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Everything posted by Captain_Townsend

  1. The old stand was demolished May 2000 and had fans in the new stand by October and completed by January 2001.
  2. The Holte End and the new Trinity each went up in about 6 months. May-December 1994/2000. Have things changed that much in construction that this stand will take 2 years?
  3. Trigger's broom except the Holte trinity corner is a unique shape now, just as it was with the old holte and trinity, due to the layout of the site. Trigger's broom except the Witton Lane stand is always the smallest stand, prior to 1994 and post 1994, because of the layout of the site. Trigger's broom except the Holte End has always been the largest stand at the stadium, and the home of the most vocal support, whether as an old style end or a new modern stand. Trigger's broom except for the fact it is in the same location as it has been for 125 years with generation after generation of Villa fan taking the same pilgrimage to the exact same location. As I said, even non villa fans think there is a unique aura about Villa Park. We would be crazy to throw that away.
  4. Moving from Villa Park would be such a foolish move. It would be foolish for most clubs but especially us. So many people, even ones not associated with Villa, speak in hushed tones about our unique stadium. Aston Villa and Villa Park go together.
  5. I am terrified tonight Putin is going to blow up the ZNNP plant. The noises tonight are very concerning.
  6. I Don't want to quote your post Carry On Villa but one of the complaints prior to 2007 was that we didn't make enough references to 1982. Southgate, when he played for us, complained there weren't enough references to 1982 at the club- no photographs etc. The star came from a desire to recognise that team.
  7. Applause. I am blue in the face making your first point and agree wholeheartedly with your last. It stinks of politics- the new guy ripping up the old guy's project.
  8. That's why they are foolish to reopen it. Last year's consultation went relatively smoothly. The only concern being the direction the lion was facing - an easy fix.
  9. Such a strange signing really. Smith didn't seem to rate him.
  10. Prefer the new lion and prefer Aston Villa to AVFC For clarity, I want the new badge we voted for but seeing as they are dumping it then the above is the next best thing. Just get rid of the Lerner one please.
  11. Gerald of Wales, the twelfth century propagandist of the English invasion of Ireland, has a lot to answer for.
  12. It would be better if Facebook was ruined given its role in spreading far right propaganda among those born before about 1973.
  13. His song came on the radio where I am...good omen!
  14. The detail on the new lion is far superior.
  15. Sorry but I can't agree with that. Letner's plans for the Witton end were a cross between the new trinity and Old Trafford. It was also a full wrap around I think the NSWE plans are more in keeping with Villa Park and the aesthetic of four distinct stands.
  16. Very common in Ireland, in GAA circles. "Up the Dubs", "Up the Rossies", "Up Tipp" etc.
  17. Many thanks. Hmm. I wonder would Buendia be under threat from him?
  18. Where exactly does he play? I imagine the next one to be upgraded would be Bailey - sort of wide forward/shadow striker.
  19. Konsa will get games. He is decent at right back, especially the tucked in right back Emery likes. We will also have more games overall and need a strong squad. Mings not getting any younger. Konsa still has a future at villa if we keep growing.
  20. Indeed, last Thursday was er interesting on here!
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