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Everything posted by samjp26

  1. Benteke knew he was offside or he would've bagged yet another then!
  2. I think that he, Gabby and Tonev will be switching pretty often throughout the game, hopefully will turn out to be dangerous.
  3. Lowton's performance has been utterly dreadful this season, he's probably taking him out of the firing line for a game or two. Could've done with him on the bench at least though, if Bacuna takes a knock at all we'll be slapping Albrighton on at right back. Only other point I can take from it is that we have Tottenham midweek.
  4. To completely drop Lowton, even from the bench, is pretty farfetched. Hope there hasn't been a bust up of some sort.
  5. Lambert just said Westwood picked up a slight strain and Okore has done his ACL. Everybody else is fine. Where is Lowton?!
  7. Haven't seen the line-up properly, is Sylla on the bench? Why on earth is he being black balled out of the team, he even continued his good form into pre-season!!!
  8. samjp26

    GTA 5

    What don't people like about it? I love the driving on this, it's arcadey enough to have fun with but not too simple. I agree, especially with the cops chasing you down. The driving is fun but also challenging during chases, where you actually have to adapt to your surroundings and work out an escape route as such.
  9. Regarding free transfers, Okore for one wouldn't of been registered as he is in the 21 or under bracket. There are places in the squad if needed I believe, but I don't think we will see anybody come in.
  10. I'm more worried about Okore's long term development than the 9 months we will be without him. An injury like this can ruin a lads career as we've seen many a time, Clark needs to step up now. No more silly mistakes.
  11. Gallas, it won't happen though. I'm pissed off, so typical!
  12. That is the worst news I've heard for a very long time. Not just for us, but that could really mess up Okore's career. Jeez man... I will add though that surely he should be on crutches if it's still swollen if it is true and taking part in the team photo would be the least of our worries.
  13. samjp26

    GTA 5

    Link? Majority of her reviews talk about flaws because of games not being politically correct. I don't know why they let her review GTA for, it makes no sense if she's easily offended.
  14. I think the crowd were booing the players performance.
  15. 6 months out for him would seriously be upsetting, could damage his and our progression badly. All because Remy left his leg in, albeit I don't think he was trying to be malicious. As somebody pointed out though he was at Bodymoor taking photos today and walking around/standing up so it seems it may not be that bad. Let us pray.
  16. Thought the same thing here, improved incredibly. As he put it though, it may have been good for him to get a goal but the points are what are important and we didn't get any.
  17. samjp26

    Joe Bennett

    Yes, we have looked a lot better with Luna. Yesterday was harsh on him as he was up against a very good winger but had little to no protection against him from either the midfielders or our left winger/striker. I still remember him making several good tackles and defensive moves as well as still trying to get forward, albeit making a few mistakes along the way.
  18. Those slating Lambert, who do you want as our new manager? As much as I am annoyed with our loss and performance today, I am 100% behind what Lambert is trying to do here, we've played well so far this season and we've had a very tough start. The international break has no doubt played its part in messing up our positive momentum too. We have shipped 6 goals in 4 games, the same fixtures last season saw us concede 14 goals. We have obtained 3 points in 4 games, the same fixtures last season saw us obtain just 1 point. We also still have the top scorer in the Premier League this season and this calendar year. So far, that there indeed shows improvement in all the areas that matter but how about we keep our judgements on the progression of our team and manager until we've actually played more than a handful of games ey?
  19. Its our midfield that is holding us back but we should drop Okore? What has Okore done wrong may I ask?
  20. As much as I believe we need somebody in there as an enforcer (preferably Sylla right now), Westwood just being 'lightweight' is ridiculous unless you're solely judging him on today's game you could certainly not describe him as somebody who just 'passes sideways.'
  21. I'm going to take no news as good news (hopefully).
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