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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Yep. He said this as a matter of fact. Like it's actually true. He genuinely believed it.
  2. Why are we in this thread anyway? There's one specifically for these two games.
  3. Once again Jack makes everyone look better. Wish he'd come back.
  4. Jack, Tyrone, Ollie. We're getting the band back together.
  5. What's the betting it's all the junior staff that somehow have to take the blame?
  6. Does anybody else ever remove the speaker grilles/covers on their speakers? And try to determine if it makes them sound better?
  7. What a great race. All hail the new regulations.
  8. Max continually moaning about Charles crossing the pitlane line.... I mean he isn't is he? He might be clipping it but come on. Just concentrate on racing Max.
  9. Not worked out for Lewis all this
  10. Actually they seem to be working now. Maybe Max was mistaken?
  11. Huh? If the lights are a regulation safety feature then why is he allowed to continue? Are they optional now?
  12. If leclerc's rear lights aren't working he should have to retire
  13. Well, Lewis definitely not starting from the pits then.
  14. Lichfield Dean


    Judging by the insane queues it seems to have worked!
  15. Think I read somewhere he was even considering starting from the pit lane. Not sure what advantages that gives with the modern rules but presumably some extra setup tinkering or tyre changes or something.
  16. My citizen chrono AT time watch is remote controlled from an atomic clock in Germany. It updated automatically overnight. I appreciate that
  17. Currently reading the Pratchett/Baxter Long Earth series. Very very cleverly though through, lots of interesting and insightful science and social concepts in the books. I can't really detect a lot of Pratchett in there other than the odd slightly jarring jokey turn of phrase occasionally. But the pragmatic tone kind of suits the series really. And of course Pratchett isn't entirely defined by Discworld.
  18. I hate Southgate's management. Just hate it. We should be favourites or close to in any tournament at the moment and yet we just always look dreadful.
  19. Really nice tribute from Nic Collins on the night of probably the last ever Genesis gig https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbk01yiLfSQ/?utm_medium=copy_link
  20. Lichfield Dean


    £3400 is now the highest price I've seen one advertised for on eBay. Good grief. This is insane.
  21. Lichfield Dean


    Oh my god. There's one going on eBay for £1300!!!!! With two bids! Which I can only assume are fake bids of some sort.
  22. Now I know who's been buying all those Swatch Omega moonwatches
  23. Lichfield Dean


    Also, still totally love my Grand Seiko spring drive. I wear it every day and just spend ages gazing at it - it's such an amazingly well put together piece of machinery. And I am still fascinated by that smooth sweep of the second hand, such a masterpiece of engineering.
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