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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. I thought these guys had something to do with it.
  2. Good team. Fancy them to beat Man U. Should be a more open game at least.
  3. Nah a lot goes in to preparing the opening bid which is why it’s taken so long. Should be ready soon...
  4. Deserved. Wolves have pretty much parked the bus all game. The right team has taken the lead.
  5. Sky sports say we are preparing a bid. Brace yourselves!
  6. I don’t understand what difference it makes though when you can only spend what you earn? In terms of Leeds owner though I think he is a billionaire and also quite ambitious. But nowhere near the financial clout as our owners. From what I’ve heard though it’s the DOF that signs the players which hasn’t gone down to well with Biesla but he gets on with it and works with what he has.
  7. Oh. Then my willy nilly comment stands!
  8. Oh so the thread has been created based on a bit of ITK! I didn’t realise this. It’s not willy nilly after all!! The plot thickens. Is this player any good?
  9. From my experience he doesn’t seem like a covid deniers at all. They normally think it’s a combination of 5g and some big conspiracy to get us all microchipped. Doubt the guy in the video thinks that much. The anti maskers are a combination of the covid deniers and the ‘I ain’t wearing a f**king mask’ people. Whoever they are.
  10. I just needed an excuse to use the phrase willy nilly.
  11. Why’s this guy got his own thread? Creating them willy nilly these days!
  12. When my hands are so sweaty my phone doesn’t unlock.
  13. Wealthy enough. But does that even matter anymore with FFP?
  14. Jiménez is 29. He ain’t getting much better. I agree they are unfortunately more than hype though.
  15. I’d rather United win the Europa than Wolves so happy with this result.
  16. Isn’t that where our DOF came from ? Seriously though I can’t stand this kind of arrogance and disrespect from our fans to other clubs. It’s one of the reasons I’m glad I chose to support villa rather than Man U or Liverpool like everyone around me. edit: removed the word ‘smaller’. FC Copenhagen are a big club in their own right.
  17. His defensive positioning needs a lot of work!
  18. In areas with large Indian communities for years the pubs were rundown and pretty much mainly full of middle age Indian men eating a mixed grill while getting drunk. I used to think many of them were probably used for money laundering rather than making a profit as I just couldn’t see how they could make much money. Then a few years ago the one that hadn’t closed down decided to clean the place up and market them for everybody. Now they are all thriving! Its amazing it took that long.
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