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Everything posted by samjp26

  1. He was an English talent doing quite well for himself, he'll leave on loan and then probably permanently or end up on the bench like Young. Of course, Moyes believes Young is better than Kagawa so maybe he'll get a chance. God knows.
  2. It was VERY close. Has to be a rematch lined up, Gus got some serious defence!
  3. The link up play between him and Tekkers is usually really good for Belgium, if only ey.
  4. We don't play with wingers, he plays as a wide forward. Thing is, would you prefer to play him through the middle when he clearly isn't in form regarding his shooting?
  5. His work rate is obviously consistent but I am worried about his finishing. I'd say he needs a goal to hit form bit he scored in the cup, a good goal too, but I don't know. I don't know whether its a lack of confidence or what but I said all along this Summer that we don't have a player to challenge for Andi's place. I don't think Tonev is 'that' player either.
  6. samjp26

    GTA 5

    Make of it what you will, but as an easter egg I think it isn't just a coincidence that Franklin's Aunt is called Denise, the same as CJ's girlfriend in SA.
  7. samjp26


    I've had this watch for 9 years for refereeing and also exams etc. You just can't beat it. Prefer the version with the illuminator to be fair. Main reason I'm posting here though is because I find a few of you guys inspirational, I love seeing people achieve such things and I hope to have a nice watch collection one day. I plan to buy myself a pre-owned Omega or Breitling Colt when I finally graduate.
  8. Kozak made some really moves off the ball, some very silky play with Weimann or Tonev too at one point (think it may have been Tonev). He isn't as quick as Benteke but he looks like he can get himself into space, I think we will need to feed him though unlike Benteke who can usually make a goal himself. As long as our players can find him, I reckon he will find the space, give him a chance.
  9. I hope that ginger tosser never gets another job. No offence to gingers.
  10. My brother in law supports Sunderland, just saw McLeish in the stands watching the game at the Baggies. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.
  11. Am I the only one that saw Helenius hold the ball up extremely well by dancing around some of their defenders? Guy has some serious footwork with the ball, unexpected for a big guy.
  12. I'm not writing him off but from what I have seen is ridiculously greedy. We do not need greedy players in our team. Our whole ethos is based around a team game and everybody trying to work as a unit, the amount of times I saw players and Lambert getting pissed off because of his antics today makes me think he'll get a slap on the wrists and hopefully he'll stop it. I understand he wants to impress but wasting as well as costing us possession countless times isn't going to impress anybody. I hope he changes his ways.
  13. The moment that stood out for me was Bacuna shepherding out the ball for a throw-in and maybe giving Redmond a little nudge to knock him out of bounds. Redmond got all pissy and gave him a shove. Bacuna just laughed at him, which was great. It was Tonev who he shoved I think, which made it even more stranger, he actually went out of his way to shove him too. Didn't get a reaction though so I think it shut him up a bit the clown. Very good from Bacuna today, seems like right back could be his best position which is mental considering he was usually deployed as a winger but personally felt he played his best through the middle of the pitch. Best thing about getting our players in when young is that they can adapt and change their game still.
  14. Bing bing bing - we have a winner ! Exactly my thoughts - Lamberts first signings were mostly good - but nearly all of those players were pretty highly rated by there currents clubs. Tonev and Bacuna from what I understand weren't - To be fair on Bacuna he made loads of appearances for the first team.
  15. I love you Belgian Guy. I honestly think Benteke is made of titanium or something, he played the majority of fixtures in the final few months of last season with a groin strain but just carried on anyway. Now he's probably broke his pelvis or something, give him a week to regenerate he'll be fine.
  16. His first shot was a strange one, so much space on the right side of the keeper and from a critical aspect I'd have to thank Gabby for our goal mainly. I do like how rather than thinking "ah shit", Kozak got his head straight back up and got into yet another hole in which he scored from on his second attempt though. Looked to want to join in with play more than his first appearance, tracked back well a few times too and showed some good hold up play.
  17. Hopefully, it is almost as if he doesn't want to or know how to pass the ball, especially in key situations. Then, if he does mess up, he doesn't seem to eager to chase down his mistake. It wasn't just poor shots either there were poor passes, a clear lack of concentration. He may want to impress but being ball greedy or trying to be superman isn't going to impress anybody, especially when we have such a "for the team" mentality. I want to see him run at defenders and get out wide, surely he can cross?
  18. Question now is, does Bacuna keep his right back spot over Lowton? Very nice to see him have such a good performance with little to no cover. Luna is the type of defender who likes to get forward a lot just like Lowton, both of those need cover in my opinion, whether it be from our wingers tracking back more often or by sticking Sylla in much earlier. 3 points, a clean sheet and a good defensive performance, something I didn't ever think I'd say about us! Onwards to Spuds.
  19. Thought I'd use a photo of our last clean sheet to celebrate this one.
  20. He should receive oral sex from all players AND their partners. Fixed
  21. Tonev looks like a kid who won a competition to play. He is actually awful, like really, really bad.
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