all 3 games. Cmon this has to be rigged........ I have scored 1 goal to their 6 in these 3 games.
  5. Cheers mate, in my latest game I was 4th and Qpr were 20th with only 1 win in 12 games. I actually scored 1st so i decided to play a patient controlling game and they go bang bang 2 goals.... really cant understand where it came from they had only scored 5 goals in the 12 games. Without whinging did feel like a bit of FM moment
  6. Hi all, im still on fm16 but this just a general question.... Does anyone else have problems against the bottom teams? I regularly lose to them and I have played a lot of FM so its not just a few times. No matter what I try i just struggle against them but I can't really work out why. Any advice or experiences shared would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Yes cos that's what i said..... geez
  8. He has also made great saves which have gained us points, if a few people got their way in VT we would have no players left to field a team cos we would have sold everyone.
  9. Or maybe we just need to not view our players so negatively......
  10. Im guessing you didn't watch the game!
  11. 5 mins later shot on target from outside the box...... Oh my lordy
  12. Turns on the T.V and the firsr thing I see is Westy make a great tackle....... Hahaha thats the way mate show em how its done.
  13. Excellent post. Can i say with respect Tro that I disagree with you a bit on various topics but your spot on here and I respect your opinion because you dont like Westwood but I dont pick you as one to boo him and you have just said that you back Bruce as he is the manager so you therefore must go along with his team selection All of us so called Westwood lovers are really asking for is don't get stuck into him while he is doing his best for Villa. I agree he is not what I would would call a first pick midfielder....... But ill make this point again...... It's not his fault we dont have better midfielders It's not his fault he gets picked to play All we're asking is get behind a Villa player playing for Villa trying his best for Villa to help Villa get back in the Premier League where Villa belong (Ps. Ashley Westwood is a Villa player!!!!!!!!)
  14. Way off topic now but if you want to claim you're educated and that means you understand Trump better than me then I'm ok with that. Fwiw your wrong but I hope you have a nice day
  15. Er do you know how to play snap..... i was agreeing with you. Your point was in my view the winning card. Ive written enough posts on here for my view of AW (solid squad player, its not his fault we don't have any better midfielders) and his treatment at games
  16. The world is really screwed up when we slate footballers for being overweight and useless but endorse a complete and utter peanut for president.
  17. Why do I get the feeling you don't rate RDM?
  18. Could Randy and the good doctor be anymore polar opposites......
  19. Im still playing fm16 but Renato Tapia is always in my teams.
  20. Leaving the local golf club car park the other day and there right in front of my car is someone with the personalised number plate AVFC 1982. Given that this was in a little town in South Australia, i thought blimey whats the odds of that then. Hope everyone is now ok involved in these stories I've read.
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