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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. This is essentially it, and it wasn't ever intended for the public. There's far more important events going on right now, it's a bit of a non-story.It's not a non-story imo, and if I'm brutally honest I don't think it reflects particularly well on you if you think it is. They shouldn't be making those comments (and he seems to have made a lot of them) irrespective of whether he actually believes them or not.I don't agree with those comments but in private conversations they can say what they like as far as I'm concerned.I agree. It's just words man. Far more serious things going on the world. So because there are more serious things going on in the world, it should be swept under the carpet that these guys are a pair of sexist, racist, homophobic tossers? Are you for real? An ex-academy player for Cardiff was on Twitter last night telling how Mackay used to crack jokes about him being Somalian, didn't feel he was allowed to speak up about it either. Well it's not being swept under the carpet is it? It just cracks me how quickly people take the moral high ground over a few private text messages. Anyone would think he is Hitler. So when the rumours and snippets about Savile came out, people were right to ignore? How on earth is that the same? Also where did I say it should be swept under the carpet? They f**ked up and will face the consequences. All Im saying is that racist, sexist, homophobic jokes between close friends does not reflect a persons views and actions.
  2. I know one person that dabbles with Special K and to be frank, you can tell. Shot to bits and on a downward trajectory. Messes up you liver or your kidneys? It's basically horse tranq isn't it? Why give drugs to a horse? Why drag them into it? Drug pushers for you.
  3. Where can one get Valium?
  4. Roy Keane's anger towards the officials was quite satisfying to see.
  5. This is essentially it, and it wasn't ever intended for the public. There's far more important events going on right now, it's a bit of a non-story. It's not a non-story imo, and if I'm brutally honest I don't think it reflects particularly well on you if you think it is. They shouldn't be making those comments (and he seems to have made a lot of them) irrespective of whether he actually believes them or not.I don't agree with those comments but in private conversations they can say what they like as far as I'm concerned. I agree. It's just words man. Far more serious things going on the world. So because there are more serious things going on in the world, it should be swept under the carpet that these guys are a pair of sexist, racist, homophobic tossers? Are you for real? An ex-academy player for Cardiff was on Twitter last night telling how Mackay used to crack jokes about him being Somalian, didn't feel he was allowed to speak up about it either. Well it's not being swept under the carpet is it? It just cracks me how quickly people take the moral high ground over a few private text messages. Anyone would think he is Hitler.
  6. Scholes talks sense. These are the world class players they need. Let's just consider the CD. Varane and Hummels are superb. Man Utd have been able to sign (who?) Rojos. Man Utd have too many clowns and nearly-men and their plastic fans are melting away. Yeah I think you've missed the point. No body is saying he's not right. Just that it's a totally unrealistic list. It's like Laursen piping up and telling us all Villa need to to improve is sign Ronaldo, Messi, Bale, Suarez and Heskey It's really not. This is Man United we are talking about. Probably one of the biggest clubs in the world. They should have that calibre of player really. But they haven't so f**k em!
  7. This is essentially it, and it wasn't ever intended for the public. There's far more important events going on right now, it's a bit of a non-story. It's not a non-story imo, and if I'm brutally honest I don't think it reflects particularly well on you if you think it is. They shouldn't be making those comments (and he seems to have made a lot of them) irrespective of whether he actually believes them or not. I don't agree with those comments but in private conversations they can say what they like as far as I'm concerned. I agree. It's just words man. Far more serious things going on the world.
  8. Who are making comments like that if it isn't their views? If think your wrong about that. You'd be surprised mate.
  9. I doubt they are really their views. It sounds like politically incorrect distasteful banter to me. Pretty stupid but will be probably be forgotten in time.
  10. I took LSD once. Little tab called Microdot I think it was. Anyway it was so small I thought I missed my mouth and dropped it on the floor. Couldn't find it though so thought oh well never mind, and went off to football training. 30 minutes later I was high as a kite and had to pretend I didn't feel well to sit on the side. One of the coaches came up to me and started telling me shit joke after shit joke. It was killing me! Proper trippy surreal experience that lasts way to long and messes you up.
  11. Rugeley it really isn't that simple. A lot of the problems today in the Middle East were caused by the West.Maybe it's just me reading your posts wrong, but you do seem to have a hard on for IS(IS). Do you support them?Hardly a Hardon. No I don't support them. But I also don't believe everything I read or see in the news. Out of interest what IS(IS) related news do you think is untrue/disbelieve? Presumably not the murdering, torturing, beheading, crucifying, slave trading and apostate chopping parts? The evidence for the above is displayed proudly and directly by them on the internet. As you liked the comment then same question to you, Snowy. As Blandy said it's not that's it's untrue it's just the way it is shown. Why do IS hate America so much? Is it simply because everyone of them is evil and sent to earth by the devil himself to destroy mankind?
  12. I can't believe how stupid these people are.
  13. Could you not keep it on the down low? Save it for the Christmas party. Not too long now.
  14. Cameron's in my fantasy football team. He must be good.
  15. Con that was my point. It's not that they make bad defenders it's just that not many have come to the UK.
  16. Been at my house for 14 years and still no Virgin. Doubt it will ever happen.
  17. Rugeley it really isn't that simple. A lot of the problems today in the Middle East were caused by the West.Maybe it's just me reading your posts wrong, but you do seem to have a hard on for IS(IS). Do you support them? Hardly a Hardon. No I don't support them. But I also don't believe everything I read or see in the news.
  18. We don't really need another defender. If this isn't BS (like I hope), then I'd begin to think Vlaar was probably on his way. Not really. Baker and Clark aren't good enough and we need 4 central defenders.
  19. Did anybody ever play a game called double dragon?
  20. Depends what they offer him compared to us. If he doesn't get his big move then it could be his last chance to earn a few extra million.
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