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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. He's pure magic, wasn't even near his best today either which is the crazy part about it. The club would be mad to not already have done the necessary to make this permanent in the summer or at least tried all they can to do so.
  2. Indigo

    Matty Cash

    What this man did to Perraud today should be illegal. Completely bossed him to the point he had to be hooked off.
  3. I wanted to post about this at the time but as I could only recall watching it in real time and couldn't remember the minute he did it, what Brighton player he mugged off, nor even exactly what he did I ended up not bothering. Appreciate that someone has done the work for me.
  4. For those wondering about how the formation shaped up, these are the average positions for what it's worth:
  5. Brighton fans seem to have a particular dislike for him simply because he's been playing for England ahead of Dunk, Webster and previously Ben White when he was there. Makes it doubly funny that in successive games he's beaten them while also getting clean sheets, a goal and an assist in the process.
  6. The tantrums over the team selection have made for absolutely hilarious reading now after the game. Fair play lads.
  7. That ball he put in for Watkins on the half volley for McGinn's chance in the first half was absolutely outrageous.
  8. Would recommend this thread that starts with this tweet, gives a thorough breakdown into some of the issues we're encountering with the shape and general manner of build-up play.
  9. Blaming the level of the players doesn't really wash when we're losing to teams with worse talent.
  10. When I come on here after a loss and see almost a full team's worth of players' individual threads being filled with the sentiment that they are poor etc then it does suggest that there's something systemically not working rather than a large number of specific players not being up to standard.
  11. Armando Broja looks a proper player for what it's worth.
  12. Indigo

    Ezri Konsa

    I'd imagine it'll be Chambers for balance sake as he's right footed. Certainly hope Konsa doesn't get his spot back if all goes well.
  13. For what it's worth I'm not against "replacing" Mings at all, but that applies to both CBs and what he offers is harder to replace than Konsa who as far as I and all measurable metrics are concerned doesn't offer much. Nobody should be safe though and if we can do better than let's do it.
  14. No offense mate but your whole style on here is calling players "donkeys" or "full of cheese" and then failing to back anything up when challenged and just returning the following week to do the same thing. Definitely comes across as an agenda in such cases.
  15. Indigo

    Ezri Konsa

    I genuinely wouldn't be surprised to see Chambers overtake him for the foreseeable. I like Konsa but he doesn't actually affect the game in any meaningful way and while we're all obsessed with this "next level" thing then unfortunately that isn't good enough.
  16. Indigo

    Ezri Konsa

    Just bumping this so everyone doesn't lose this thread on page 10 as they seem to most weeks.
  17. I'm surprised there hasn't been 5 pages of fury here since a Stoke fan used the word "languid" to describe him.
  18. I'd be awfully surprised if he doesn't tear it up for the remainder of the season. Of all the young lads that have been on the fringes of the first team he's looked the most encouraging to me (a lot of competition on that front mind). The experience should do him the world of good because he's got all of the ability you'd want.
  19. It's clearly been too long since Villa have played a game if a player that's been injured for 2 months is now the subject of moaning. Throwing parties and clubbing
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