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Everything posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. Very much this! Brad is a good shot stopper and has really improved on the high balls, however, he tends to be way too quick coming off his line in a bit of a helter skelter manner and despite the fact that you could hardly critisize a keeper for not saving a one on one chance, I can think of two goals he could have prevented had he decided to be more in control when going off the line - Liverpool's penalty and Fulham's first goal ( Sidwell ) - especially that one.
  2. Trying to play a very high defensive line with the likes of Clark, Baker and Lowton was really amusing. Tactical mastermind. And people laughed at AVB. Playing a high line is fine if they know how to play it unfortunately they don't. True. They can't play it and they don't have the personnel to do it. Guess Lambert was really afraid of Cole winning it in the air and putting it on Nolan's head to score from close range. Next up in the tactically genious moves we could probably expect to see a high line of 5 at the back...
  3. Trying to play a very high defensive line with the likes of Clark, Baker and Lowton was really amusing. Tactical mastermind. And people laughed at AVB.
  4. This is very true. Watching games between the lower midtable teams must be soul destroying for a neutral football fan. The game between Villa and WHam, for example, was atrocious, poor ball! Not sure you could even call that football. Certainly not out of place for a Championship, or League 1 game if you didn't know the teams.
  5. What does he exactly 'effectively' do?? He does a pretty effective impersonation of Bowery - 0 shots on goal.
  6. Until you compare that number to McLeish's season...
  7. Why? He looks like someone who could keep us in the Premier League on the cheap in a sort of Wigan-like model. Then, eventually, if a new owner comes in they're very likely to want their own manager so Lambert would get a good payoff. Win-win for him and Lerner.
  8. No he's not. He's a poor manager, but no need to go that far and start personal abusing.
  9. Fat Sam teaching him a lesson today.
  10. Can almost see their defence shaping up for next season : Coleman - Jones - Jagielka - Baines
  11. Very much this ^. It's not like we have players of this quality in our academy and just decide it's too risky to play them in the Premier League because it's Aston Villa and not Arsenal. Bullshite. Southampton are playing their kids and are doing just fine with them.
  12. Unlikely. However, people would suggest other managers are capable of having the same results with better football on display. So is Lambert as was shown at the end of last season and in flashes this season. Why he has us playing like he is now baffles me. At the end of a season and in flashes of another season isn't good enough for some people, who would like to see some good football more often than in flashes.
  13. Unlikely. However, people would suggest other managers are capable of having the same results with better football on display.
  14. Frank Lampard? Juninho?
  15. TRO, 4-2-3-1 could be good for Villa but we'd need 2 new DMs and 3 new AMs.
  16. The_Rev is correct about the stupid Europa league. Swansea have played 11 or 12 more official games this season than Villa. That's huge, they don't have the squad for it and were always going to suffer, just like Newcastle did last season and just like Everton will likely do next season. The financial rewards of the competition aren't nearly enough to compensate for the cost of assembling a squad that can cope with the schedule.
  17. Really not true. No one likes McLeish and his football but that's simply not true.
  18. Following him out was fine but he then stops and lets him run into the gap he just left without being tracked. Surely if he's going to move out then he's got to move back as well. No - if he moves out to close down someone else should cover him. No one did. Besides it shouldn't have been any of the CB's job to close down Pienaar - it should have been some of the midfielders.
  19. Don't think many here see Vlaar as top 6 quality, but he has shown to be very good for a team battling relegation and definitely much better than Clark and Baker. then again i do think currently Vlaar is better than Vermaelen, Toure, Skrtel, Dawson, Evans, Ferdinand, Jones, Smalling and Demichelis to name a few at top 6 or 7 clubs Then I guess these teams will be offering us great sums of money in the summer for Vlaar. I bet lambert can't wait to add to his transfer kitty.
  20. The first one is wishful thinking - nothing to suggest it'll be like that. Second one doesn't make sense - new owners come with a manager of their choice 90+% of the time and Lambert is no fool to buy into that.
  21. Don't think many here see Vlaar as top 6 quality, but he has shown to be very good for a team battling relegation and definitely much better than Clark and Baker.
  22. That was an extremely poor bench for us today. There were no game changers on it. I think more frightening that that though is that it isn't because we have 4 or 5 injuries. The only players out that regularly feature are Gabby and Kozak. Gabby to me is our most important player away from home. You take his pace out the team and the outlet it provides and we have nothing and offer absolutely no threat. Shows how painfully weak our squad is though that when Vlaar is out the defence looks poor, when Gabby or Benteke are out the attack looks poor and take Delph out and an already poor midfield and it becomes dire. Which is exactly why i'm dissappointed why we didn't bring in better in the transfer window. Need to clear something up BJ. Were you happy or disappointed by the transfer window? Haha you know i was worried my opinion wouldn't be clear. I'll have to start making my point better. Hmmm so still avoiding the answer huh...
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