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Everything posted by nazvfc

  1. To be honest, if we continue to go for players of that quality and we land a few in the process, I don't actually care if we are taken over or not. I like Fox as a CEO, I'm happy with the manager, if they are a little more ambitious with regards the squad to go with that, what is there not to like? Honestly, the way he (Lerner) ran us down these past years I'm teetering on real hate for the guy. But you know, all could quickly be forgiven if he really hands over the reigns to someone else (not selling / granted directorship) and we start to see positive impacts, with positive and realistic investments year on year. I really don't think most of us ask a lot, and if we just got a happy medium and I felt like the ownership was actually showing some ship steadying that were yielding results we'd be happy (some of us). If we see a positive rebuild, and real progress through some good investments then "better the devil you know" would actually come into play. He has a long way to win me over personally, but I'm not gonna bare a grudge for the sake of it - only if he continues to negatively impact Villa. Signs seem to be that isn't the case, so let's hope. I can never forgive. Want him no longer associated with the club in any way possible. The Mcliesh appointment and contempt he showed for the fans that summer was unforgivable. Those who can still support him after that really surprise me. I will celebrate the day the club is sold. Even Doug never treated us like mugs the way Lerner did. Total utter bulls**t especially the last sentence that man had more disdain for the fan than Lerner. Oh how some forget the worse crap we went through and don't forget if he'd have stayed in control we'd never have had our greatest triumphs. He wanted sir Ron gone and yes men brought in like turner give me Lerner any day to that a***hole Ellis
  2. We are are, are we? Alright lads I'm only just back from Glastonbury give me a break! That are are no excuse!
  3. Bloody agents all coming over here taking our jobs and houses (with reference to 'it'll be alright on the night' bloopers?)
  4. She has actually gotten quite a bit right thus far. I keep being told this and I keep asking - what? Her bowel movements perhaps?
  5. His agents name is Mark McKay - not Willie (although I presume he has one ) so could be his agent!
  6. Because we haven't spent this much on one player since.. nzogbia? Lamberts highest was 7 million on tekkers... so naturally people will speculate. I hope its our new rich owners spending before they are announced so they dont get held to ransom. However its more likely its the Benteke money. Or crazy as it might sound - Lerner is giving the go-ahead to spend - far fetched to some. Could be we know that when we get through this season (and stay in the PL) we get a windfall in the TV money - spend some of it now maybe! Just my own version of the speculation.
  7. Looks like you moaned too soon 9m for a player and we are poundland - Yep 9million poundland
  8. I thought we had no money that's what we are being told on here! Let the fun begin
  9. In the shirt at Bodymoor Heath
  10. Lol why? Good singer - bit tasty but crap footballer!
  11. Let's wait and see before we judge - a usual peculiarity on VT - he may.may not be good. I don;t thinkmany had seen or heard of Bacuna/Benteke and seen them play but judged too soon (well quite a few did) - now Benteke is the bees b****cks!. And for the fee stated - no such a risk (but I suppose the fee equates to quality). In the shirt on the pitch - judge then not even before he has signed.
  12. I like him - when he played for Chelsea and was taking a corner the Holte End gave him some banter and he laughed and waved at them - we were all singing 'No Hair the geezers got no hair' and he loved it - AND he bigs up Villa - he is just what we need - as already said - he know more about football in his right testicle than any fan on here. We are getting the back room team sorted and then the on pitch team will start taking shape.
  13. He'd fit in well as a member on VT then :-)
  14. I think he was using cockney slang and said get rid of all the Richards you can so I can buy some I can polish!
  15. He had a reputation as a poacher but he has never got more that 10 goals in a season and at 24 has only played more than 25 league games once He is actually worse than Weimann since most of his goals at Sunderland were penalties Aye but the poaching ended when he got caught salmon fishing and hunting without a licence - on the football side don't know sweet FA if he's any good!
  16. True - way back to Ellis who was an even bigger egotistical (or is that Egotesticle) idiot who never cared for the fans but just what he could get out of the club and his own Ego!
  17. They have an accent - badam tish! - I'll get me coat!
  18. Yes the revolution of 1968 was the turning point - the lowest in my time was indeed 66/67 - from Division 1 the lower leagues and the resurgence. Virtually bankrupt - a chelsea fan saves us a Blue Nose becomes Chairman tries to rid us of Saunders! Give me the last 4 years over relegation anyday. I just hope the 'modern' fan doesn't experience it - but what fun we had coming back up and visiting all those small clubs and grounds.
  19. The worst 4 years in our history **** me if the last 4tears are the worst what about when we went from champions to a shambles thanks to Ellis and his brown nosers and the other periods in our history. Last 4 years were just really bad but not as bad as relegation. Get a grip granted you may only be since the premier league era (when football actually started) rather than from when it really started and haven't experienced worse shit than this. But a bit of reality will be a good. Bad very bad yes but not down and out and waiting to rise up again.
  20. Yeah Mike prefers you to 'moon'(ey) him.
  21. Apparently been injured A LOT so no thanks. Arsenal and Liverpool are targeting him, but not good enough for us? Just because a paper said a club is after someone doesn't make it true Great - that means we are after no-one and Benteke's staying put!
  22. Well, the season only finished two weeks ago and he has already been signed by a Premier League club. Not bad for a player who has been "found out". Benteke on the other hand.... Lol, are you comparing Richards who is available on a free with no club to try and negotiate a fee with, to Benteke who is going to be worth £30m+ and tied up with a contract? Not quite the same. I keep seeing "proven" premier league player etc. That was four seasons ago now, he has proven nothing in the last three seasons. He may prove me and others wrong and turn out to be a shrewd signing, but at the moment I fully understand peoples concerns about splashing big wages on somebody who hasn't played regular competitive football for a number of seasons. I would hope that a lot of his wages would be performance related, otherwise we could end up with another wages millstone around our neck for the next few seasons. Maybe that it was four seasons ago but we tried the proven in the premier league in recent times and look where that got us! Never knew we had so may informed and learned experts who know all about what a player is worth and how much he is entitled to and who can already tell that a player won't make it even before a contract has been signed. As always - I will wait till he puts the shirt on and players more than 10 mins before I judge. I'll give him time and I trust the managers judgement - just like with benteke, Bacuna, Gil , Westwood,Senderos (people were wringing their hands and he turned out to be a decent player until injured on International Duty) etc..
  23. Cos he's a lot like gabby fast and a good player
  24. i actually wonder how many will renew or get tickets due to the takeover - or maybe wait until the take over and we start winning and become successful and start coming - suppose they'd have to face the same chants from the villa fans at the Burnley Game - that was funny!! 'Where were you when we were shit"
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