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Everything posted by Johnnyp

  1. I think the RB Leipzig game will be as close to the 11 for Spurs as is possible. I'd hope today actually we do way with the seperate 11s for each half. Only 2 weeks away.
  2. Exactly this. Whilst we are playing some lovely stuff right now, it is pre season against limited opposition. It will be a baptism of fire when we go to Spurs on the first day. We won't have the ball for large spells, not because we are poor, the opposition at this level, especially top 8, is elite. I'd hope the RB Leipzig game will be as close to competitive you can get against a quality opposition.
  3. Wish him all the best. Showed a top attitude to go out and want to get games last season.
  4. I do hope though we don't put the kid up on a pedestal and knock him down if it's not going right at the beginning. He has no control over the hype. Need to be prepared for the fact that he might not hit the ground running. He's a talent. Clearly. The coaching team's job to make it so he gets settled, is happy and get the best out of him.
  5. Only a matter of time before sky cut promotional ties with this parasite. He knew Whyte failed the first test. Whether the board cleared him or not is neither here nor there. Hearn had knowledge that Whyte failed a UKAD test last week. End of. And he kept it to himself and proceeded with the card. Just. Wow. The radio silence from him also since this has broke. He went in both barrels on Miller.
  6. Villa Park gonna be going all Samba on match day !
  7. Says Alan Nixon. He's about as relevant as a freckle on my left testicle.
  8. Villa talk after we sign 37 players " Happy with this lot, just a goalie , a striker, a right winger and a new CB to cover Mings, Konsa, Engels, Hause and Chester and we should be ok "
  9. I'm not too bothered about it to be honest. Unless Rodri is an absolute flop, Luiz won't be going anywhere for a while.
  10. Still pinching myself. Historically, we don't sign this type of player. He's elite. Potentially world class. Also mindful too that he is 21 and might be prone to a few mistakes early doors. But again, what a signing. We've put this league on notice.
  11. So much cash we are basically buying Wesley's mates Ah no, he looks good and strengthens us in an area where we needed it.
  12. I was impressed actually how we were without the ball. Ok the opposition hasn't exactly been stellar but Smith spoke after the Minnesota game that our shape without the ball in the PL is very important. We have to be honest enough to know that Spurs will boss large parts of the game and have the potential to cut through us easily so the shape needs to be good.
  13. Can't see it. Trezeguet will compete with El Ghazi for the wide left slot. McGinn be like a duck out of water out wide.
  14. Struggled tonight. I think with the way we clearly want to play going forward he's going to find it hard to keep up. Found it easy with Hutton and Taylor because it was always sideways and back that it was very comfortable but not effective. Guilbert and Jota take up much more advanced positions, Conor doesn't have that easy out ball with these two. Head was down a bit tonight. Won't read too much into that but yeah one he'll want to forget.
  15. Suliman has miles to go if he ever wants to play top level. Needs a loan where he will actually play.
  16. Played very well. Still don't see how he gets minutes though when we have all our business done.
  17. Who do you think starts instead of him. I think Jota will start away at spurs.
  18. Might not of caught much attention but his positional awareness and press when we werent in possession was very impressive i thought also. Just a clever footballer.
  19. Jota's press off the ball. Anyone else notice this ? It's very impressive.
  20. He's going to play as he is tonight. He isn't a winger. He'll move inside and create space for Guilbert to go past him. Trezeguet will do likewise with Targett out left. This is how Smith has wanted to play all along. He's only starting to mould this team how he wants it to play now.
  21. We haven't had a right back in a while who, how can i put It, can move. Very comfortable shifting the ball between feet and just doesn't look as awkward on the ball as we are accustomed to.
  22. Konsa or Engels away to Spurs ? It's a tough one but a good problem to have.
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