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Everything posted by nazvfc

  1. Well it was steer who is cup tied and given is injured so it looks like Guzan unless given recovers and sherwood brings him straight in!
  2. I fear this as well, hopefully he'll surprise meI was under the mistaken impression that our scouts and in particular a certain Mr Reilly find a player make a dossier and profile then the manager goes to see that player and decide yea or nay. Unless I am wrong and lambert scouted made a comprehensive dossier and went and saw the player all by himself and signed them. No wonder he struggled (as will sherwood). Maybe the scouts will look in far flung places rather than 400 miles from villa park. I'll reserve judgement until the window opens and see who the first target is. If he goes for that louongo kid then he is not buying just British seeing as he is an Aussie I believe so will blow the theory out the water. I don't think it 'blows it out of the water' - it just shows he's going for someone he already has good knowledge of having been in the Spurzzz youth set-up. My fear is, we'll end up with all of his favourite kids from the same set-up... The 'buying British' thing is about not looking anywhere other than the British Isles for a player - we had this under MON and we got saddled with some real (expensive) shit. It goes to show he's not just going to buy British whether the players a former player at his old club or not. If he was only going to buy British then he wouldn't go for the player be he ex Spurs or Ex Blackburn as he is not British, so it does show that he isn't going to just buy British. So far the fears are unwarranted and people are speculating on rumour and conjecture. And as I said we have scouts and a structure in place to find talent from all over not just UK. If the case is he only wants British and from within the UK then might as well get rid of the scouts and he goes out and buys players he knows only or tells the scouts to be based here rather than travel watching players in other countries. Let's just wait and see who the targets are (not newspaper bull shit that everyone seems to take for fact). If he only buys British/UK based then I'll hold my hand up and say I was wrong. The guys not an idiot and knows more than I will ever know about football management and players.
  3. I fear this as well, hopefully he'll surprise me I was under the mistaken impression that our scouts and in particular a certain Mr Reilly find a player make a dossier and profile then the manager goes to see that player and decide yea or nay. Unless I am wrong and lambert scouted made a comprehensive dossier and went and saw the player all by himself and signed them. No wonder he struggled (as will sherwood). Maybe the scouts will look in far flung places rather than 400 miles from villa park. I'll reserve judgement until the window opens and see who the first target is. If he goes for that louongo kid then he is not buying just British seeing as he is an Aussie I believe so will blow the theory out the water.
  4. Newspaper bullshit with a generous sprinkling of fans paranoia and speculation/opinion dressed as fact.
  5. But what the hell has this got to do with Westwood? We 'won ugly' against West Ham 2 weeks ago and Westwood played. we have some **** ugly players just look at gabby! He'd scare the shit out of anything!
  6. These guys? Would explain the new away kit No, that's a meme. Jesus Mike it's always mememe with you isn't it selfish git!!
  7. Still annoys me that his name gets mentioned in here. There's about as much linking Ellison to Villa as there is Carlos Slim. More chance getting taken over by Ellis son more like.
  8. No, consortiums are evil. Yeah how they bend thier body and legs is amazing ... sorry my bad I thought it said contortionists..
  9. nazvfc

    Carles Gil

    They have signed a few punts too haven't they? - Sorry my bad misread the word!!
  10. Probably spend his money!
  11. Been enjoying the football played that I forgot sherwood was manager when we lost to arenal at villa park - seems such a long time ago I'd blotted the crap performances from my old memory!!
  12. Couple of games ago he was supposed to have been immense played a great game etc etc etc then a bad game later (not just him but nearly all of them) and he's not good enough or worthy of starting the final. Came in in the semi and was dodgy for a short while which cost a goal but after that was assured. Next week when he has a good game it'll be back to must play great player again. Was a shit day for all yesterday but shit happens at least you can wipe it off and clean yourself. Bet we will see a different team turn up in that they will want to wipe this out if their system and get back to the team we all know they can be Okore included. 'shit happens' 'wipe it off and clean yourself' - some pretty graphic imagery there! But yes, you're right, I was being overdramatic in annoyance. Okore has had a good season. Both he and Baker are capable of doing a good job in the final on their day, so whoever Sherwood picks is fine by me. Lol
  13. Definitely I'm the biggest tit on here - (I'm an arse and leg man too! )
  14. Easy - win more games than you lose and make sure you win more than those below you
  15. Couple of games ago he was supposed to have been immense played a great game etc etc etc then a bad game later (not just him but nearly all of them) and he's not good enough or worthy of starting the final. Came in in the semi and was dodgy for a short while which cost a goal but after that was assured. Next week when he has a good game it'll be back to must play great player again. Was a shit day for all yesterday but shit happens at least you can wipe it off and clean yourself. Bet we will see a different team turn up in that they will want to wipe this out if their system and get back to the team we all know they can be Okore included.
  16. Thought it was because we have our 25 man squad so he couldn't take any part in any remaining games. Training with the first team not taking part in games. Don't think we'll see the loanees play until pre-season
  17. nazvfc

    Carles Gil

    I second this selection and would have a bench of : Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil Manager: Gil Assistant Manager: Gil Goal Keeping Coach: Gil Me thinks something fishy is going on here on a SCALE of high proportions !!
  18. This totally agree we'd have lost against baggies think we'd have been demoralised!
  19. Don't disagree and it will be for all you young ones, but for me (and maybe some of us) it will be a great day in our history but not the 2nd greatest. and if we win Tim and Lerner will go down as legends for winning a cup others failed.
  20. For you but for me was coming back from the brink of going out of business in 1968 and rising from the flames in the 70's. Winning division 3 then rising and winning the division 1 followed by European cup.
  21. We've won the FA cup before as well as the league cup and division one and three and two I believe so what's the 2nd? Greatest was European cup so I'm afraid it won't be the 2nd greatest day unless you think we were only formed in 1982
  22. Dont see a lot wrong with it really.... True it's what each and every villa fan is saying tonight and jack lad is villa through and through - one of us!
  23. i know you're probably joking but didn't Uncle Tom Cobley and all and sundry on here moan tha Richardson is shite? So no big loss ! According to some at least
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