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Everything posted by kevpants

  1. The bad thing about his good play in the 2nd half was that it appears as though the way he played under Lambert was actually under instruction. That's gross incompetence from Lambert if so.
  2. Oh look our midfield pulled their finger out and suddenly he looks interested again. Isn't that weird? Today was his first game since return from injury where we actually gave him a chance. Played to his strengths as Given said. The utter sh1te he's had to play off up until now.
  3. He was dead right about the spurs players. That club turned into a holiday resort. Spurs are the last club you'd associate with fighting spirit. Only now with Kanes breakthrough is there any sign of a pair of balls at that club
  4. Clean slate for everyone. Including Cleverly.
  5. Think I'd try a Gil/Benteke front pair for this. See if Gil buzzing around the big lad causes damage. Grealish and Robinson should play some part. Really couldn't care less about this other than the boost in confidence a win might deliver. New man will be watching regardless of whether he's been appointed or even present. Every potential Villa manager will be watching this and forming opinions. We might see a reaction.
  6. Now I'm picturing Tom Fox as Alec Baldwin's character from Glengarry Glenross.
  7. What a great statement. It was a seriously tough job. In any role where you're behind the 8 ball from the start even the best candidates will run out of road. He certainly did in the end and it's in the best interests of the club and Paul Lamberts career and health (he looks shocking!) that it ends now. He survived the challenge Randy laid down for him for probably longer than even Randy expected so well done for that. He now deserves a chance at success in his career from here on in. If we get the new manager bounce and it keeps us up this season that's great but make no mistake our problems aren't going to be solved by this appointment.
  8. Ciaran Clark would probably break his two legs in the first training session.
  9. No. If it went badly and it was his fault I'd kill myself. The man is a saint and must be kept above trivial matters like avoiding relegation. Would take Bruce Arena all day long
  10. Overreaction much? We'll still be around this time next year, albeit in the Championship probably., For some of us the only way to watch Villa is on streams on the internet. They'll dissapear once we end up in the championship. The chance to support the team is being taken away. I know local supporters will be gutted by relegation but for us in other countries it's almost like a death in the family.
  11. It's hail mary time. Throw the kid in. Robinson too. Revoke Weimann and Gabby's swipe card so they can't even get onto the premises. The pure enthusiasm of a couple of young lads would be a step up from the current crop.
  12. These half-decent players would have contributed to our relegation, so it is no great lost in the end. We are probably more likely to be sold in the Championship as they have relaxed the FFP rules so owners can invest more. I am sick and tired of the same old shite each season. It's not as if we'd be able to sign better once relegated. And players like Benteke, Delph, Guzan and a few others are people we can start to build something around. If we go down we lose that and have to start again. I think people might be surprised at some of the players who we'd lose. I think the players will get a nasty surprise as to the lack of interest in them if we go down. Benteke, Vlaar and Delph might think they'd have their pick of top flight contracts, well I'm sorry lads, the fans might be directing their ire at Lambert but other clubs will be a lot more pragmatic about who was to blame for this season. Benteke is an international striker who was the main goal threat in the team that set a new record for fewest goals scored in a season? What kinds of offers do you think will come in for him? Nothing the club couldn't easily turn down. Back in your box, take your relegation pay cut and show some pride for once. These players are getting off very easy. I've shown my dissatisfaction with the manager like others but to be fair he is taking 100% of the brunt of this. I hold the team 50% responsible too. Be men. Show something over the next 13 games that indicates you have a pair. Currently Ciaran Clark is the only member of this team that's done that, that late clearance at our dead ball line where he could have controlled and brought the ball out but instead decided to kick as hard as he could through gritted teeth showed how frustrated he is. He's embarrassed to be in this situation you can see it.
  13. I think he means he's going to launch balls at Benteke from here on in and hope we score more than we let in. I support it. But I don't care anymore. We're gone.
  14. Villa look to technology to end goal drought. Club spokesperson quoted "Still a better finisher than Gabby" #avfc http://t.co/2QiC4H0kWu

  15. Bent scored again. Things Paul Lambert couldn't coach: - A professional footballer - A cat to take a piss - Kate Moss to snort coke - Nigel Farage to be a racist
  16. Tonight I realised why I get so angry. I go into every game waiting for a turnaround. It never comes. It's not coming. It's over. Make peace with it and go on with your lives.
  17. This. I feel terrible for the bad moods that Villa put me in on weekend afternoons and now tonight. How can you support a club that you hope against hope will finally show up for a match only for a bunch of apathetic, half hearted, overpaid gobsh1tes managed by a mumbling, impotent imbicile to let you down over and over again. Did anyone think we'd make a go of it at 2-0 down with 20 minutes left? Nope. No tension, no excitement, no fighting spirit. Just desperation and anger. To all at Aston Villa. I solemnly request that you go f&*k yourselves. Every. Single. One of you. No need to sack Lambert. I don't care.
  18. It's over. We're gone. It's not a bad run it's poor players playing poorly for a poor manager in a poorly run club. Down.
  19. If that selection works I will bow to Lamberts brilliance. If it goes how I think it will. He's a moron. #avfc

  20. Gil to Okore. There isn't enough spunk in the Randy Marsh picture to justify it.
  21. If Paul Lambert hasn't scrawled "Give it to Carles" on the whiteboard in advance of halftime it's a damning indictment.
  22. With all the recent (justified) criticism of our pointless possession football, take a look at how effective and pretty well exhilarating direct football can be from the masters of it. There's more to "hoof ball" than long passes. Check out the intensity.
  23. Funny I find a weekend spitroast really sets me up for the week.
  24. I can't think of a less resilient individual than Laudrup. He'd bail on us so quickly the glue on the plaque on his office door would still be wet.
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