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Everything posted by Captain_Townsend

  1. They have done a lot of backtracking and said the new badge, now described as a sort of homage to 1982 (in 2023!), is for the kits and training gear only and they will monitor reaction to it. They are keeping the Lerner badge for everything else, for the time being.
  2. I would be gutted if we ever moved from Villa Park. Villa Park is a massive part of what Aston Villa is. It is actually difficult to imagine Aston Villa without Villa Park. I hope Heck isn't entertaining a move.
  3. Villa overall have been run very well since 2018. However, this June has been a bit of a mess and, given the excitement and optimism at the end of the season, it has served to generally deflate things. Hopefully it is just a small blip.
  4. Sighs. Well at least the new stand is going ahead, right?
  5. All of this just makes me wonder, again, why a perfectly good revamp as approved by fans has been set aside for yet more tinkering and ultimately bickering.
  6. In the 90s, I used to enjoy studying the villa crest up close and examining the various elements. I really don't get the drive for simplicity in everything. OK, I get digital requires it, but have people changed that much since the 90s that they can't handle a bit of intricacy on a badge?
  7. The club are a classy outfit who keep comms to a minimum. However, lack of comms can result in speculation and rumours filling that void. The stand was announced in 2022 with construction to start at the end of the season. It hasn't. Club has lined up concerts for June 2024 which is odd, if as we have speculated, construction of a new stand is meant to be starting a year later than planned. No comms equals speculation and rumour (as with the crest situation).
  8. The new stand is badly needed. I am a bit perplexed at the way it stalled and zero comms.
  9. We have European football next year. We have to get away from the idea of a first eleven. We need a squad with quality.
  10. You can't announce a new badge and a long awaited, badly needed new stand and then just sort of muddle on without either and not explain what is going on.
  11. What is going on? I was super excited about the new stand.
  12. Indeed. If Russia is defeated in Ukraine I bet social media would very quickly calm down. Deliberate stoking of social instability and disinformation in the west via the Internet is one of his most successful policies. Worth adding, electoral interference was Prigozhin's speciality.
  13. The best thing about the new badge are the name Aston Villa, the Lion, and the colours. I am still annoyed with what has happened. Can they not just go with the same claret lion as stand alone on, blue background for digital and keep the new crest for te shirt?
  14. In my opinion, the most consistent kit supplier we have had was Reebok. Every kit they delivered, home or away, was excellent. Much as ai ranted against stripes the other day, I prefer the Reebok stripes in 1999/2000 to the Asics stripes of 1993-95
  15. All I care about right now is Ukraine. Give Ukraine back you thieving bastards.
  16. I am annoyed Chelsea went for Jackson. Feel we need a marquee signing.
  17. Here is a solution. Run a new poll, for those entitled to vote last time, with the new badge we voted for in 2022 alongside a new version with the lion facing the traditional way? I am thinking it is the 'wrong' facing lion that caused issues with the new crest? I think it needs sorting ASAP and this might be a way out.
  18. They dangled a new round badge in front of us for 8 months and then they took it away at the last minute. In 2007 people wanted a round badge and didn't get one. I am sorry but it will take more than a video to get over the disappointment of yesterday
  19. They have said the new round badge is now just an homage to 1982 and will only be used on shirts this year and that the horrid Lerner badge remains every where else. They then say that they will monitor local, national and global reactions over the course of the season to determine the next steps
  20. The problem is we got a new badge and finally got rid of the Lerner badge and now his guy comes and we have ended up in no man's land. It is a mess and he has got off to a bad start.
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