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Everything posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. Only seen him twice and he was woeful, but I guess most of the fee is cause of 'potential'. Needs to hit the gym hard.
  2. Rust being involved would be a bit of a letdown for everyone, surely. Marty is unlikely to be but you'd have to wonder why he's so defensive of Rust when interrogated in 2012 after their supposed major bust up. I believe it's not a single killer. A lot of people are involved in the cult. I think Maggie, her daughters and her parents are very much in it. Problem with a series like this is that people get a lot of time between episodes to discuss and provide many theories. Eventually some will get some things right and it could ruin it for people reading them, unless there's some really original ending they've come up with, which is unlikely. I believe these types of Edgar Allan Poe -like stories should be done in a single film so people won't have months to speculate. Guess the best choice is to avoid reading all the theories and simply enjoy the show but some people can't help it - it's part of the fun.
  3. big difference in skill level though, Adebayor is lazy while Hutton is just poor Agreed. But also big difference in expectations - Adebayor has had to step in for a 26 million striker and Hutton would only need to cover for a makeshift right back when he's needed to be moved into midfield, so that we're not forced to play a sunday league footballer there.
  4. Exactly! Ep6 serves as a stage setter but it also gives a lot of clues.
  5. Of course he's a bullshitter, he's just scared to put the blame on the players publicly because he knows it'll be seen as throwing them under the bus and we all know he's not the type to admit to making mistakes himself. He sees the same bullshit on the pitch that 99% of Villa fans see but he's just got to answer dumb questions to the press making the least possible fuss.
  6. This! Don't get what's with the toughest job thing. Moyes's job is tougher. Sherwood's job is tougher. Martinez's job is tougher ( and he's done great having 15+ million negative net spend and doing better than Moyes did last season ), Pulis's job is tougher, Potato Head's job is tougher, all of the new managers who haven't had the chance to get their players have a tougher job too.
  7. Milner was sold 2 months before Houllier took charge and Young a month after he was gone. Can't see how these deals were under Houller at all tbh. Houllier bought Bent, Makoun, Bradley and Walker and got rid of Davies only in his one and only tranfer window.
  8. Under Houllier? Are you having a laugh?
  9. Lowton certainly had a few good games last season, especially the Sunderland game, but none of these were because of his defensive prowess. He was being caught out of position consistently and couldn't recover due to his lack of pace. Basically, IMO defensively he's been exactly the same this season - well below average. His strength last season were games where he was good going forward and providing crosses and the much needed width in general that we've lacked this season. Besides, he's not good enough to afford having off the field issues. Definitely prefer Bacuna at RB until the end of the season, and hopefully a new RB in the summer.
  10. Wish Villa had a tenth of Barca's off the ball movement
  11. Very dumb and unexpected from such an experienced player, though IMO it was just outside, not a penalty.
  12. Maybe. Or maybe that was only because both Clark and Baker got injured.
  13. First of all they shouldn't have taken Ireland from Man City, just cash, then they should have hired a somewhat competent manager who wouldn't drag a 6th placed team into a relegation fight and wouldn't have needed 30 million to get them out of it. They should have then tried to get rid of all saleable assets on contracts they did not see fitting with their new financial constraints. In the cases that there would be no interest they should have used these players in the squad until their contracts would expire, instead of adding new atrocious contracts, i.e. Hutton, Given, Zoggy. Finally, they should have used part of the money from the sales of Milner, Young and Downing to start gradually the transformation of the club into Wigan.
  14. Of course the most important thing is the quality of the players but you'd be wrong if you think this is not considered by managers. You might want a word with our current one : Lambert : "His absence ( Vlaar ) affects things because of the balance. We have two left footers playing at centre-half which is not ideal."
  15. You would think so, but every single time Okore and Vlaar have played together it was Vlaar moving to the left, not Okore.
  16. Next up in the line of genious tactical moves : Bacuna - Vlaar - Baker - Clark - Bertrand Lowton Bennet Andi - Benteke - Gabby
  17. I'm not convinced Lambert's vision long term is having Okore next to Vlaar, as both of them are natural right sided CDs and have always played in this position to my knowledge. I'm not sure moving Vlaar to the left in order to accommodate Okore would make us that much better.
  18. Cardiff are so going down. They looked much better with Malky at the helm. Good point and a better performance than the usual crap.
  19. His football is inconsistent, we show glimpses of being great and then long spells of being poor. 'Inconsistent' flatters us. Between Liverpool at home in August and Liverpool away in January we've been pretty consistent. "his football is awful" - that is an overreaction. We are in a better position in the table than last year. Which is why I said his football is awful. His results are below average which is better than awful.
  20. His football is inconsistent, we show glimpses of being great and then long spells of being poor. 'Inconsistent' flatters us. Between Liverpool at home in August and Liverpool away in January we've been pretty consistent.
  21. How much money do you think he'd need to make us a top 10 side? How about top 6? Top 4? It's not just the money he has had to spend though - his football is awful and most of the players he has bought haven't improved at all, in fact a lot have gone backwards. I understand that a manager should be given time but he has shown very little so far to convince people he's steering the team in the right direction.
  22. Mourinho's not used to not having the most expensively assembled team in the league and besides he thinks he can troll everyone with his mind games like Alex ferguson used to, but he's nowhere near as good at it, so it just sounds like a hypocritical drivel to most neutrals.
  23. How QPR aren't walking that league by at least a 10 point margin is beyond me. Their squad is ridiculous for the Championship. They probably pay more wages than half the Premier league teams.
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