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Everything posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. Don't think many here see Vlaar as top 6 quality, but he has shown to be very good for a team battling relegation and definitely much better than Clark and Baker. then again i do think currently Vlaar is better than Vermaelen, Toure, Skrtel, Dawson, Evans, Ferdinand, Jones, Smalling and Demichelis to name a few at top 6 or 7 clubs Then I guess these teams will be offering us great sums of money in the summer for Vlaar. I bet lambert can't wait to add to his transfer kitty.
  2. The first one is wishful thinking - nothing to suggest it'll be like that. Second one doesn't make sense - new owners come with a manager of their choice 90+% of the time and Lambert is no fool to buy into that.
  3. Don't think many here see Vlaar as top 6 quality, but he has shown to be very good for a team battling relegation and definitely much better than Clark and Baker.
  4. That was an extremely poor bench for us today. There were no game changers on it. I think more frightening that that though is that it isn't because we have 4 or 5 injuries. The only players out that regularly feature are Gabby and Kozak. Gabby to me is our most important player away from home. You take his pace out the team and the outlet it provides and we have nothing and offer absolutely no threat. Shows how painfully weak our squad is though that when Vlaar is out the defence looks poor, when Gabby or Benteke are out the attack looks poor and take Delph out and an already poor midfield and it becomes dire. Which is exactly why i'm dissappointed why we didn't bring in better in the transfer window. Need to clear something up BJ. Were you happy or disappointed by the transfer window? Haha you know i was worried my opinion wouldn't be clear. I'll have to start making my point better. Hmmm so still avoiding the answer huh...
  5. Serious question what was the last club to utilize a 5-2-3 formation in a premier league game?
  6. If he's going to persist with his 5-2-3 tactics he had to get another CB for cover, a loan or whatever.
  7. Hopefully there is an option to buy in the summer.
  8. Mitroglu apparently done @ Fulham. Not a bad player but quite a risk at such a huge sum of money.
  9. Unless we're selling Benteke there really is no need for Vossen.
  10. According to the same logic Pulis is giving his team more than Mourinho.
  11. Reminds me of NRC - he's good at pressing, tackling and winning the ball but his poor technique fails him and he can hardly pass the ball 5 yards away, so even if he wins the ball he'd more often than not lose it within seconds. Can't fault his energy and determination though but in order to progress we'd need players who can do more.
  12. As long as they don't change the club name and colours, then I'd be fine with it. They can have their logo on the shirts, all over the ground, even in the toilets if they want, do not care. Not that it's going to happen, mind.
  13. Oh noes we've destroyed the soul of football by raiding Sheffiled United, Crewe and Chesterfield. Truth is Bowery's at Villa out of pure greed, instead of playing 90 minutes each weekend in division 10 or something. Yea right.
  14. 65K per week back on the books for next season it seems
  15. Well let's hope he'll be gone soon.
  16. Dunno, it would ruin the final as I'd expect Man city to smash them to pieces. Also, they'd get a Europa League spot too wouldn't they (Sunderland)? You're saying it as if it's a good thing. Poisoned chalice tournament.
  17. Meh, we don't need him anyway. [/sour grapes]
  18. Hope West Ham, Baggies and Norwich go down.
  19. ^ Totally this. Don't care if a player is late sometimes, such things happen to anyone, they should accept the fine and shut their mouths, family memebers as well. The bigger problem is that apart from a 10-15 games patch from the second half of last season, he's been very poor IMO.
  20. I think it's good deal for everyone involved. Both West Brom and Everton will be quite happy with the fees, whereas Hull, apparently having a few quid burning a hole in their pockets have acquired two very decent Premier league players for positions they desperately need improvement on. They could hardly attract higher caliber players, so even if they've overpaid a bit, it's still good business for them IMO. Definitely improved.
  21. You could add King Kenny's 50 mil cock-up with Downing and Carroll, but reality is that some clubs and some managers can afford to do it. That is, the clubs have a financial plan that they follow and even if they misjudge some of the singings and wages, they could still take it on the chin and continue following their plan. With Villa, it apparently was impossible - they either didn't have a plan at all, or it wasn't a good one, as it forced them to sway massively from one end to the other long after MON was gone and they supposedly had learnt. They hadn't. Problem is, there is nothing to suggest that they currently have a good plan. Yes, they're cutting the wage bill and not spending too much on players, but is it because there is a good financial plan for the club to improve on and off the field in the future? I'm not so sure.
  22. He speaks good English, just chooses not to speak to the media in English in case he says the wrong thing! Can you blame him? Lambert certainly wouldn't.
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