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Everything posted by NulliSecundus

  1. Just got my ticket on Viagogo for £18! Lower Holte. I was going to buy officially today at work but decided to wait until I got home. When I had, the only tickets left were in L3/L2/L1. Went on Viagogo and someone was selling a ticket for £15 in L7, So got a £31 ticket (plus booking through AVFC) for £15 (plus Viagogo fees). Can't wait for Saturday!
  2. Pure genius Sir. I probably wouldn't put it past Lambert, either.
  3. We're totally skint, we're totalllly skiiiiiint! We're Aston Villa, we're totally skint!
  4. He is anything but the man. Lambert out the useless clearing in the woods.
  5. I took mine in the hope I could sell it to a Bradford fan as a souvenir.
  6. To all people who thought we were going to walk this.... you are all words removed. Goodnight.
  7. Spare ticket in lower Holte - L4 tonight. £29 (face value). PM me if interested. I have the ticket in hand at the moment. Unlikely to be around VP until just before the match - probably around 10 mins or so before kickoff.
  8. Got mine a while ago - smack bang in the middle of the lower holte. I wasn't looking forward to it immediately after the 1st leg but now I am - come on you Villa boys!
  9. Yeah, it's a silly conclusion to jump to.
  10. Disagree. He was the only one creating anything today. Him and Wiemann the only decent players on the pitch
  11. Can we start a topic called Time to put Brad Guzan back between the sticks?
  12. Haha, I see what you did there. On a genuine serious point, N'Zog and Weimann were the only two decent performers tonight. The defence needs shooting.
  13. Touché And agree with Tony re: airport, definitely doesn't count. Still counting HK and Macau on my list though, whether you like it or not, BOF! Still haven't been to Ireland (shameful considering I've been to places like Mongolia and Nepal, I know) either. Might have to tick that one off this year!
  14. Well don't pick on poor Macau then, lol. And being the pendant, surely we should go back and pick on everyone that said England, Wales, Scotland, NI etc.... Maybe I'll do it when I've got nothing better to do...
  15. Neither is Hong Kong, then. They are both classed by China as "special adminsitrative regions".
  16. Can look at it either way. They feel very different to China. I had stamps in my passports for both and they both use different currencies. I think the official designation is "Special Administrative Region", whatever that means!
  17. Got two tickets online with assignment etc. Was a bit of a slow process but I got there. Roll on the 2nd leg!
  18. For me the Baltic state capitals go Tallinn > Vilnius > Riga. Riga was just a little boring for me the other two had charm and character. That said Riga looked more of a stag destination than the other two. I'm off to Budapest for a stag do in June. Been on holiday there in 2011, really nice city. Looking forward to it!
  19. Looks interesting, I'll give you that!
  20. NulliSecundus


    I love China. Not been to Xian so it is worth of a return visit. I really liked Guangzhou in the south of China. Nice city. Get yourself to Beijing as well (obviously). I too have done the Mongolia to China train, it's an interesting experience. I still remember the border part of the train - the last village in Mongolia with barely any lights. First settlement in China is a city with over 2 million people in it. Stark contrast but so awesome.
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